(sumber: Ali, Nur. Modul Bahan Ajar Sosiologi.MGMP Gandini:Ponorogo)
I. Pengaruh Positif
I. Positive influence
(sumber: Ali, Nur. Modul Bahan Ajar Sosiologi.MGMP Gandini:Ponorogo)
I. Pengaruh Positif
BIDANG POLITIK Dapat menimbulkan integrasi nasional yang berdirikan Bhineka Tunggal Ika |
BIDANG EKONOMI Dapat menjadi asset nasional yang mendatangkan devisa Negara yang besar dan sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kesejateraan rakyat |
BIDANG SOSIAL Dapat menjadi sarana untuk memajukan pergaulan antar kelompok sosialis dan suku bangsa melalui pertukaran pelajar |
BIDANG PARIWISATA Menimbulkan daya tarik bagi wisatawan mancanegara |
BIDANG BUDAYA Dapat memperkaya khasanah kebudayaan bangsa |
BIDANG INOVASI Dapat menjadi sumber motivasi dan inspirasi bagi masing-masing daerah atau suku bangsa untuk lebih memajukan daerahnya. |
II. Pengaruh Negatif
1. Konflik Bersifat Ideologis, tipe konflik social yang berlatar belakang pembagian system nilai yang dianut dan dijadikan ideology dari berbagai kesatuan social.
2. Konflik Bersifat Politis, tipe konflik social yang berlatar belakang pembagian status kekuasan dan sumber-sumber ekonomi yang terbatas adanya dalam masyarakat.
· Menurut Koentjaraningrat, di dunia hanya 12 negara yang memiliki etnis homogeny( moro etnis), yakni:
Austria | Eslandia |
Jepang | Norwegia |
Denmark | Belanda |
Botswana | Maroko |
Jerman | Swaziland |
Somalia | Portugal |
· Berdasarkan Negara multi etnik lebih cenderung mengalami konflik yang tidak ada habisnya, seperti India, bekas Yugoslavia, bekas Belgia, Nigeria, Malaysia, dan lain-lain.
· Indonesia sebagai Negara majemuk tidak lepas dari konflik yang cenderung berhubungan dengan Suku, Agama, Ras, Adat Istiadat. Seperti:
1. Pemberontakan Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) Madiun 1948 dan Gerakan 30 September/ Partai Komunis Indonesia (G30S/PKI) 1965.
2. Pemberontakan Darul Islam Indonesia (DII)/ TII di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Sulawesi Selatan, Aceh, dan Kalimantan Selatan.
3. Pemberontakan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) dan Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM).
4. Konflik Sambas, konflik Sampit (Suku Dayak melawan transmigran Suku Madura di Kalimantan), Konflik Ambon (Konflik agama), Konflik Kupang, Konflik Poso, dan lain-lain.
1. Faktor Penyebab Kelompok Sosial Menjadi Agresif
Menurut Soerjono Soekanto bahwa suatu kelompok social menjadi agresif terhadap kelompok lain karena disebabkan oleh: frustasi dalam jangka waktu lama, tersinggung, merasa dirugikan, adanya ancaman dari luar terhadap eksistensi kelompok tersebut, diperlakukan tidak adil, dan merasa terhina dalam hal-hal yang sensitive.
2. Faktor penyebab Terjadinya Konflik Antar Kelompok Sosial
a) Misalnya perbedaan antara anggota-anggota kelompok social baik secara fisik maupun mental, misalnya perbedaan kemampuan, pendirian, dan perasaan.
b) Adanya perbedaan pola kebudayaan, seperti perbedaan unsure-unsur kebudayaan, adat istiadat, pandangan hidup, keperceyaan dan sebagainya.
c) Adanya perbedaan kepentingan antar kelompok social, seperti kepentingan dalam bidang ekonomi, politik, social, budaya, dan agama.
d) Adanya perbedaaan mayoritas dengan minoritas yang dapat menimbulkan kesenjangan social, misalnya perbedaan keturunan warga Cina yang minoritas dengan warga pribumi yang mayoritas.
