Past Form for class VII Junior High School

Past Form 
(sources: English teacher Ms Lilik class 8 th, November, 7 th 2008)
  • Verb 1→ V2 (Regular→ played [+ ed]/ irregular→ bought)
Example :
a.       Play →played (V2)
b.      Bring → brought
c.       Regular → beraturan
d.      Irregular → tak beraturan
  • Adverb → yesterday, last………..( ex: week), ……………. (2 days) ago.
a.       I played football yesterday (+)
b.      I didn’t play football yesterday (-)
c.       Did I play football yesterday? yes you did/ no, you didn’t.
  • Positive S + V2+ Object / Complement (Keterangan Waktu/ tempat)
  • Negative S+ didn’t +V1+ Object/ complement
  • Kata Tanya      :  Did + S + V1 + Object/complement→Yes, S+ did/ No, S+ didn’t
a.       Positive (+)
(i)       I went to Bali by train last month
(ii)     I went to Hawaii by plane last years
b.      Negative (-)
                                                     i.     I didn’t go to Bali by train last month
                                                   ii.     I didn’t go to Hawaii by train last years
c.       Questions (?)
                                                i.     Did I go to Bali by train last month? →Yes, you did/ no you didn’t
                                              ii.     Did I go to Hawaii by plane last years? → Yes, you did/ no you didn’t
Note: dalam Simple Present Tense, kata ganti orang ketiga (He, She, It), akhirilah kata kerja dengan “-s”

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