Artikel mengenai Frasa Nomina Dalam Bahasa Inggris
(Sumber: Susilo, Djoko. 2011. Majalah Dinamika Guru. Ponorogo: Dinamika.)
Frasa nomina memiliki berbagai fungsi dalam struktur kalimat bahasa Inggris yaitu sebagai pengisi subjek, objek, komplemen, atau adverbial (Quirk, et. al. 2000:60). Selain itu bersama frasa verba, frasa nomina dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan jenis frasa yang paling penting sehingga tidak bisa dihilangkan dalam kalimat (Quirk et. al 2000:61). Fara nomina juga memiliki struktur khas terdiri atas nomina sebagai pusat frasa yang disebut headdan kata lain yang mendahului atau mengikutinya yang disebut “dependent”(Huddlestone, 2000:64). Berdasarkan letak “head” dan “modifier”frasa nomina dapat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga tipe. Tipe I, yaitu frasa nomina dengan modifier terletak sebelum head; tipe II, dengan modifier terletak sesudah “head”; dan tipe III, dengan modifier terletak sebelum dan sesudah “head”. berdasarkan tipe frasa nomina ini sering menimbulkan kesulitan untuk memahaminya. Hal ini misalnya dapat dilihat dari penerjemahan frasa nomina (diberi garis bawah) dalam kalimat “One of the firs aspects of method design to receive attention was the role of vocabulary “(Richards and Rodgers, 1986:32).
Kalimat di atas memiliki dua frasa nomina, yaitu “the first aspects” dan “method design”. Struktur frasa nomina pertama terdiri atas “the first”sebagai modifier dan “aspect” sebagai head. sedang pada frasa nomina kedua “method” sebagai modifier dan “design” sebagai head. kalimat yang berisi kedua frasa nomina di atas mungkin diterjemahkan menjadi: (a) salah satu aspek utama dari metode yang dirancang untuk mendapat perhatian, atau (b) salah satu aspek utama rancangan metode yang perlu mendapat perhatian.
Dilihat dari struktur dan cara penerjemahan frasa nomina, penerjemahan frasa nomina pertama pada (a) benar, tetapi pada frasa nomina kedua salah. Kesalahan ini disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Pertama, tidak memahami struktur frasa nomina. Kedua, tidak dapat menentukan “head” atau kata benda pusat frasa nomina. Dalam kasus di atas yang menjadi head adalah “method”, padahal yang benar pada “design”. Selain itu kata “design” berfungsi sebagai verba (pasif), padahal sebenarnya adalah nomina sebagai head yang cakupannya dibatasi oleh kata “method” sebagai modifier. Dan ketiga, tidak mengetahui cara menerjemahkan frasa nomina tersebut. Kesalahan atau ketidakpahaman terhadap tiga hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam memahami frasa nomina sebagaimana akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut. Penerjemahan yang benar dalam konteks ini adalah ‘rancangan metode’ sebagaimana pada penerjemahan (b).
Selain itu dapat dikemukakan bahwa setiap kalimat yang membangun suatu paragraph mengandung frasa nomina. Hal ini terjadi karena frasa nomina dapat menjadi pengisi beberapa elemen dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, yaitu subjek, objek, komplemen, atau modifier. Sedangakn jumlah frasa nomina setiap halaman buku ilmiah (rata-rata berisi 42 baris dengan spasi tunggal) kurang lebih ada 30 buah. Kalau setiap baris berisi satu frasa nomina berarti ada 30 baris dari 42 baris atau sekitar 71,43% dalam setiap halaman buku berisi frasa nomina.
Paparan di atas menuntut kita untuk memahami frasa nomina bahasa Inggris dengan tepat agar dapat memahami kalimat dengan tepat dan selanjutkan diharapkan dpaat memahami makna parafraf dan teks dengan tepat pula. Sebaliknya pemahaman frasa nomina bahasa Inggris yang kurang tepat mengakibatkan kesulitan dan kesalahan serius dalam memahami kalimat, paragraph dan teks yang berisi frasa nomina tersebut.