III. Bentuk-bentuk Konflik Antar Sosial
Konflik Ambon | Konflik Suku Dayak melawan Suku Madura di Sambas (Konflik Sambas) | Keturunan warga pribumi dengan warga keturunan China | Konflik perebutan batas desa |
Konflik Kupang | Konflik Suku Dayak melawan Suku Madura di Sampit (Konflik Sampit) | Konflik antar partai politik | |
Konflik Poso | Konflik antar Mahasiswa | ||
Konflik antar pelajar |
C. ALTERNATIF PEMECAHAN MASALAH yang Timbul dalam Masyarakat Multikultural
I. Integrasi Sosial dalam Masyarakat Multikultural
a) Pengertian Intergrasi Sosial, menurut Abdul Syabu, integrasi social adalah menghubungkan individu dengan individu yang lainnya sehingga terbentuk menjadi masyarakat; Menurut Festiger, integrasi social terjadi apabila keseluruhan anggota dalam suatu kelompok berkemauan untuk tetap dalam kelompoknya, seolah-olah satu sama lain saling terkait; Menurut Soerjono Soekanto, integrasi (penggabungan) adalah pengendalian terhadap konflik dan penyimpangan dalam suatu system social, membuat suatu keseluruhan dari unsure-unsur tertentu.
b) Teori integritas Sosial, Teori Konflik (Menurut Karl Mark) yakni setiap masyarakat selalu berada dalam ketegangan dan konflik, oleh karena itu agar terjadi integrasi maka perlu dilakukan tekanan oleh pihak satu kepada pihak yang lainnya; Teori Fungsional (Menurut Kingley Davis dan Wilbert More) yakni setiap masyarakat selalu stabil dan relative terintegrasi oleh karena itu agar tetap terintegrasi maka diperlukan adanya consensus antar anggota-anggotanya.
c) Tipe dan bentuk Integrasi Sosial, 1) Integrasi Fungsional:proses penyesuaian antara anggota-anggota dalam suatu kelompok atau antara kelompok yang satu dengan kelompok yang lain dalam suatu masyarakat atas dasar fungsi aktivitas individu atau kelompok yang saling melengkapi satu sama lain.2) Integrasi Normatif: proses penyesuaian antara anggota-anggota dalam satu kelompok atau antara kelompok yang satu dengan yang lain dalam suatu masyarakat atas dasar norma-norma tertentu.
· Bentuk Integrasi dalam Kehidupan Masyarakat Multikultural
Menurut Soerjono Soekanto menyebutkan:
a) Integrasi Internal, yakni proses integrasi dengan cara menyatukan anggota-anggota dalam satu kelompok.
b) Integrasi Eksternal, yaitu proses integrasi dengan cara menyatukan berbagai macam kelompok ke dalan suatu kelompok yang lebih besar atau suatu masyarakat. Misalnya: Organisasi kecil ke organisasi Besar.
c) Integrasi Vertikal, yaitu proses integrasi dengan cara melakukan pengendalian tunggal terhadap beraneka ragam individu atau kelompok-kelompok yang memiliki perbedaan-perbedaan.
d) Integrasi Horizontal, yaitu proses integrasi dengan cara melakukan pengendalian tunggal terhadap beraneka ragam individu atau kelompok yang memiliki persamaan- persamaan. Misalnya: Kelompok pelajar dan kelompok seni.
a) Integrasi Instrumental, yaitu integrasi yang tampak secara visual (tampak) dari adanya ikatan-ikatan social di antaranya individu-individu di dalam masyarakat. Integrasi instrumental memiliki ciri- cirri sebagai berikut:
1) Adanya norma atau kepentingan tertentu sebagai pengikat.
2) Adanya keseragaman aktifitas keseharian.
3) Adanya keseragaman pakaian
4) Adanya tujuan tertentu yang disesuaikan dengan kepentingan kelompok
b) Integrasi Ideologis, yaitu integrasi yang terbentuk karena adanya ikatan spiritual (Odeologis) yang kuat dan mendasar melalui proses alamiah tanpa adanya suatu ikatan tertentu. Memiliki cirri-ciri:
1) Adanya persamaan nilai-nilai yang mendasar yang terbentuk atas kehendak sendiri.
2) Adanya persamaan persepsi
3) Adanya persamaan orientasi kerja diantara anggota-anggotanya
4) Adanya tujuan yang sama
c) Integrasi aspek fisik, psikis, hubungan social dan proses
a) Aspek Fisik, dilihat dari aspek fisik atau wadahnya, integrasi social bisa berbentuk organisasi atau paguyuban.
b) Aspek Psikis,ditandai dengan adanya kesadaran diri dari setiap orang yang menyatukan diri dalam suatu wadah tertentu sehingga mereka menjadi bagian yang utuh, merasa memiliki, dan mempunyai tanggung jawab dalam kehidupan bersama.
c) Aspek Hubungan Sosial, integrasi social bukan hanya ditandai dari intensitas (khusus) dalam berkomunikasi tetapi intensitas dalam bekerja sama dan bergotong royong untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah guna memenuhi kebutuhan bersama.
