Papers Field size Badminton Technique Forehand And Backhand Game Service
Technical Implementation Service Forehand and Backhand in Badminton GamesService is the punch that started the game . Service is a very important blow , because the sevice badminton game is to attack the opponent's capital . In connection with the research , the following techniques will be explained and service implementation service forehand backhand in badminton game is as follows :

1 . Engineering service forehand

Standing approximately 10cm from the short service line
Place the left foot in front and your right leg behind
Hold the ball high in the navel with a slightly extended position of the left hand come forward
Release the ball when it will hit . ( Icuk Sugiarto , 2002: 31 )
2 . Engineering service backhand

Standing approximately 10cm from the short service line
The location of the right leg in front while the point of weight is placed on the right foot
The ball is held with the left hand ( right-handed ) parallel to the navel .
Racket head is placed below the left hand behind the ball
The view is directed on the ball
Perform punch with confidence ( Icuk Sugiarto , 2002: 31 )
3 . long serviceLong service used in a single game . As far as possible to hit the ball close to the line back and dived straight down sharply . The trick is installed rather wide legs and arms swung backward swing that produces a hard blow , so that at the end of the movement around the punch , the body is above the racket .The things that need to be considered in the implementation of the long service :

To direct opponent backward as far as possible the field , thus weakening the strength of the opponent's attack .
To open the front of the opponent 's defense .
Length of service is appropriate when the opponent runs out of power ( Icuk Sugiarto , 2002: 35 )

Badminton GamesI. Regulation gamea. And the size of a badminton court
Figure Badminton Field( Picture of badminton court )
b . Tools and supplies badminton

Weight ball between 4.74-5.50
Racket P = 680 mm and a width of order = 230 mm
Rectangular field lines are stretched as wide as 40 mm
The line should be yellow or white
Pole as high as 155 m
760 mm wide webs . And long nets 6.1
The top of the net , edges covered with a cloth as wide as 75 mm and white
The top of the net as high as 1,524 m , and from the sidelines for doubles play as high as 1:55 am
There is no blank section between the end of the net with poles ( Icuk Sugiarto , 2002: 18 )

c . Openness Rally scoring points ( 3 x 21 ) :
1 . Scoring system

A match shall consist of three parties , or as pengatauran
Parties get the winning numbers 21
Parties that won the rally should add numbers to the score
If the score becomes 20 - equal , those who earn a score of 2 numbers in a row , to be a winner
If the score becomes 29 - together , party get 30 figures to be a winner
Parties undertake service first winner at the next party

2 . displacement fielda. Players move the field

At the end of the first half
Before the start of the third round
In the third round match , or a party game , when one party to get the number 11
b . If players neglect the displacement field , they have to make the shift as soon as the error was discovered and the ball is not played, the final score did not change .3 . single party

If the recipient of the ball made ​​a mistake or the ball fall on the ground receiver , the server gets the numbers . Sever then returned to service by changing the pitch sevice .
If the server made ​​a mistake or fall ball field server , getting the ball receiver numbers. Sever is not entitled to service and service to the recipient switch .

4 . doublesRules of the game and field position

After the service is returned , the ball is hit alternately between pemaian penservice and receiver until the ball falls .
After the service is returned , the players hit the ball from any position .

If recipients do not fault the ball or fall ball field ball receiver , Phak penservice got numbers . Then the server returned to service by switching sides of the field
If penservice perform fault or fall ball pensevice field , get the ball recipient numbers. Penservice party not entitled to service , the receiver phak ball doing service .
serviceIn each game , the right to service given

From the first server who started the game and sevice done in the field to the right of
The recipient pasangna first ball . Service carried from the field to the right of
To the first server that is located in the appropriate field scores
The first ball to the receiver is in the appropriate field scores and so on
Players do not perform service and receives the ball outside of turn , or receive two consecutive services in a single game . ( PB PBSI , 2005)
II . Basic Techniques Badminton GamesBasic techniques in the game of badminton absolutely must be controlled , so that one player can do with a good game of badminton . The basic techniques include:

Punch is a punch that started the service , or serving as the beginning of the first ball game . Service is very decisive blow in the early grades , because only players who did service to obtain the number ( IcukSugiarto , 2003: 30 )

Lob can be done either from the bottom or from the top of the head , a blow lob the ball is very important for the defense and attack ( Icuk Sugiarto , 2002: 43 )

Blow a smash hit hard and fast . Both straight and smash smash crosscourt , both can be hit with the same ayanan and sharply hit ball down the pace harder ( Icuk Sugiarto , 2002: 49 ) .

drop Shot
Punch made ​​with the intention of putting the ball as soon as possible and as close to the net on the opponent's field ( Icuk Sugiarto , 2002: 58 )

Blow that could be used to suppress the opponent or the opponent does not give a chance to get balls that bounced so the opponent does not get a chance to attack with punches above ( Icuk Sugiarto , 2002: 64 )

Game Nets ( net )
At the net the ball must be taken when the ball was over . If the ball was taken after being under , the tempo will be slow and it gives the opponent an opportunity to be better prepared ahead ( Icuk Sugiarto , 2002: 68 )

III . Aspects to Look For In Atlitdan Coach Helps In Achieving The Maximum Sports Performance :

exercise technique
exercise tactics
physical exercise
mental exercise

Comparison of Accuracy Mechanical Service Mechanical Service Forehand And Backhand In Long Service In Badminton Games
Mastering the techniques of service is important for a good badminton player and has expertise in a variety of service will make a game of badminton become more beautiful and attractive . In addition to having mastered various techniques and this service will open up the opportunity with the ball so that it opens the opportunity do a service to the direction of the target accurately .
Engineering service in badminton game so many kinds, including engineering sevice backhand , forehand . This service of the two techniques has its own privileges than how its implementation depends on the ability of each masingpemain . Engineering service backhand and forehand technique as one of the basic techniques in doing blow (service ) that can improve the assessment , anticipation , deception , agility , and accuracy at the time of stroke in the game of badminton . In this regard , according to slamet (1996 : 93 ) says that the usability specifically to control and use a variety of techniques in doing blow this service is that it can help accuracy at the time of the service itself .
Urain and the opinion of the experts above , it is clear that by mastering various techniques and mengguanakan service including service engineering backhand and forehand service engineering major influence on the accuracy in performing service especially on long service in badminton game . However, both of these techniques in practice have different ways which of course can also affect the accuracy in performing services .

Bibliography Papers Badminton Field Size Mechanical Gaming Service Forehand And Backhand
Sugiarto , Icuk , Total Badminton , CV . SetyakiEka Grace , Solo 2002.
Siregar , M.F. PB . PBSI , Jakarta , 2005
Slamet , SR , Physical Education and Health , PT . Three Ones , Solo , 1996

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