Dengan kata lain pemahaman frasa nomina bahasa Inggris secara tepat akan membantu memahami teks bacaan/ reading. Selanjutnya diharapkan dapat membantu memahami teks berbagai bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, social, budaya, seni, dan lain-lain. Dalam hal ini tentu sangat diharapkan untuk membantu membangun bangsa dan Negara.
Pengertian Frasa Nomina
Berdasarkan penjelasan Richards, Platt and Platt (1996:251) dan Huddleston (1995:85) di atas dapat dipahami bahwa frasa nomina adalah sekelompok kata yang salah satunya adalah kata benda atau nomina yang menjadi pusat (head) dari frasa nomina tersebut dan kata lain yang mendahului (pre-head) atau mengikuti (post-head) kata pusatnya. “head” yang berupa nomina menjadi ciri utama dari frasa nomina bahasa Inggris. Tanpa adanya “head” yang berupa nomina maka frasa itu bukanlah frasa nomina bahasa Inggris.
Struktur Frasa Nomina Bahasa Inggris
Berdasarkan pengertian tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa struktur frasa nomina tersusunn dari dua elemen pokok yaitu kata benda pusat atau “head” dan kata lain yang sebelum maupun sesudah “head” yang disebut pewatas atau “modifier”. Modifier yang terletak sebelum “head” disebut “pre-head” dan yang terletak sesudah “head” disebut “post-head”. dilihat dari “pre-head” dan “post-head” berdasarkan definisi Huddleston (1995:85), Roberts (1958:187-193), dan Soemarno (2001:11) dapat dibedakan adanya tiga tipe struktur frasa nomina bahasa Inggris, yaitu:
1) Tipe I, dengan struktur “pre-head+head”, terdiri atas 4 jenis (nomina yang diberi garis bawah adalah “head”):
a) Pre head berupa nomina, contoh:
(1) Many English grammar books(beberapa buku tata bahasa, bahasa Inggris).
(2) Large Indonesian forest(hutan Indonesia yang luas).
b) “Pre head” berupa kata sifat (adjective+ noun) tetap dimulai dari kata benda yang berfungsi sebagai “head”, dilakukan dengan cara yang sama dengan cara pada a) di atas. Contoh:
(3) Different ideas, berarti gagasan-gagasan yang berbeda.
(4) Important notes, berarti catatan-catatan penting.
c) “pre head” berupa kata kerja “-ing” (V+ing+N), juga dimulai dari kata benda sebagai “head”. contoh:
(5) Running water, berarti air yang mengalir
(6) Fishing rod, berarti tangkai pemancing
d) “pre head” berupa kata kerja bentuk 3 dengan kata benda (Kata Kerja bentuk 3+N), tetap dimulai dari kata benda sebagai “head”. contoh:
(7) Written exercise, berarti latihan-latihan tulis
(8) Fried chicken, berarti ayam goring.
Penggunaan teknik “heading” untuk memahami struktur frasa nomina bahasa Inggris tipe I secara lebih jelas dapat dilihat pada table 1 di bawah ini.
Tabel 1: struktur Frasa Nomina (Tipe I) beserta contohnya:
No. | Contoh Frasa Nomina (Example for Phrase of Nominal | Struktur Frasa Nomina Tipe I (Structure Phrase of Nominal (type I) | ||
Pre-head | Head | |||
Determiner | Modifier | | ||
1 | Many English grammar books | Many | English grammar | Books |
2 | Different ideas | | different | Ideas |
3 | Running water | | Running | Water |
4 | His written exercises | | Written | Exercise |
2) Tipe II, dengan struktur: head+post head, contoh:
a) Lions in Safari park (Singa-singa di taman Safari)
b) Students of Muhammadiyah university of Ponorogo (para mahasiswa universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo).
Secara lebih jelas struktur frasa nomina tipe II dapat dilihat pada table 2 berikut ini.
Tabel 2: Struktur Frasa Nomina (Tipe I) beserta contohnya:
No | Contoh Frasa Nomina (Example Phrase Nominal) | Struktur Frasa Nominal (Tipe I)/ Structure Phrase Nominal | |
Head | Post head | ||
1 | Lions in Safari park | Lions | In Safari Park |
2 | Student of Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo | Students | Of Muhammadiyah university of Ponorogo |
3) Tipe III, dengan struktur: pre-head+head+post-head, contoh:
a) Many Indonesian experts in middle east countries (para ahli Indonesia di Negara-negara Timur Tengah).
b) Special food from East Indonesia (makanan khas Indonesia bagian timur). Secara lebih jelas struktur frasa nomina tipe II dapat dilihat pada table 3 berikut.