d) Aspek Proses, integrasi social tidak dapat terjadi seketika tetapi melalui proses panjang dan rumut karean membutuhkan waktu dan prosedur tertentu.
d) Tahapan-tahapan Integrasi Sosial
1. Tahap Akomodasi, yakni cara penyesuaian untuk mengatasi konflik. Tujuan akomodasi yakni
a) Mengurangi pertentangan yang terjadi antar individu atau kelompok.
b) Mencegah meledaknya suatu pertentangan untuk sementara waktu, misalnya: penundaan kenaikan Bahan Bakar Minyak.
c) Mencari kemungkinan kerjasama antar individu atau kelompok yang bertikai
d) Mengusahakan peleburan antara kelompok yang terpisah
2. Tahap Kerjasama, yakni usaha dari dua orang atau lebih atau kelompok dengan kelompok lainnya dalam rangka untuk mencapai tujuan bersama. Kerjasama disebabkan oleh:
a) Adanya kepentingan minat dan perhatian sama
b) Adanya kewajiban situasional (mempunyai hak dan kewajiban yang sama di antara anggota)
c) Adanya motif-motif untuk menolong orang lain.
d) Keinginan untuk mencapai nilai atau hasil yang lebih besar
e) Adanya musuh bersama.
I. Dilihat dari Sifatnya, kerjasama dibedakan menjadi:
a) Kerjasama primer, yakni kerjasama pokok, misalnya: koperasi, untuk mensejahterakan anggotanya.
b) Kerjasama sekunder, yakni kerjasama luar pokok, misalnya: koperasi, untuk kepentingan keuntungan.
II. Dilihat Jenisnya, kerjasama dibedakan menjadi:
a) Kerukunan
b) Tawar menawar (Bargaining), yakni saling memberikan usul terhadap organisasi tersebut.
c) Kooptasi (Cooptation), yakni kerjasama dalam bentuk mau menerima pendapat dan ide orang atau kelompok lain.
d) Koalisi (Coalition), yakni kerjasama
e) Patungan (joint venture), yakni cenderung ke modal.
3. Tahap Koordinasi, yakni pengaturan secara sentral untuk mencapai integrasi dengan mempersatukan individu maupun kelompok agar tercapai keseimbangan dan keselarasan hubungan.
4. Tahap Asimilasi, yakni proses social taraf lanjut untuk bersatu di dalam berbagai perbedaan boding ekonomi, social, dan budaya. Asimilasi meliputi usaha mempertinggi kesatuan tindakan sikap dan proses mental dengan memperhatikan kepentingan dan tujuan bersama.
e) Faktor yang Mempengaruhi integrasi antar Kelompok Sosial
1. Homogenitas kelompok, yakni semakin kecil tingkat kemajemukan masyarakat akan semakin mudah tercapainya integrasi
2. Besar kecilnya kelompok, yakni semakin kecil suatu kelompok akan semakin mudah untuk mencapai integrasi.
3. Perpindahan fisik, baik yang datang maupun yang keluar dari suatu kelompok akan mempengaruhi terjadinya integrasi.
4. Efektivitas dan efisiensi komunikasi, adanya komunikasi yang efektif dan efisien dalam masyarakat akan memudahkan terjadinya integrasi.
f) Faktor Pendorong Integrasi antar Kelompok Sosial
1. Faktor internal, yakni factor pendorong yang berasal dalam kelompok. Faktornya:
a) Kesadaran diri sebagai makhluk social yaitu makhluk yang selalu hidup bersama
b) Tuntutan kebutuhan yang semakin meningkat
c) Jiwa dan semangat gotong royong
2. Faktor Eksternal, yakni factor pendorong yang berasal dari luar kelompok. Faktornya:
a) Tuntutan perkembangan jaman
b) Persamaan kebudayaan
c) Terbukanya kesempatan
d) Persamaan visi, misi, dan tujuan
e) Sikap menghargai atau toleransi terhadap kelompok lain
f) Adanya consensus nilai-nilai antar kelompok social
g) Adanya tantangan dari luar
g) Faktor Pendukung Integrasi antar Kelompok Sosial, untuk bangsa Indonesia factor pendukungnya yakni:
1. Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia
2. Semangat persatuan dan kesatuan
3. Ideologi Pancasila
4. Jiwa dan semangat gotong royong, toleransi beragama, solidaritas
5. Senasib akibat penjajahan
h) Keberhasilan Integrasi antar Kelompok Sosial
1. Setiap anggota masyarakt dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pokoknya
2. Telah dicapai consensus (perjanjian) bersama mengenai nilai norma dasar
3. Nilai atau norma tersebut telah hidup dan berkembang dalam waktu yang lama dan konsisten
4. Nilai atau norma tersebut diamalkan dan dijadikan pedoman
5. Individu atau kelompok saling menyesuaikan diri satu sama lain.
6. Selalu menempatkan persatuan dan kesatuan serta keselamatan kelompok di atas kepentingan pribadi.
III. Berbagai Alternatif Pemecahan Masalah dalam Masyarakat Multikultural
1. Pendapat Myron Weiner, yakni:
a) Integrasi Bangsa
1) Pengembangan potensi nasional melalui penghapus sifat-sifat cultural utama dari suku-suku bangsa yang berbeda menjadi semacam penciptaan kebudayaan nasional; biasanya kebudayaan dari kelompok budaya yang dominan melalui proses asimilasi.
2) Pengembangan potensi local melalui penciptaan kesetiaan nasional tanpa menghapus kebudayaan-kebudayaan kecil (suku bangsa), yaitu disebut “Kebijakan Bhineka Tunggal Ika”, yang secara politis ditandai dengan penjumlahan etnis.
· Dalam prakteknya kedua strategi jarang dilakukan namun lebih cenderung mencampurkan beberapa unsure dari kedua strategi.
b) Integrasi Wilayah, lebih dahulu dilaksanakan adalah pembangunan Negara (state building) dan baru kemudian melaksanakan pembangunan bangsa (nation building), yakni:
1) Pemerintah pusat mampu melaksanan control terhadap penguasa daerah yang lebih rendah.
2) Penciptaan Undang-undang yang seragam
3) Pengembangan transportasi dan komunikasi
c) Integrasi Nilai, berarti harus ada pengakuan akan adanya prosedur yang dapat diterima oleh semua pihak guna memecahkan konflik yang ada. Dua strategi tersebut antara lain:
1) Strategi yang menekankan pentingnya consensus (perjanjian) dan memusatkan perhatian pada usaha pencitpaan keseragaman semaksimal mungkin
2) Strategi yang menekankan interaksi antara kepentingan kelompok dengan kepentingan pribadi.
d) Integrasi Elite- Massa (Elite= pemerintah; Massa= yang diperintah)
Demokrasi tidak ada permusyawarahan rakyat yang besar dan kuat sehingga kekuasaan tidak dibutuhkan lagi. Daam Negara totaliter tidak ada pemerintah yang kkuat dan kompak. Sehingga pemerintah harus “consent” terhadap wewenang yang diberikan rakyat melalui DPR/ MPR, sedangkan rakyat harus berpatisipasi aktif.
2. Pendapat Spethen Moris, masyarakat multicultural harus dilakukan melalui integrasi kegiatan ekonomi.
3. Pendapat Syamour Martin Lipset dan Lewis Coser, integrasi masyarakat multicultural biasanya terjadi melalui proses penyilangan keanggotaan warga masyarakat dalam berbagai kelompok yang berbeda-beda.
4. Pendapat Niniek Sri Wahyuning dan Yusniati
Pontensi local yang perlu dikembangkan, antara lain:
a) Melestarikan nilai budaya gotong royong dan sifatnya kekeluargaan
b) Mengembangkan nilai budaya musyawarah
c) Memupuk sikap toleransi dan tenggang rasa
Potensi nasional yang perlu dikembangkan, antara lain:
a) Memberi kesadaran akan adanya unsure kesamaan kebudayaan
b) Perlunya penghayatan dan pengalaman Pancasila
c) Membina persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa
d) Memupuk perasaan senasib dan sepenanggungan
e) Konsisten terhadap consensus (perjanjian) yang telah ditetapkan
IV. Pengembangan Sikap Kritis, Sikap Toleransi, dan Empati Sosial dalam Kehidupan Masyarakat Multikultural
1. Sikap Kritis, yakni perbuatan yang didasarkan pada pendirian (pendapat atau keyakinan). Bersifat selalu berusaha menemukan kesalahan atau kekeliruan atau tajam dalam penganalisaan.
2. Sikap Toleransi, yakni sikap menghargai pendirian, pendapat, pandangan, kepercayaan, kebiasaan orang lain yang berbeda dengan diri sendiri.
3. Sikap Empati, yakni keadaan mental yang membuat seseorang merasa atau mengidentifikasikan dirinya dengan pihak lain atau kelompok lain.
IN ENGLISH(With google translate Indonesian-English)
(Source: Ali, Nur. Modul Bahan Ajar Sosiologi.MGMP Gandini:Ponorogo)I. Positive influence
Can lead to national integration Stand Unity in Diversity
Can be a national asset of the country bring in foreign exchange while increasing people's welfare
Can be a means to advance the association between the socialist and ethnic groups through student exchange
Cause an attraction for foreign tourists
Can enrich the national culture
Can be a source of motivation and inspiration for each region or ethnic group to further develop the region.
