Konsep Wilayah dan Perwilayahan
(Sumber: Hasan, Nur. Geografi SMA Kelas XII. Surabaya: BintangKarya.)
A) Membedakan Wilayah Formal dan Fungsional (Nodal)
1) Pengertian Wilayah Formal
a) menurut T. J. Woofter, Wilayah Formal adalah daerah ternteut yang didalamnya tercipta homogenitas ekonomi dan social sebagai perwujudan kombinasi antara faktor lingkungan dan demografis.
b) menurut R. S. Platt, Wilayah Formal adalah daerah tertentu yang keberadaannya dikenal berdasarkan homogenitas umum baik atas dasar karakteristik lahan maupun huniannya.
c) Menurut W. I. G. Joeng, Wilayah Formal adalah daerah tertentu yang mempunyai kondisi fisik seragam.
d) menurut M. M. Fenneman, Wilayah Formal adalah daerah tertentu yang bentang lahannya sejenis dan dapat dibedakan dengan daerah tetangganya.
Dari beberapa pengertian, Wilayah Formal yaitu wilayah geografis yang seragam atau homogeny berdasarkan criteria tertentu dan dapat dibedakan dengan daerah tetangganya. Kriteria yang digunakan dalam pembagian wilayah formal berupa unsur fisik atau unsur social, seperti peta tanah, peta kepadatan penduduk, peta penggunaan lahan, dan lainnya.
2) Wilayah fungsional. Wilayah fungsional memberikan konsep tentang wilayah berbeda dengan wilayah formal yang menitik beratkan pada homogenitas sedangkan wilayah fungsional berdasarkan pada heterogenitas, sehingga pandangannya menitik beratkan pada hubungan fungsional, maka wilayah seperti itu disebut wilayah fungsional. Seperti pandangan J. W. Alexander, dia memandang eksistensi jenis wilayah ini pada adanya kesamaan pusat aktivitas hubungan dari sistem yang ada, sehingga istilah yang dipakainya adalah modal region. Menurut P. Vidal de La Blache, suatu wilayah adalah tempat (dominan) tertentu yang didalamnya terdapat banyak sekali perbedaan, namun secara antifisial tergabung bersama, saling menyesuaikan untuk membentuk kebersamaan.
Dari uraian di atas menggambarkan Wilayah fungsional yaitu wilayah geografik yang memperhatikan suatu hubungan fungsional antar Wilayah formal yang interdependansi dan batas wilayah tersebut terkontrol oleh sebuah titip pusat. Untuk itu Wilayah fungsional disamping menekankan pad aide heterogenitas, juga menekankan pad aide sentralitas. Contoh wilaya desa dengan wilayah kota, keduanya mempunyai hubungan yang saling ketergantungan, desa berfungsi memasok bahan baku ke kota, sedangkan kota berfungsi sebagai pusat melayani kebutuhan berupa hasil industry ke penduduk desa.
b) membuat perwilayahan berdasarkan fenomena geografis di lingkungan setempat. Perwilayahan adalah usaha untuk membagi permukaan bumi atau bagian permukaan tertentu untuk tujuan yang tertentu pula, pembagiannya dapat didasarkan pada criteria administrasi, politis, ekonomis, social, cultural, fisis, geografis, dan sebagainya, cara membuat perwilayahan secara garis besar dapat digolongkan menjadi dua cara:
1) penyamarataan wilayah (generalisasi regional). penyamarataan wilayah (generalisasi regional) adalah suatu proses atau usaha untuk membagi permukaan bumi atau bagian permukaan bumi tertentu menjadi beberapa bagian dengan cara mengubah atau menghilangkan faktor tertentu dalam populasi yang dianggap kurang atau kurang relevan dengan maksud untuk menonjolkan karakteristik tertentu. Pembuatan perwilayahan bisa dilakukan delimitasi yaitu penentuan batas terluat suatu wilayah untuk tujuan tertentu. Delimitasi ada dua cara secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif:
a) delimitasi wilayah kualitatif yaitu cara pemberian batas wilayah bagian terluar yang memiliki perbedaan karateristik kemampakan yang tegas. Cara ini banyak dikerjalkan dalam interpretasi foto udara. Delimitasi kenampakan yang dijalankan berdasarkan rona, tekstur, dan pola yang ada dalam foto udara yang bersangkutan. Delimitasi kualitatif lebih menguntungkan dan dapat lebih dipercaya dibandingkan delimitasi yang menggunakan peta garis (line map). Untuk daerah yang sempit dapat digunakan foto udara dan daerah yang luas dapat digunakan citra satelit.
