Mengetahui tentang Hobby Filaterlis
(Sumber:__.2010. Z-MAGZ Edisi II. Ponorogo: Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Ponorogo.)
Dalam kehidupan modern seperti saat ini, yang serba mencekam setiap orang memerlukan kegiatan rekreatif. Untuk tersedia bermacam-macam kegemaran (hobby) menurut selera, keinginan, bakat dan kepribadian yang tergantung pada factor kemampuan amsing-masing. Kegemaran bisa berbentuk kegiatan fisik, mental atau keduanya misalnya bidang olahraga, kesenian, kerajinan, memelihara bintang atau tanman.
Kegemaran tersebut bisa bersifat sementara dan dapat pula bersifat tetap (lama). Kegemaran yang sifatnya sementara biasanya terjadi di kalangan remaja, karena terbawa oleh arus umum, ikut-ikutan atau pun yang sedang tren. Sedangkan kegemaran yang bersifat tetap, dilakukan terus menerus yang menurut mereka kegemaran itu bisa memberikan manfaat. Hal demikian, bisa kita lihat dikalangan para remaja atau para ibu rumah tangga. Mengoleksi (mengumpulkan) prangko atau filatelis termasuk suatu hobby yang “memberikan manfaat”.
Yang menarik untuk dikumpulkan adalah gambar yang hidup dalam alam imajinasi. Contoh: “Films strip Superman” dijual di toko-toko. Kenapa prangko adalah barang yang menarik untuk kita koleksi? Karena gambar pada prangko membayangkan “dunia sana” yang penuh misteri. Gambar pada prangko saat ini memang bervariasi, berwarna-warni dan indah. Ukuran prangko juga praktis untuk disimpan. Prangko tidak sulit didapat.
Karena sifatnya yang menarik, bermanfaat dan mengasyikkan itu, maka tidak heran, kalau hobby mengoleksi prangko ini menjadi kegemaran internasional. Di Amerika Serikat, 8% penduduknya mengumpulkan prangko. Di Inggris, tercatat lebih dari 10 juta pengumpul prangko (beserta wilayahnya) belum lagi di Negara lainnya. Hampir di setiap kota ada perkumpulan atau klub prangko. Tokoh penting di dunia, kepala Negara, para politisi, seniman, dan pengusaha terkemuka banyak yang suka mengumpulkan prangko, sehingga hobby ini disebut “King of Hobbies and Hobby of the King”.
Filateli dan perkembangannya
Sebagai pendalaman terhadap hobby ini kemudian timbul kemauan untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut hal mengenai prangko dan benda lainnya yang berkaitan dengan prangko. Kegemaran ini dikenal dengan istilah “filateli”. Mereka yang mempunyai hobi ini disebut “filatelis”. Dengna demikian seorang “filatelis” sebenarnya adalah seorang ahli prangko. Seorang pengumpul prangko belum tentu filatelis, kalau belum memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman di bidang prangko. Sebaliknya, seorang filatelis belum tentu mengumpulkan prangko atau memiliki koleksi prangko besar. Di samping itu, terapat pula mereka yang profesinya berhubungan dengan pengumpulan prangko, diantaranya para pedagang prangko, juru lelang prangko, kosultan prangko (expert yang meneliti prangko langka). Tapi sekarang ini, sebutan filatelis dipergunakan tidak saja untuk ahli prangko tetapi juga untuk pengumpul prangko.
Filateli berasal dari bahasa Yunani, yang terdiri dari 2 kata, yakni “philos” (yang artinya teman) dan “ateleia” (yang artinya pembebasan). Istilah ini untuk pertama kalinya dipergunakan seseorang berkebangsaan Perancis, bernama Herpin. Kenyataan menunjukkan kalau prangko adalah benda seni yang sangat banyak pengagum dan pengumpulnya di seluruh dunia, hal ini disebabkan karena sifatnya yang internasional, dan dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja. Bahkan beberapa tokoh dunia serta orang terkemuka menjadikan filatelis sebagai salah satu hobi mereka, misalnya: Raja George V dari Inggris, Presiden Roosevelet dari Amerika Serikat, Raja Alfonso XIII dari Spanyol, Raja Fuad dari Mesir, dan Ratu Marie dari Rumania. Hal yang diselidiki adalah perbedaan dan penyimpangan dalam pencetakan prangko terutama pada waktu percetakan belum sempurna seperti sekarang. Sifat kertas dan perekat prangko pun tidak luput dari penelitian.
Perbedaan kecil pun hanya dapat dilihat dengan kaca pembesar, juga merupakan perbedaan harga yang besar. Perbedaan kertas dan perekat, perbedaan gradasi warna dan gig juga tidak kalah penting. Hal khusus itu tadi bisa membuat prangko langka dan nilai filateli naik.
Filateli dan manfaatnya
Tanpa kita sadari, seorang filateli yang sungguh-sungguh (serius) memperoleh pengetahuan umum yang luas. Gambar pada prangko menyajikan pengetahuan ilmu bumi dan ilmu bangsa-bangsa, sejarah, ekonomi, politik, kebudayaan, dan sebagainya.