II. Negative Influence1. Ideological conflict Characteristically, this type of social conflict that background distribution system shared values and ideology made from a variety of social unity.
2. Political conflict, social conflict type of background distribution of power status and economic resources are limited presence in the community.
· According to Koentjaraningrat, the world's only 12 countries have ethnically homogeneous (ethnically moro), namely:
C. ALTERNATIVE RESOLUTION Arising in a Multicultural Society
· According to Koentjaraningrat, the world's only 12 countries have ethnically homogeneous (ethnically moro), namely:
- Austria
- Iceland
- Japan
- Norway
- Denmark
- Netherlands
- Botswana
- Morocco
- German
- Swaziland
- Somalia
- Portugal
B. LIFE IN THE CASE multicultural societyA. The Causes of Social Being Aggressive
According Soerjono Soekanto that a social group to be aggressive towards other groups because it is caused by: frustrated in the long term, irritability, feeling aggrieved, the existence of an external threat to the existence of the group, unfairly treated, and humiliated in sensitive matters.
2. Factors causing the occurrence of the Conflict Between Social Groups
a) For example, differences between members of social groups, both physically and mentally, for example, differences in ability, establishment, and feelings.
b) The existence of differences in cultural patterns, such as different elements of culture, customs, way of life, keperceyaan and so on.
c) The difference of interests between social groups, such as interest in the economic, political, social, cultural, and religious.
d) The existence of differences in the majority of the minority that can lead to social inequalities, such as the differences of Chinese descent are a minority with a majority indigenous people.
III. The forms of Conflict Between Social
Ambon conflict | Dayak tribe against tribe conflict Madurese in Sambas (Conflict Sambas) | Descendants of the indigenous people of Chinese descent | Conflict seizure of the village boundary |
Conflict Kupang |
| Conflict between political parties | |
Poso conflict | Conflict between Students | ||
Conflicts between pupil |
C. ALTERNATIVE RESOLUTION Arising in a Multicultural Society
I. Social Integration in a Multicultural Society
a) Definition of Social Integration,
according to Abdul Syabu, social integration is to connect the individual with other individuals to form a community;
According Festiger, social integration occurs when all members of a group willing to remain in the group, as if linked to each other ;
According Soerjono Soekanto, integration (merging) is the control of conflicts and irregularities in a social system, making a total of certain elements.
according to Abdul Syabu, social integration is to connect the individual with other individuals to form a community;
According Festiger, social integration occurs when all members of a group willing to remain in the group, as if linked to each other ;
According Soerjono Soekanto, integration (merging) is the control of conflicts and irregularities in a social system, making a total of certain elements.
b) the integrity of Social Theory, Conflict Theory (By Karl Mark) that every society is always in tension and conflict, therefore it is necessary to enable the integration carried out by the pressure of one to the other party; Functional Theory (According to Davis and Kingley Wilbert More ) that every society is always stable and therefore the relative integrated in order to remain integrated it is necessary consensus among its members.
c) The type and form of Social Integration,
1) Functional integration: the adjustment process between the members of a group or between one group with another group in a society on the basis of the function of individual or group activities that complement each lain.
2) Normative Integration: the process of adjustment among the members in one group or between groups with each other in a society on the basis of norms.
• Forms of Integration in Multicultural Community Lifea) INTEGRATION OF INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
According Soerjono Soekanto said:
a) Internal integration, the integration process in a way to unite the members in one group.
b) External Integration, namely the integration process by bringing together various groups to the role in a larger group or a society. For example: For small organizations to large organizations.
c) Vertical Integration, namely the integration process by means of a single control for a wide range of individuals or groups who have differences.
d) Horizontal Integration, namely the integration process by means of a single control for a wide range of individuals or groups that have similarities. For example: The group of students and art groups.
b) Integration and ideological INSTUMENTAL
a) Instrumental Integration, namely the integration of the visually perceptible (visible) of the existence of social ties among individuals in society. Instrumental integration possess the following traits:
1) The existence of a norm or a specific interest as a binder.
2) The uniformity of daily activities.
3) The existence of uniform clothing
4) The existence of specific objectives that are tailored to the interests of the
b) Integration of Ideological, which is formed due to the integration of spiritual bond (Odeologis) a strong and fundamental natural process in the absence of a particular bond. Has all the characteristics:
1) The equation of the fundamental values that is formed by the will of its own.
