Papers Long Jump Definition, Techniques, Factors Affecting
Papers Long Jump Definition, Techniques, Factors Affecting - In general, the movement of the jump can be grouped into two parts, namely the long jump and high jump. Leap second type is done by using one leg repulsion. However, in this study will be discussed on the long jump.
The long jump is one of the development activities will be undertaken locomotion ability, from one place to another. In the long jump, there are three kinds of styles are: Long Jump Squat style (tuck), force hang (hang style), and the street style in the air (walking in the air). Long jump styles set postures while floating in the air. Therefore, the long jump technique is often referred to as the long jump style.
The long jump is one part of the numbers jump, but both different techniques and their implementation with the high jump. In the long jump, there are two main techniques used are hanging techniques and kicking techniques (Gerry A. Carr, 1997: 135).
The Tamsir Riyadi (1982) explains that in the long jump there are three (3) style is style squat, upright style (sneper), and roads in the air force. As for the causes of differences of the three styles is actually just hovering in the air at the time. So the prefix, pedestal and how to perform the landing of the third force on the same principle.
While the elements that affect the person's ability to do the long jump, basically the same as the elements contained in another jump numbers include explosive power (especially the legs), speed, flexibility, coordination, balance and others (Tamsir Riyadi , 1982: 86). Keep in mind that the cause of differences in the differences of the three styles is actually just sat there on the bodies floating in the air alone. So the prefix, pedestal and how to perform the landing of the third force on the same principle.
Regarding the elements that affect the person's ability to do the long jump include explosive power, strength, agility, balance and others.
Drs. Supaman Eddy explained that the main elements in long jump are as follows: 1. Must be able to generate the power momentum profusely. 2. Must be able to move the horizontal and vertical momentum style. 3. The style should be able to unite with the body force at the time of repulsion. 4. Must be able to use a weight point as efficiently as possible.
Long Jump Technique
injauan in the long jump technique includes four issues, namely: How do prefix, repulsion (blocks of), hovers in the air and landing.
a. Prefix
Prefix is ​​a movement in the long jump is done by running as quickly as possible is done to get the highest speed before doing repulsion. Can also be said, the prefix is ​​an attempt to get maximum horizontal velocity is converted into vertical speed when performing repulsion (Drs. Supaman Eddy, 1999).
According to (Drs. Supaman Eddy, (1995: 44) the things that need to be considered in the prefix is:

Distance prefix depends on the ability of each athlete for a short jumper in jerak been able to reach a maximum speed (full speed) then close enough distance prefix / short course (approximately 30-35 meters or less than this). As for the other athletes who are relatively far distance reached maximum speed, then the distance prefix should further (about 30-45 feet or more away from it). For pemulasudah course prefix shorter distance than the approximate.
Position while standing on the feet can be parallel prefix point or one leg forward. It depends on the habits of each athlete.
How to capture prefix started slowly, then faster (sprint).'s Speed ​​must be maintained until the resting / reject.
After reaching a maximum speed, then roughly 3-4 last step rests (take off) movement detachable run away without reducing the speed has been achieved previously. At 3-4 the last step of this attention and effort devoted to doing pedestal on board / beam fulcrum.

How to take a prefix in the Long Jump, among others, made the following way:

The jumper did try several times to run as quickly as possible from the beginning of standing (spot / marks at the time will do the prefix) to a place on the board until the board repulsion repulsion measured distance.
The jumper did try several times to run as quickly as possible from the beginning point of repulsion to stand up to the board where outset will perform prefix. After the new measured precisely.
The jumper did try several times to run as quickly as possible from the beginning of standing board to board repulsion repulsion from the beginning to the prefix will do. After the new measure, despite being right sizing to take the appropriate prefix. To keep the possibility of doing repulsion failure occurs, usually the jumper makes two signs that mark I and II.

b. Bob
Repulsion is the displacement of the horizontal velocity into vertical velocity is done quickly and strongly to lift the upper body to float in the air (1998: 45). In a jump away, we usually do with the strongest repulsion foot, assisted by leg swing and forward swing both arms upward.
If the initial velocity of the jumper can combine the power of repulsion feet, he would bring the entire body upward toward the front of the float in the air. So the point jumper to bring the weight up, hovering in the air towards the front with a long time. In other words, it can be concluded that there are some things that need to be considered when perform repulsion among others:

Repulsion is done with a strong leg. The soles of the feet are strong tend to rely on heel first and ends at the tip of the foot.
Will momentarily resting posture slightly leaning back
Preferably right rests on the foundation board
When resting, the arms come forward swung above.
In the swing leg raised to hip level in front of the bent knee position.

c. Body attitudes in the Air
In accordance with the opinion (Drs. Supaman Eddy, 1995) which specializes style squat as the current body of research techniques in the air after the left foot rests. Then the right leg swung quickly toward the front. At the time it reaches the highest point posture, such as sitting or squatting leg. After moving down both legs extended forward, body inclined forward and draw attention to the landing.
How to do this as follows:

Simultaneously perform repulsion, leg swung forward towards the top.
When the body floating in the air, legs lowered. Simultaneously, hips pushed forward, chest and both hands up towards the back.
When landing, the second leg swung forward, hunched and head bowed body ready for landing.

d. Landing
The landing is the final stage of a series of long jump. The things that need to be considered according to (Drs. Supaman Eddy, 1999) are as follows:

Should be done consciously in order unnecessary movement can be avoided
To avoid pain or injury should be landing with both feet parallel and heel first landing in the sand with my arm position
Before the heel touches the sand, both feet must be completely straightened / stretched forward. Try to keep the distance between the two legs do not get too far apart, because of the wide spacing between the legs means that would further reduce the leap away
To avoid in order not to much to sit on the ass, then after the heel rests on sand, both knees bent and body immediately left leaning continue far into the future
After a landing do not come out or go back to where the prefix passed / stepping on board the landing area with pedestal
Long Jump Technique

Factors Affecting the Long Jump
Factors affecting achievement in the long jump by Suharto in his book "Role Physical Freshness and mentioned:

Velocity (speed) is the ability to move the body partly or wholly of the prefix up to the landing. Or resting on the board / beam while doing a jump, the speed is largely determined strength and flexibility
Strength (Strength) is the amount of power that can be generated by the contraction of muscle groups during maximal exercise in doing the work or make the leap
Explosive power is the ability of muscle to perform repulsion body floating in the air when separated from the beam pivot
Balance is the ability to maintain a certain posture correctly from the beginning to make the jump to the end to make the leap
Skill is the ability to perform a motor movements correctly
Coordination is a thing to be possessed by an athlete to be able to coordinate the movement forward with the rising needs.

Non-technical factors can also be influential in this regard, factors affecting, among others:

Motivation of parents
Teachers and coaches are propesional
The existence of sufficient funds
Good environment
Good organization
Community support
Relationship Between Speed ​​The Run 100 meters Long Jump Achievement To obtain maximum achievement in the number of long jump, an athlete is not enough just to rely on the ability skilnya (mastery style) in making the leap, but an athlete is required to have maximum strength and explosive power to accelerate the pedestal and then jump, then to get strength and the maximum explosive power, an athlete requires a prefix distance and high-speed running. Without the prefix distance and high-speed run would be difficult for an athlete to do a pedestal long jumper with maximum strength and explosive power. Thus it is clear that, in the long jump number style, skill and speed running is very important to support the strength and explosive power to do the right pedestal or repulsion that will achieve results (achievements) maximum jump.
From the above discussion it can be said that the faster an athlete sprinting ability, it will be better the strength and explosive power to do the pedestal, the better strength and explosive power while doing the better pedestal also results (achievements) achieved leaps and vice versa . Based on these assumptions it is possible a particular athlete sprinting numbers likely to be 100 meters long jump athlete in numbers and vice versa. Furthermore, assuming it can also be said that there is a relationship between the speed of 100 meters with the achievement of the long jump. Bibliography Papers Long Jump Definition, Techniques, Factors Affecting
Riyadi, Tamsir. , 1982. Instructions Athletics. Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Teachers' Training College
Carr, A. Gerry. , 1997. Athletics for Schools. Jakarta PT. King Grafindo Persada. 

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