(SUMBER:Mr. Hernu. Civil Education Teach for Class XI semester 1)
        I.            PENGERTIAN secara umum
Politik adalah kemauan dan kemampuan seseorang untuk memengaruhi pihak lain agar mengikuti kehendaknya
      II.            Sistem Politik adalah rangkaian atau macam kegiatan masyarakat dalam masyarakat politik untuk menentukan siapa, mendapat apa, kapan, dan bagaimana.

    III.            Budaya politik (Budi= perilaku, daya=kemampuan yakni kehendak untuk berbuat)
Menurut Almond Verba: sikap orientasi seseorang atau warga Negara terhadap  system politik dan anekaragaman bagiannya serta sikap peranan warga Negara dalam sisitem tersebut.

    IV.            Konsep budaya politik
Ø  Konsep budaya politik penekanan pada perilaku non actual/ tidak nyata/ bersifat abstrak.
Ø  Hal diorientasikan pada budaya politik adalah system politik
Ø  Budaya politik adalah refleksi perilaku warga Negara secara masal.
      V.            Komponen perilaku politik
Ø  Orientasi Kognitif
Ø  Orientasi Afektif, sikap terhadap komponen politik
Ø  Orientasi Evaluatif, mengevaluasi  terhadap politik.
    VI.            Tipe budaya politik
Ø  Dilihat dari sikap anggota politik
·         Politik Militan
·         Politik Toleran
Ø  Dilihar dari tradisi dan perubahan
·         Politik Absolut
·         Politik Akomodatif
Ø  Dilihat dari orientasi warda Negara
·         Politik parochial
·         Politik Subyek
·         Politik Partisipan
Ø  Menurut Moechtar Masoed
·         Politik Industrial
·         Politik Otoriter
·         Politik Demokrasi Pra Industrial

  VII.            Tujuan sosialisasi politik
Ø  Membentuk budaya politik
Ø  Merubah budaya politk
Ø  Memerbaiki budaya politik
Ø  Memertahankan budaya politik
VIII.            Metode sosialisasi politik
Ø  Pendidikan, dilakukan secara bertahap/ wajar
Ø  Indoktrinasi/ penanaman ajaran dilakukan secara paksaan dalam waktu singkat.
    IX.            Ciri-ciri budaya unggul
Ø  Tingkat partisipasi tinggi
Ø  Frekuensi terhadap hokum tinggi
Ø  Tingkat pendidikan tinggi merata
Ø  Pelanggaran terhadap hokum rendah
      X.            Tipe-tipe partisipasi aktif
Ø  Partisipasi aktif, diedialkan segera tanggap, konstruktif
Ø  Partisipasi pasif
Ø  Militan/ radikal
Ø  Moderat/ Toleransi
Ø  Apatis/ tidak mau tahu.
    XI.            Penjelasan Piramida Politik
Semakin tinggi partisipasi politik, semakin tinggi tingkat intensitasnya, semakin sempit sekup cakupannya bahwa semakin jauh dari partisipasi pasif, jumlah partisipasi politik semakin sedikit, dan jumlahnya sedikit pula.
  IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-English)
(SOURCE: Mr. Hernu. Civil Education Teach for Class XI half of 1)
I. UNDERSTANDING generallyPolitics is the willingness and ability to influence others to follow his will
II. Political system is a series or range of community activities in the political community to determine who, gets what, when, and how.

III. Political culture (Budi = behavior, namely the will power = the ability to do)According to Almond Verba: a person's orientation or attitude of citizens towards the political system and the diversity of its parts as well as the attitude of the citizen role in the sisitem.

IV. The concept of political culture
 The concept of political culture the emphasis on non-actual behavior / not real / abstract.
 The political culture is oriented towards the political system political culture is a reflection of the behavior of citizens en masse.
V. Components of political behavior
 Cognitive Orientation
 Affective orientation, attitudes toward the political component
 Orientation Evaluative, evaluates to politics.
VI. Type of political culture
 Judging from the attitude of members of political
• Political Militants
• Political Tolerance
 seen to tradition and change
• Absolute Politics
• Accommodative Politics
 warda Judging from the orientation of the State
• Parochial Politics
• Political Subject
• Political Participants
 According to Moechtar Masoed
• Industrial Politics
• Authoritarian Politics
• Pre-Industrial Political Democracy
VII. The purpose of political socialization
 Establish a political culture
 Changing the political culture
 repair the political culture
 maintain political culture
VIII. Methods of political socialization
 Education, carried out in stages / fair
 Indoctrination / planting done in the teaching force in a short time.
IX. Superior cultural traits
 a high participation rate
 Frequency of high hokum
 The higher education equally
 Violation of the law of low
X. Types of active participation
 Active participation, diedialkan immediately responsive, constructive
 Participation passive
 Militant / radical
 Moderate / Tolerance
 Apathy / do not want to know.
XI. Explanation of Political Pyramid
The higher political participation, the higher the level of intensity, the more narrow in scope that the further sekup from passive participation, the fewer the number of political participation, and the numbers a bit, too.

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