1.1 Background

Education is a very complex human phenomenon . Because it is complex , then education can be seen and described from various perspectives , such as from the point of view of psychology , sociology and anthropology , economics , politics , communications and so on .

Therefore also the definition put forward by the experts so diverse that it is quite difficult to find a definition that refresentatif , acceptable to all parties . Definition put forward by the experts , has the pressure and different presentation because the foundation philosophy digunakanya different also .

However difficult to define education , but for the purposes of the application still needs to have a certain grip , so that what is done in schools that can be believed to have a foothold .

One of the very general sense expressed by , Driyarkara (1980 ) which states that education is an attempt to humanize the young man . Appointment of a young man ketaraf Insani be realized in the whole process or educational efforts .

Another notion , put forward in the Dictionary of Education that
education are :
1 . Process , in which a person develops abilities , attitudes , and forms of behavior others in the community , where he lived
2 . Social process , in which a person is faced with environmental influences selected and controlled so as to obtain or having social skills and the development of individual skills optimum

How well have been said by Slameto (1995 : 54 ) to achieve such success in student learning can not be separated from the two factors that affect the learning process
1 . Internal factors , ie factors that originate from within the student
2 . External factors , ie factors that originate from outside the student . Such as the environment , teachers , parents , friends , learning method , learning media , materials and so forth .

Of these two factors can affect student learning outcomes , but can not be known with certainty how they affect the learning outcomes .

As well as difficulties in understanding and resolving problems or materials commonly found in any student who is in the process of learning as well as on science lessons that require a little extra understanding . Science this is considered to be difficult subjects for students in general it should be understood due to the wide range of materials in science teaching . Difficulties experienced by students can be seen from the test results obtained and the level of student understanding . Material respiratory system in humans , for example. Apart from having to understand the parts of the human respiratory system students are also required to be able to look at images of human respiratory system .

From this background, the research can be done on improving student achievement through the medium of visual aids in teaching science class V ( Five ) SD Negeri 1 Restu Buana Rumbia District Central Lampung regency .

1.2 Problem Formulation

1.2.1 Problem Formulation

Formulation of the problem in this research is " whether the difficulties experienced by students in understanding the material in the human respiratory system " grade V ( five ) Elementary School District Rumbia I Restu Buana Central Lampung regency .

1.2.2 Research Questions .

Research questions that will be answered in this study are :
a. What difficulties experienced by students in understanding the material of the respiratory system in humans .
b . What difficulties experienced by students in solving problems in the material of the respiratory system in humans .

1.3 Research Objectives

From the above research focus , the goal is to identify the difficulties experienced by students in understanding and solving problems in the human respiratory system grade V ( five ) SD Negeri 1 Restu Buana Central Lampung District Rumbia

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