b) delimitasi wilayah kuantitatif yaitu cara pemberian batas wilayah bagian luar dengan data angka yang dituangkan dalam peta sehingga akan memberikan gambaran penyebaran data tersebut dalam hubungannya dengan ruang. Cara ini mendasarkan pada teknik pembuatan polygon seperti cara polygon Thiesen, dan pembagian wilayah aktifitas pusat perdagangan berdasarkan titik henti.
2) Klasifikasi wilayah. Klasifikasi wilayah adalah usaha untuk mengadakan penggolongan wilayah secara sistematis ke dalam bagian tertentu berdasarkan criteria tertentu. Secara garis besar klasifikasi dapat dibedakan ke dalam dua golongan yaitu klasifikasi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui deferensiasi jenis (perbedaan jenis) dan klasifikasi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui deferensiasi tingkat.
a) deferensiasi jenis dalam klasifikasi wilayah. Deferensiasi jenis ini kebanyakan dilakukan secara kualitatif, sebagai contoh Peta tanah, dari data jenis tanah yang ada akan dapat memberi gambaran tentang wilayah yang berbeda-beda dengan masing karakteristik jenis tanah. Symbol yang digunakan pada peta tanah adalah jenis kualitatif.
b) deferensiasi tingkat dalam klasifikasi wilayah.
1) Metode Interval. Pembagian wilayah menjadi beberapa wilayah digunakan dasar kelas interval. Semakin banyak kelas yang dibentuk dalam deferensiasinya atau semakin kecilnya interval yang digunakan sebgai dasar penggolongan akan semakin banyak informasi yang dapat disadap dari data yang bersangkutan. Contoh peta dengan cara ini: pembuatan wilayah peta curah hujan dengan cara isohyt yaitu garis yang menghubungkan titik yang mempunyai curah hujan yang sama, pembuatan wilayah topografi, dengan kontur yaitu garis menghubungkan tempat yang memiliki ketinggian yang sama.
2) metode Hirarkhis, dalam klasifikasi wilayah masing kelas mempunyai hubungan dengan kelas di bawahnya atau di atasnya karena orde yang lebih tinggi merupakan gabungan dari kelas yang ada dibawahnya. Pembagian wilayah dalam klasifikasi wilayah dengan metode hirarkis seperti pembagian wilayah desa, wilayah kecamatan, wilayah kabupaten, wilayah provinsi, dan wilayah Indonesia.
C) Mengindentifikasi Pusat Pertumbuhan.
1) Pengertian pusat pertumbuhan (growth centre). Istilah pusat pertumbuhan (growth centre) atau titik atau kutub pertumbuhan (growth pole) menurut Redmana dan Repelita dinamakan pusat pembangunan atau pusat pengembangan.
a) pusat pertumbuhan merupakan suatu wilayah atau kawasan yang pertumbuhannya sangat cepat sehingga dijadikan sebagai pusat perkembangan pembangunan yang dapat mempengaruhi kawasan lain disekitarnya.
b) pusat pertumbuhan (growth centre) merupakan inti pembangunan berupa sejumlah sector kecil sebgai kunci (sector terpenting) yang akan terus berkembang dan menjalar ke sector lain pada seluruh wilayah lain dengna kaitan ke belakang ke depan.
c) titik pertubuhan merupakan seperangkat industry yang dinamis dan terpadu yang digerakkan dalam sector pemimpin atau industry (industry yang mempunyai daya penggerak).
2) Pembagian Wilayah Pengembangan atau Pertumbuhan di Indonesia. Perencanaan pembangunan wilayah Indonesia mengkaitkan dengna teori growth poles atau pusat pertumbuhan (growth centre) dari Perroux dan teori central place (tempat pusat) dari Chistaller, bahwaa kepulauan Indonesia dibagi menjadi empat wilayah pembangunan utama dan 10 wilayah pembagunan sebagai berikut:
i) Wilayah Pembangunan Utama (A) : Pusat Utama, Medan.