2) The common perception
3) The equation of work orientation among its members
4) The existence of a common goalc) Integration of physical, psychological, social relationships and processes
a) Physical Aspects, judging from the physical aspect or container, may take the form of social integration or community organization.
b) Aspects of the Psychic, characterized by the presence of self-consciousness of every person who unite themselves in a certain place so that they become an integral part, was to have, and have responsibilities in life together.
c) Aspects of Social Relations, social integration is not only characterized from the intensity of the (special) but the intensity of communication in working together and worked together to solve problems in order to meet shared needs.
d) Aspects of process, social integration can not occur instantaneously but through a long process and takes time and rumut karean certain procedures.d) Stages of Social Integration
A. Accommodations stage, the adjustment means of resolving conflicts. Purpose of the accommodation
a) Reducing the conflict that occurs between individuals or groups.
b) Prevent the explosion of a conflict for a while, for example: Fuel rise delay.
c) Looking for the possibility of cooperation between individuals or groups in conflictd) To undertake a fusion between separate groups
2. Cooperation phase, the efforts of two or more people or groups with other groups in order to achieve common goals. Cooperation is caused by:
a) The interests of the same interests and concerns
b) The obligation of situational (having the same rights and obligations among members)
c) The existence of the motives for helping others.
d) The desire to reach a value or greater resultse)
The existence of a common enemy.
I. Judging from the nature, cooperation can be divided into:
a) Cooperation primer, which is the subject of cooperation, such as cooperatives, for the welfare of its members.
b) Cooperation secondary, ie, beyond basic co-operation, for example: cooperatives, for the sake of profit.
II. Kind visits, cooperation can be divided into:
a) Harmony
b) Bargaining , which give each proposal to the organization.
c) co-optation , namely cooperation in the form of opinions and ideas willing to accept another person or group.
d) Coalition , the cooperatione) Joint venture (joint venture), which tends to the capital.
3. Coordination phase, the central setting to achieve integration by bringing individuals and groups in order to achieve balance and harmony of relationships.
4. Assimilation stage, the advanced level of social processes to unite in a variety boding differences in economic, social, and cultural. Assimilation actions include efforts to enhance the unity of attitudes and mental processes by taking into account the interests and common goals.
e) Factors Affecting the integration between Social Groups
A. Homogeneity of the group, ie the smaller the level of diversity of the community will be more easy to achieve integration
2. The size of these groups, the smaller the group the easier it is to achieve integration.
3. Physical displacement, and the good that comes out of a group will affect the integration.
4. Effectiveness and efficiency of communication, effective communication and efficient in the community will facilitate the integration.
f) Driving Factors Integration between Social Groups
1. Internal factors, namely the driving factor which originated in the group. Factor:
a) Awareness of ourselves as social beings are creatures who have always lived together
b) demand the increasing demands
c) The soul and the spirit of mutual cooperation
2. External factors, namely the driving factor that comes from outside the group.Factor:
a) Demands changing times
b) The equation of culture
c) Opening up opportunities
d) The equation of the vision, mission and goals
e) The attitude of respect or tolerance for other groups
f) There was consensus among the values of social groups
g) The challenges of the outsideg) Factors Supporting Integration between social groups, for supporting the Indonesia factor that is:
1 The use of Indonesian
2. Spirit of unity and oneness
3. Ideology of Pancasila
4. The soul and the spirit of mutual cooperation, religious tolerance, solidarity
5. Kinship from an occupation
h) The successful integration between Social Groups
1. Each member masyarakt can meet their basic needs
2. Has achieved consensus (agreement) with the value of the basic norms
3. Values or norms have been alive and thriving in a long time and consistent
4. Values or norms are practiced and used as a guideline
5. Individuals or groups of mutually adjust to one another.
6. Always put the unity and integrity and safety of the group ahead of personal interests.
III. Various Alternative Problem Solving in a Multicultural Society
1. Myron Weiner opinion, namely:
a) Integration of the Nation
1) Development of national potential through the eraser main cultural traits of ethnic groups and different kind of creation of a national culture; usually culture of the dominant culture through the assimilation process.
2) The development of local potential through the creation of national loyalty without removing small cultures (tribes), which is called "Unity in Diversity Policies", who is politically marked by ethnic sum.• In practice, both strategies are rare but are more likely to mix some elements of both strategies.
b) Regional Integration, first implemented is the construction of the State (state building) and then carry out nation-building (nation building), namely:
1) The central government is able melaksanan control of the lower authorities.