Tabel 3: Struktur Frasa Nomina (Tipe I) beserta contohnya
No. | Contoh Frasa Nomina (Example Phrase Nominal) | Struktur Frasa Nomina (Tipe III)/ Structure Phrase Nominal | ||
Pre-head | Head | Post-head | ||
1 | Many Indonesian experts in middle east countries | Many Indonesian | expers | In middle east countries |
2 | Special food from East Indonesia | Special | food | From East Indonesian |
Daftar Pustaka
Huddleston, Rodney. 1995. English Grammar an Outline. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Quirk, Randolp; Greenbaum, Sidney; Leech, Geoffrey and Svartvik, Jan. 2000. Acomprehensive Grammar of The English Language. London: Logman.
Richards, Jack C, Platt, John, and Platt, Heidi. 1996. Longman Dictionary of Language teaching and Applied linguistics. England: Logman
Roberts, Paul. 1958. Understanding English. New York: Harper and Row, Publisher.
Soemarno, Th. 2001. Cara Menafsirkan Frasa Nomina dan Kalimat Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Surakarta: UMS Press.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
This article about Noun Phrase in English
(Source: Susilo, Djoko., 2011. Dynamics Teacher Magazine. Ponorogo: Dynamics.)
Noun phrase has a variety of functions within the structure of the English sentence as a filler subject, object, complement, or adverbial (Quirk, et. Al. 2000:60). In addition with the verb phrase, noun phrase in the English language is the most important types of phrases that can not be eliminated in the phrase (Quirk et. Al 2000:61). Fara noun also has a distinctive structure consisting of a noun phrase as the center of the so-called head and other words that precede or follow the so-called "dependent" (Huddlestone, 2000:64). Based on the location of the "head" and "modifier" noun phrase can be grouped into three types. Type I, which is located noun phrase with modifier before head; Type II, with modifier located after the "head", and type III, with modifier located before and after the "head". based on this type of noun phrases often pose difficulties to understand it. This example can be seen from the translation of noun phrases (underlined) in the sentence "One of the firs aspects of the design method to receive attention was the role of vocabulary" (Richards and Rodgers, 1986:32).
The sentence above has two noun phrases, namely "the first aspects" and "design method". The structure consists of first noun phrase "the first" as a modifier and the "aspect" as the head. being the second noun phrase "method" as a modifier and "design" as the head. The second sentence contains the noun phrase above might be translated into: (a) one of the main aspects of the method that is designed to get attention, or (b) one of the main aspects of the design methods that require attention.
Judging from the structure and the way the noun phrase translation, the first translation of noun phrases in (a) true, but the second noun phrase wrong. This error is caused by several things. First, do not understand the structure of noun phrases. Second, it can not determine "head" or the noun phrase noun center. In the case above the head is a "method", but right on the "design". Similarly, the word "design" to function as a verb (passive), when in fact it is a noun as head whose scope is limited by the word "method" as the modifier. And third, do not know how to translate the noun phrase. Errors or lack of comprehension on three things will lead to errors in understanding the noun phrase, as will be explained further. Correct translation in this context is the 'design method', as in the translation of (b).
Moreover, it can be argued that any sentence that construct a paragraph containing noun phrases. This happens because the noun phrase can be a filler some elements in English sentences, the subject, object, complement, or modifier. Sedangakn number of noun phrases per page scholarly book (on average contains 42 single-spaced lines) are approximately 30 pieces. If each row contains one noun phrase means there are 30 lines of 42 lines or approximately 71.43% in every page of the book contains noun phrases.
Exposure above requires us to understand the English noun phrase in order to properly understand the sentence correctly and selanjutkan expected dpaat parafraf and understand the meaning text properly anyway. Instead of understanding English noun phrases that are less precise cause serious difficulties and errors in understanding sentences, paragraphs and texts that contain the noun phrase.