Mengumpulkan prangko memerlukan sifat mental tertentu yang sedikit demi sedikit tumbuh dan berkembang pada setiap filatelis, yaitu:
Ø Sifat giat bersemangat, diperlukan dalam berburu prangko baru untuk melengkapi koleksi.
Ø Sifat sabar, perlu dalam menunggu mendapatkan prangko tertentu yang masih “missing” dalam koleksinya.
Ø Sifat tekun, ditunjukkan dalam mengerjakan koleksi berhari-hari, bahkan terkadang jika ingin mendapatkan koleksi yang dapat di banggakan butuh waktu bertahun-tahun.
Ø Sifat teliti, cermat, dan jeli diperlukan dalam menangani setiap prangko. Tindakan yang keliru dapat berakibat fatal karena prangko yang mahal dapat rusak.
Ø Sifat hemat, karena filatelis yang menganggap koleksinya sebagai tabungan atau investasi sudah pasti hemat. Dia tahu prangko mana yang harus segera dibeli, dan mana yang harus tidak dibeli.
Prangko dibedakan meurut sifatnya
Menurut sifatnya, prangko RepublikIndonesia terbagi dalam 4 jenis, yaitu: prangko biasa, prangko peringatan, prangko istimewa, dan prangko amal.
Ø Prangko biasa. Prangko biasa yaitu prangko yang penerbitannya dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan prangko sehari-hari dan tidak ada keterkaitan dengan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa.
Ø Prangko Peringatan. Prangko pringatan yaitu prangko yang penerbitannya dikaitkan dengan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa.
Ø Prangko Istimewa. Prangko istimewa yaitu prangko yang penerbitannya dimaksudkan untik menarik perhatina masyarakat.
Ø Prangko amal. Prangko amal yaitu prangko yang penerbitannya dimaksudkan untuk menghimpun dana bagi kepentingan amal dan dijual dengan harga tambahan.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Knowing about Hobby Filaterlis
(Source: __.2010. Z-Magz Edition II. Ponorogo: Junior High School 1 Ponorogo.)
In the modern life like today, that completely gripped everyone needs recreational activities. Available for a variety of avocation (hobby) according to the tastes, desires, talents and personality factor that depends on their ability amsing. Craze can be shaped in physical activities, mental or both eg sports, arts, crafts, maintain or tanman star.
The craze may be transient and may also be permanent (long). Temporary craze that usually occurs in young people carried away by the general drift, or even joining in the trend. While that is still craze, done continuously which they relish it could provide benefits. So, can we see among the teenagers or housewives. Collect (gather) or philately stamps including a hobby that "benefit".
What's interesting to be collected is the image that lives in the imagination of nature. Example: "Films Superman strip" sold in stores. Why postage is an interesting item for our collection? Because images on the stamps imagine "there world" full of mystery. The images on stamps today is varied, colorful and beautiful. Size is also practical to store stamps. Stamps are not hard to come by.
Because it is exciting, rewarding and exciting it was, it is no wonder, if the stamp collecting hobby has become an international craze. In the United States, 8% of the population collecting stamps. In the UK, more than 10 million stamp collectors (and territory) not to mention in other countries. Almost in every city there are associations or clubs stamps. Key people in the world, heads of state, politicians, artists, and many leading businessmen who like to collect stamps, so the hobby is called the "King of Hobbies and Hobby of the King".
Philately and development
As the deepening of the hobby is then arises the willingness to learn more things about stamps and other objects related to stamps. This craze known as "philately". Those who have this hobby called "philately". Dengna as a "philatelist" is actually a stamp expert. Not necessarily a stamp collector philatelist, if you do not have the knowledge and experience in the field of stamps. Conversely, a philatelist collects stamps or not necessarily have a large stamp collection. In addition, they also terapat a profession related to stamp collecting, including stamp dealers, stamp auctioneer, kosultan stamps (expert who examined the rare stamps). But now, the term is used not only for philately stamp expert but also for collecting stamps.
Philately derived from the Greek, which consists of two words, namely "philos" (meaning friend) and "ateleia" (which means liberation). This term for the first time someone used a French national, was named Herpin. The fact that the stamps are very much art and pengumpulnya admirers around the world, this was due to the international nature, and can be done by anyone. Even some world leaders and dignitaries made philatelists as one of their hobbies, such as: King George V of England, Roosevelet President of the United States, King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King Fuad of Egypt, and Queen Marie of Romania. It investigated were differences and irregularities in the printing of stamps, especially at the time of the printing is not perfect as it is now. Properties of paper and adhesive stamps were not spared from the study.
Even small differences can only be seen with a magnifying glass, is also a big price difference. Paper and adhesive differences, differences in color and gradation is also important gig. The special thing was that could make rare stamps and philatelic value rose.
Philately and benefits
Without us knowing it, a philatelic earnest (seriously) to obtain a broad general knowledge. Images on stamps present knowledge of earth sciences and ethnology, history, economics, politics, culture, and so on.
Stamp collecting requires a certain mental nature gradually grow and develop in every philatelist, namely:
excited enterprising nature, required in hunting new stamps to complete the collection.