2) Creation of a uniform law
3) Development of transport and communicationc) Integration of value, meaning there should be recognition of a procedure that is acceptable to all parties to resolve the conflict. Two strategies are:
1) The strategy emphasizes the importance of consensus (agreement) and concentrate on the maximum uniformity pencitpaan
2) The strategy emphasizes the interaction between interest groups with vested interests.d) Integration of Elite-Mass (Elite = government; = mass of the governed)
Democracy is no discussion of the people great and strong that power is not needed anymore. Daam State no totalitarian government kkuat and compact. So the government must "consent" to the authority given to the people through the House of Representatives / People's Consultative Assembly, while the people must participate actively.
2. Moris Spethen opinion, multicultural society must be done through the integration of economic activity.
3. Martin Lipset Syamour opinion and Lewis Coser, multicultural community integration usually occurs through the process of crossing of membership of the citizenry in a variety of different groups.
4. Sri Wahyuning Niniek opinion and Yusniati
Potential of the local need to be developed, among others:
a) Preserving cultural values and its family of mutual aid
b) Develop a consensus of cultural values
c) Cultivate tolerance and tolerance
National potential to be developed, among others:
a) Provide awareness of the common elements of culture
b) The need for appreciation and experience of Pancasila
c) Fostering national unity
d) Developing a sense of common fate and sepenanggungane) Consistency of consensus (agreement) which has been established
IV. Development of Critical Attitude, Attitude of Tolerance, and Empathy in the Social Life of Multicultural Society
1. Critical attitude, the action that is based on the establishment (opinion or belief). Are always trying to find errors or omissions or sharp in the analysis.
2. Attitude of tolerance, respect for the establishment, opinions, views, beliefs, habits of others who differ with yourself.
3. Attitude of empathy, which is a mental state that makes a person feel or identify themselves with other parties or other groups.
• Forms of Integration in Multicultural Community Lifea) INTEGRATION OF INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
According Soerjono Soekanto said:
a) Internal integration, the integration process in a way to unite the members in one group.
b) External Integration, namely the integration process by bringing together various groups to the role in a larger group or a society. For example: For small organizations to large organizations.
c) Vertical Integration, namely the integration process by means of a single control for a wide range of individuals or groups who have differences.
d) Horizontal Integration, namely the integration process by means of a single control for a wide range of individuals or groups that have similarities. For example: The group of students and art groups.
b) Integration and ideological INSTUMENTAL
a) Instrumental Integration, namely the integration of the visually perceptible (visible) of the existence of social ties among individuals in society. Instrumental integration possess the following traits:
1) The existence of a norm or a specific interest as a binder.
2) The uniformity of daily activities.
3) The existence of uniform clothing
4) The existence of specific objectives that are tailored to the interests of the
b) Integration of Ideological, which is formed due to the integration of spiritual bond (Odeologis) a strong and fundamental natural process in the absence of a particular bond. Has all the characteristics:
1) The equation of the fundamental values that is formed by the will of its own.
2) The common perception
3) The equation of work orientation among its members
4) The existence of a common goalc) Integration of physical, psychological, social relationships and processes
a) Physical Aspects, judging from the physical aspect or container, may take the form of social integration or community organization.
b) Aspects of the Psychic, characterized by the presence of self-consciousness of every person who unite themselves in a certain place so that they become an integral part, was to have, and have responsibilities in life together.
c) Aspects of Social Relations, social integration is not only characterized from the intensity of the (special) but the intensity of communication in working together and worked together to solve problems in order to meet shared needs.
d) Aspects of process, social integration can not occur instantaneously but through a long process and takes time and rumut karean certain procedures.d) Stages of Social Integration
A. Accommodations stage, the adjustment means of resolving conflicts. Purpose of the accommodation
a) Reducing the conflict that occurs between individuals or groups.
b) Prevent the explosion of a conflict for a while, for example: Fuel rise delay.
c) Looking for the possibility of cooperation between individuals or groups in conflictd) To undertake a fusion between separate groups
2. Cooperation phase, the efforts of two or more people or groups with other groups in order to achieve common goals. Cooperation is caused by:
a) The interests of the same interests and concerns
b) The obligation of situational (having the same rights and obligations among members)
c) The existence of the motives for helping others.
d) The desire to reach a value or greater resultse)
The existence of a common enemy.
I. Judging from the nature, cooperation can be divided into:
a) Cooperation primer, which is the subject of cooperation, such as cooperatives, for the welfare of its members.
b) Cooperation secondary, ie, beyond basic co-operation, for example: cooperatives, for the sake of profit.