Wilayah Pembangunan Pertama : Aceh dan Sumatera Utara, pusat Medan.
Wilayah Pembangunan Kedua : Sumatera Barat dan Riau, pusat Pekanbaru.
ii) Wilayah Pembangunan Utama (B) : Pusat Utama, Jakarta Raya.
Wilayah Pembangunan Ketiga : Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, Bengkulu, Pusat Palembang.
Wilayah Pembangunan Keempat : Lampung, Jakarta Raya, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Pusat Jakarta Raya.
Wilayah Pembangunan Keenam : Kalimantan Barat, Pusat Pontianak
iii) Wilayah Pembangunan Utama (C) : pusat utama, Surabaya.
Wilayah Pembangunan Kelima : Jawa Timur dan Bali, Pusat Surabaya.
Wilayah Pembangunan Ketujuh : Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur.
iv) Wilayah Pembangunan Utama (D) : Pusat utama, Ujungpandang
Wilayah Pembangunan Kedelapan : Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), Sulaersi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, Pusat Ujungpandang.
Wilayah Pembangunan Kesembilan : Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Utara, Pusat Manado.
Wilayah Pembanguna Kesepuluh : Maluku, Irian Jaya, pusat Sorong.
Di samping itu setiap wilayah pembangunan dibagi lagi menjadi wilayah pembangunan yang lebih kecil. Sebagai contoh dibawah ini disajikan pembangian yang ada untuk Jawa Barat sebagai berikut:
1) Wilayah pembangunan Jabotabek (berbatasan dengan Jakarta yakni Tangerang, Bogor, dan Bekasi) dan sebagian daerah Sukabumi. Di situ di tamping berbagai kegiatan berbagai kegiatan industry yang tak tertampung di Jakarta, agar keseimbangan ekologis tetap terjamin, beberapa daerah tetap di pertahankan sebagai daerah hijau.
2) Wilayah pembangunan Bandung Raya, wilayah ini dipersiapkan terutama untuk kegiatan pemerintah, pusat pendidikan tinggi, perdagangan dan pusat industry tekstil. Kota Bandung sebgai pusat perkembangan, fasilitas urbannya perlu ditambah, sedang rehabilitasi tanah kritis di pusatkan di wilayah kabupaten Cianjur, Bandung, Garut dan Sumedang. Bagian sebelah timur Raya adalah sub wilayah pembangunan terpusat di Tasikmalaya.
3) wilayah pembangunan Karawang, kota ini memusati dataran rendah utara dan menitikberatkan pada usaha produksi pangan (beras dan palawija) melalui intensifikasi areal persawahan.
4) wilayah pembanguna Cirebon dan sekitarnya di situ diutamakan kegiatan industry pengolah bahan agraris lalu industry netrokimia pupuk dan semen sehubungan itu pelabuhan Cirebon di tingkatkan sekaligus menampung kelebihan arus barang yang tak tertampung di Tanjung Priok.
5) Wilayah pembangunan Banten, berpusat id Serang Cilegon, dibagian utara diutamakan perluasan dan intensifikasi areal persawahan teknis. Wilayah selatan di peruntukan perkebungan dan tanaman buah-buahan. Wilaya Teluk Lada untuk intensifikasi usaha pertanian, sedang daerah sekitar Cilegon di jadikan pusat industry berat.
B) Memberi Contoh Perwilayahan Secara Formal dan Fungsional
1) contoh perwilayahan formal. Pengertian perwilayahan formal yang telah diuraikan terdahulu, bahwa wilayah formal yaitu wilayah geografis yang seragam atau homogeny berdasarkan criteria tertentu dan dapat dibedakan dengan daerah tetangganya. Beberapa contoh peta tematik dengan menggunakan symbol luasan menunjukkan adanya pembagian wilayah berdasarkan criteria tertentu. Criteria tersebut dapat berupa obyek geografi fisik atau unsur fisik dan obyek geografi social berupa unsur kemasyarakatan dan aktivitas manusia.