In other words, understanding of English noun phrases appropriately will help to understand the text reading / reading. Then expected to help understand the text various fields of science, technology, social, cultural, arts, and others. In this course is expected to help build the nation and the State.
Definition of Noun Phrase
Based on the explanation Richards, Platt and Platt (1996:251) and Huddleston (1995:85) above can be understood that the noun phrase is a group of words, one of which is a noun or noun that became central (head) of the noun phrases and other words preceding (pre-head) or following (post-head) said its center. "Head" in the form nouns become the main feature of the English noun phrase. Without the "head" in the form of the noun phrase noun phrase is not English.
English Noun Phrase Structure
Based on the understanding that it can be seen that the structure of noun phrases tersusunn of two main elements, namely the central noun or "head" and another said that before and after the "head" called pewatas or "modifier". Modifier that is located before the "head" is called "pre-head" and that is after the "head" so-called "post-head". seen from the "pre-head" and "post-head" by definition Huddleston (1995:85), Roberts (1958:187-193), and Soemarno (2001:11) can be distinguished the three types of English noun phrase structure, ie :
1) Type I, with the structure of the "pre-head + head", consists of 4 types (nouns that are underlined are the "head"):
a) Pre head in the form nouns, for example:
(1) Many English grammar books (some grammar books, English).
(2) Large forest Indonesian (Indonesia's vast forests).
b) "Pre head" in the form of an adjective (adjective + noun) keep starting from the noun functioning as the "head", done in a way similar to the way in a) above. Example:
(3) Different ideas, means different ideas.
(4) Important notes, means that important records.
c) "pre-head" in the form of the verb "-ing" (V + ing + N), also starting from the noun as "head". example:
(5) Running water, meaning water flowing
(6) Fishing rod, meaning anglers stalk
d) "pre-head" in the form of the verb with the noun form 3 (3 + Verb forms N), still starting from the noun as "head". example:
(7) Written exercise, mean writing exercises
(8) Fried chicken, fried chicken means.
Use the technique of "heading" to understand the structure of English noun phrases I type more clearly be seen in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Noun phrase structure (Type I) and examples:
No.. Examples of Noun Phrase (Example for Nominal Phrase Structure of Noun Phrase Type I (Structure of Nominal Phrase (type I)
Pre-head Head
Determiner Modifier
1 Many English grammar English grammar books Many Books
2 Different different ideas Ideas
3 Running water Running Water
4 His written exercises Written Exercise
2) Type II, with the structure: head + head post, for example:
a) Lions in Safari park (the lions in the safari park)
b) Students of Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo (university students Muhammadiyah Ponorogo).
More clearly the structure of noun phrase type II can be seen in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Structure of Noun Phrase (Type I) and examples:
Example No. noun phrase (Phrase Example Nominal) Nominal Phrase Structure (Type I) / Nominal Phrase Structure
Head Post head
1 Lions Safari park in Lions In Safari Park
2 Student of Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo Students Of Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo
3) Type III, with the structure: pre-head + head + post-head, for example:
a) Many Indonesian experts in middle east countries (Indonesia experts in Middle Eastern countries).
b) Special food from East Indonesia (Indonesian food eastern). More clearly the structure of noun phrase type II can be seen in Table 3 below.
Table 3: Structure of Noun Phrase (Type I) and examples
No.. Examples of Noun Phrase (Phrase Example Nominal) Noun Phrase Structure (Type III) / Nominal Phrase Structure
Pre-head-head Head Post
1 Many Indonesian experts in middle east countries Many Indonesian expers in middle east countries
2 Special food from East Indonesia Special food From East Indonesian
Huddleston, Rodney. , 1995. English Grammar an Outline. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Quirk, Randolph; Greenbaum, Sidney; Leech, Geoffrey and Svartvik, January In 2000. Acomprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Logman.
Richards, Jack C., Platt, John, and Platt, Heidi. , 1996. Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied linguistics. England: Logman
Roberts, Paul. 1958. Understanding English. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers.
Soemarno, Th. , 2001. How to Interpret Noun phrase and sentence in English. Surakarta: UMS Press.
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