II. Kind visits, cooperation can be divided into:
a) Harmony
b) Bargaining , which give each proposal to the organization.
c) co-optation , namely cooperation in the form of opinions and ideas willing to accept another person or group.
d) Coalition , the cooperatione) Joint venture (joint venture), which tends to the capital.
3. Coordination phase, the central setting to achieve integration by bringing individuals and groups in order to achieve balance and harmony of relationships.
4. Assimilation stage, the advanced level of social processes to unite in a variety boding differences in economic, social, and cultural. Assimilation actions include efforts to enhance the unity of attitudes and mental processes by taking into account the interests and common goals.
e) Factors Affecting the integration between Social Groups
A. Homogeneity of the group, ie the smaller the level of diversity of the community will be more easy to achieve integration
2. The size of these groups, the smaller the group the easier it is to achieve integration.
3. Physical displacement, and the good that comes out of a group will affect the integration.
4. Effectiveness and efficiency of communication, effective communication and efficient in the community will facilitate the integration.
f) Driving Factors Integration between Social Groups
1. Internal factors, namely the driving factor which originated in the group. Factor:
a) Awareness of ourselves as social beings are creatures who have always lived together
b) demand the increasing demands
c) The soul and the spirit of mutual cooperation
2. External factors, namely the driving factor that comes from outside the group.Factor:
a) Demands changing times
b) The equation of culture
c) Opening up opportunities
d) The equation of the vision, mission and goals
e) The attitude of respect or tolerance for other groups
f) There was consensus among the values of social groups
g) The challenges of the outsideg) Factors Supporting Integration between social groups, for supporting the Indonesia factor that is:
1 The use of Indonesian
2. Spirit of unity and oneness
3. Ideology of Pancasila
4. The soul and the spirit of mutual cooperation, religious tolerance, solidarity
5. Kinship from an occupation
h) The successful integration between Social Groups
1. Each member masyarakt can meet their basic needs
2. Has achieved consensus (agreement) with the value of the basic norms
3. Values or norms have been alive and thriving in a long time and consistent
4. Values or norms are practiced and used as a guideline
5. Individuals or groups of mutually adjust to one another.
6. Always put the unity and integrity and safety of the group ahead of personal interests.
III. Various Alternative Problem Solving in a Multicultural Society
1. Myron Weiner opinion, namely:
a) Integration of the Nation
1) Development of national potential through the eraser main cultural traits of ethnic groups and different kind of creation of a national culture; usually culture of the dominant culture through the assimilation process.
2) The development of local potential through the creation of national loyalty without removing small cultures (tribes), which is called "Unity in Diversity Policies", who is politically marked by ethnic sum.• In practice, both strategies are rare but are more likely to mix some elements of both strategies.
b) Regional Integration, first implemented is the construction of the State (state building) and then carry out nation-building (nation building), namely:
1) The central government is able melaksanan control of the lower authorities.
2) Creation of a uniform law
3) Development of transport and communicationc) Integration of value, meaning there should be recognition of a procedure that is acceptable to all parties to resolve the conflict. Two strategies are:
1) The strategy emphasizes the importance of consensus (agreement) and concentrate on the maximum uniformity pencitpaan
2) The strategy emphasizes the interaction between interest groups with vested interests.d) Integration of Elite-Mass (Elite = government; = mass of the governed)
Democracy is no discussion of the people great and strong that power is not needed anymore. Daam State no totalitarian government kkuat and compact. So the government must "consent" to the authority given to the people through the House of Representatives / People's Consultative Assembly, while the people must participate actively.
2. Moris Spethen opinion, multicultural society must be done through the integration of economic activity.
3. Martin Lipset Syamour opinion and Lewis Coser, multicultural community integration usually occurs through the process of crossing of membership of the citizenry in a variety of different groups.
4. Sri Wahyuning Niniek opinion and Yusniati
Potential of the local need to be developed, among others:
a) Preserving cultural values and its family of mutual aid
b) Develop a consensus of cultural values
c) Cultivate tolerance and tolerance
National potential to be developed, among others:
a) Provide awareness of the common elements of culture
b) The need for appreciation and experience of Pancasila
c) Fostering national unity
d) Developing a sense of common fate and sepenanggungane) Consistency of consensus (agreement) which has been established
IV. Development of Critical Attitude, Attitude of Tolerance, and Empathy in the Social Life of Multicultural Society
1. Critical attitude, the action that is based on the establishment (opinion or belief). Are always trying to find errors or omissions or sharp in the analysis.
2. Attitude of tolerance, respect for the establishment, opinions, views, beliefs, habits of others who differ with yourself.
3. Attitude of empathy, which is a mental state that makes a person feel or identify themselves with other parties or other groups.
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