Thesis examples UT Part three


Approach and Type III.1 Research

The approach used in this approach is a quantitative approach for this research include testing the truth of a theory
to build a theory based on the data that has been collected with the process and the fact that we want to know through research data . While this type of research in this study was descriptive . Implementation of descriptive research is explained , write and report on the state without drawing general conclusions . In this study wanting presented is to increase student interest in the material using a media image senses of smell ( nose ) in human class IV ( Four ) SD Negeri 1 Restu Buana Rumbia district .

This study is important because science lessons can be categorized subjects considered difficult to understand students and less attractive to students . So there should be identification for minangkatkan students' interest towards science lessons .

The role of the researcher in this case is the instrument as well as other instruments of data collection tool that is used to support this research is a method of teaching aids , while the role of the researcher is a complete observer , and researchers involved in the development of the problem under study . But only within the scope of increasing student interest and research presence is known status as an object of research or informal .

III.2 Data and Data Sources

The data used in this study are :
1 . Primary data . Ie researchers are directly collected from various sources . In this study the primary data from the results of tests and interviews .
2 . Secondary data . That the data obtained from the second hand which is a copy of the primary data . In this study , secondary data obtained based on existing literature and relefan the problems examined .

III.3 Subjects Research .

Subjects in this study were all students in grade IV ( four ) SD Negeri 1 Restu Buana Rumbia District Central Lampung regency .

III.4 Data Collection Procedures .

Data collection techniques in this study is through the method of the test and interview skills .
1 . Test .
According Sutekno ( 2005 : 63 ) test is a gauge form of a question , and petunjak orders addressed to the person taking the test to get a response in accordance with the instructions . In this research, the media image is used as a medium of learning as well as assays used to obtain data student interest in the material sense of smell ( nose ) in humans to be able to know the students' interest in understanding the material .

2 . Interview .
Kusnadi (2002 : 13 ) argues that " the interview is a dialogue or questioning by the interviewer to obtain information from interviewees either directly or indirectly from the data source .
Interviews are used to collect data on students' interest in understanding the material and in the settlement of a matter of taste or smell senses ( nose ) in humans .

III.5 Data Analysis

In the test data for each treatment . Before the data contained in the processed test answers should be updated first. Updates made ​​to the response data which has been expressed by students in the answer sheet will be examined again such things as the following :
1 . The full description of the test .
2 . Limitations of writing that often complicates data processing .
3 . Clarity of meaning answers .
4 . Consistency and conformity with each other answers .
5 . Repair response .
6 . Uniformity of the data .
7 . Classifies respondents' understanding of business conditions .
8 . Tabulation of the data preparation into the form of a table .
Based upon the data analysis phase . aspect of this research
reviewed in analyzing the data
No Level of Understanding / Interpretation of Indicators Student Answer

III.6 Stages of Research
Stages of the research conducted in this research are :
1 . Pre - survey aims to obtain preliminary data
provides an overview of the research .
2 . Determine the subject of research .
3 . Compiling research instrument , in the form of media images as
test and interview tool
4 . Doing research identification test answers and interviews
students .
5 . Analyzing research data .

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