Perbandingan derajat/ Degress Compaarisson for class VII Junior High School

Degress Compaarisson
Source: English Teacher Ms. Lilik, class 8th)
  1. Key word: tall
Ø  Tall (tengah= selalu pakai than [comperative]), taller (paling=selalu pakai the [siperative]), tallest
a)      Bandoro is tall
b)      Galang is taller than Bandoro
c)      Gedeon is the tallest of them (Bandoro & Galang)
  1. Jika lebih dari 2 >
Key word: expensive- more expensive-most expensive
a)      My shirt is expensive
b)      My shirt is more expensive than your shirt
c)      My shirt the most expensive of use
  1. Exception (Perkecualian)
Key Word 1: Good, Better, Best
Key Word 2: Bad, Worse, Worst

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