The nature of patient, need to wait to get some stamps that are still "missing" in his collection.
diligent nature, the collection was shown in working days, sometimes even if you want to get the collection can be proud that it took many years.
Nature of meticulous, careful, and observant required in dealing with every stamp. Erroneous actions can be fatal because of the expensive stamps can be damaged.
The nature of saving, because philatelists who considers her collection as a savings or investment is certainly efficient. He knows where the stamps that must be purchased, and which ones should not be purchased.
Stamps its distinguished meurut
By their very nature, stamps Republic of Indonesia is divided into 4 types, namely: regular stamps, commemorative stamps, special stamps, and stamp charity.
Stamp usual. Regular postage stamp issuance is intended to meet the needs of day-to-day stamp and no association with an event or events.
Stamp Warning. Pringatan postage stamp issuance is associated with an event or events.
Special Stamps. Special postage stamps publication is intended untik perhatina interesting people.
Stamp charity. Postage stamps charity publication is intended to raise funds for charitable purposes and are sold at an additional price.
(Source: __.2010. Z-Magz Edition II. Ponorogo: Junior High School 1 Ponorogo.)
In the modern life like today, that completely gripped everyone needs recreational activities. Available for a variety of avocation (hobby) according to the tastes, desires, talents and personality factor that depends on their ability amsing. Craze can be shaped in physical activities, mental or both eg sports, arts, crafts, maintain or tanman star.
The craze may be transient and may also be permanent (long). Temporary craze that usually occurs in young people carried away by the general drift, or even joining in the trend. While that is still craze, done continuously which they relish it could provide benefits. So, can we see among the teenagers or housewives. Collect (gather) or philately stamps including a hobby that "benefit".
What's interesting to be collected is the image that lives in the imagination of nature. Example: "Films Superman strip" sold in stores. Why postage is an interesting item for our collection? Because images on the stamps imagine "there world" full of mystery. The images on stamps today is varied, colorful and beautiful. Size is also practical to store stamps. Stamps are not hard to come by.
Because it is exciting, rewarding and exciting it was, it is no wonder, if the stamp collecting hobby has become an international craze. In the United States, 8% of the population collecting stamps. In the UK, more than 10 million stamp collectors (and territory) not to mention in other countries. Almost in every city there are associations or clubs stamps. Key people in the world, heads of state, politicians, artists, and many leading businessmen who like to collect stamps, so the hobby is called the "King of Hobbies and Hobby of the King".
Philately and development
As the deepening of the hobby is then arises the willingness to learn more things about stamps and other objects related to stamps. This craze known as "philately". Those who have this hobby called "philately". Dengna as a "philatelist" is actually a stamp expert. Not necessarily a stamp collector philatelist, if you do not have the knowledge and experience in the field of stamps. Conversely, a philatelist collects stamps or not necessarily have a large stamp collection. In addition, they also terapat a profession related to stamp collecting, including stamp dealers, stamp auctioneer, kosultan stamps (expert who examined the rare stamps). But now, the term is used not only for philately stamp expert but also for collecting stamps.
Philately derived from the Greek, which consists of two words, namely "philos" (meaning friend) and "ateleia" (which means liberation). This term for the first time someone used a French national, was named Herpin. The fact that the stamps are very much art and pengumpulnya admirers around the world, this was due to the international nature, and can be done by anyone. Even some world leaders and dignitaries made philatelists as one of their hobbies, such as: King George V of England, Roosevelet President of the United States, King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King Fuad of Egypt, and Queen Marie of Romania. It investigated were differences and irregularities in the printing of stamps, especially at the time of the printing is not perfect as it is now. Properties of paper and adhesive stamps were not spared from the study.
Even small differences can only be seen with a magnifying glass, is also a big price difference. Paper and adhesive differences, differences in color and gradation is also important gig. The special thing was that could make rare stamps and philatelic value rose.
Philately and benefits
Without us knowing it, a philatelic earnest (seriously) to obtain a broad general knowledge. Images on stamps present knowledge of earth sciences and ethnology, history, economics, politics, culture, and so on.
Stamp collecting requires a certain mental nature gradually grow and develop in every philatelist, namely:
excited enterprising nature, required in hunting new stamps to complete the collection.
The nature of patient, need to wait to get some stamps that are still "missing" in his collection.
diligent nature, the collection was shown in working days, sometimes even if you want to get the collection can be proud that it took many years.
Nature of meticulous, careful, and observant required in dealing with every stamp. Erroneous actions can be fatal because of the expensive stamps can be damaged.
The nature of saving, because philatelists who considers her collection as a savings or investment is certainly efficient. He knows where the stamps that must be purchased, and which ones should not be purchased.
Stamps its distinguished meurut
By their very nature, stamps Republic of Indonesia is divided into 4 types, namely: regular stamps, commemorative stamps, special stamps, and stamp charity.
Stamp usual. Regular postage stamp issuance is intended to meet the needs of day-to-day stamp and no association with an event or events.
Stamp Warning. Pringatan postage stamp issuance is associated with an event or events.
Special Stamps. Special postage stamps publication is intended untik perhatina interesting people.
Stamp charity. Postage stamps charity publication is intended to raise funds for charitable purposes and are sold at an additional price.
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