Criteria fisikl
Ø Topografi adalah wilayah yang pembagiannya didasarkan pada ketinggian, wilayah dataran tinggi, wilayah pegunungan, wilayah dataran rendah.
Ø Iklim adalah wilayah yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan iklim; wilayah daerah iklim sedang, wilayah daerah iklim tropis, wilayah daerah iklim dingin.
Ø Vegetasi adalah wilayah yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan vegetasi; wilayah hutan tropis, wilayah stepa, wilayah hutan musim, wilayah tundra.
Kriteria Sosial:
Ø Ekonomi adalah wilayah yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan aktivitas ekonomi; wilayah pertanian wilayah industry, wilayah perdagangan.
Ø Pendapatan per kapita adalah wilayah penduduk golongan rendah, wilayah penduduk golongan menengah, wilayah penduduk golongan tinggi.
2) Contoh wilayah Fungsional. Konsep dan gambar wilayah fungsional pada uraian di depan, bahwa fungsional yaitu wilayah geografik yang memperhatikan suatu hubungan fungsional antar wilayah yang interpedensi dan batas wilayah tersebut terkontrol oleh sebuah titik pusat. Untuk itu wilayah fungsional disamping menekankan pada ide heterogenitas, juga menekankan pada ide sentralitas.
Untuk menjelaskan hubungan fungsional antar wilayah digunakan model gravitasi dan model teori grafik seperti interaksi kota, titik henti, konektivitas, aksesibilitas.
E) Menentukan Batas Wilayah Pertumbuhan
1) Dasar penentuan Pusat Pertumbuhan. Dasar penentuan pusat pertumbuhan antara lain: peranan tempat pusat pada waktu yang lampau, keterjangkauan suatu tempat, tersedianya sumber daya, adanya perubahan perilaku dan sikap penduduk serta aneka perubahan teknologi.
Daerah akan berkembang cepat dengan mempunyai sifat: kaya akan kekayaan alam, letak daerahnya strategis, mempunyai cukup tenaga kerja, pengusaha yang mempunyai relative lebih baik dari pada banyak daerah lainnya, keadaan prasarananya relative baik dari pada banyak daerah lainnya, mempunyai hubungan baik dengan dunia luar, mempunyai administrasi pemerintahan yang relative dinamis.
2) Teori Dasar Pusat Pertumbuhan
a) Teori Kutub Pertumbuhan. Teori kutub pertumbuhan (growth pole Theory) sering disebut Teori pusat Pertumbuhan (Growth Centres Theory). Teori ini dikemukakan oleh Francois Perroux (1955), Perroux berpendapat: “Pertumbuhan tidak muncul diberbagai daerah pada waktu yang sama, kemunculannya hanya terjadi dibeberapa tempat atau pusat pertumbuhan dengna intensitas yang berbeda-beda, ia berkembang melalui saluran yang berbeda, dengan akibat akhir yang ditimbulkannya yang berbeda pula terhadap keseluruhan perekonomian.
b) Teori Tempat yang Sentral. Central place Theory dikemukakan ahli geografi Jerman bernama Walter Christaller pada tahun 1933. Ia mengemukakan konsep yang disebut jangkauan (range) dan ambang (thres hold). Range adalah jarak yang perlu ditempuh orang untuk mendapatkan barang kebutuhannya hanya kadang-kadang saja. Threshold adalah jumlah minimal penduduk yang diperlukan untuk kelancaran dan kesinambungan supply barang. W. Christaller dengan teroinya mengemukakan tiga jenis struktur hexagonal yakni K3, K4,dan K7, sebagai berikut:
1) Daerah struktur K3 disebut kasus pasar optimal karena daerah ini merupakan pusat pelayanan berupa pasar yang senantiasa menyediakan daerah disekitarnya. Wilayah ini memiliki pengaruh sepertiga bagian dari wilayah tetangga disekitarnya berbentuk hexagonal segi enam di samping mempengaruhi wilayah itu sendiri.
2) daerah struktur K4 disebut situasi lalu lintas yang optimam yaitu di daerah tersebut dan daerah sektiarnya yang terpengaruhi tempat sentral itu senantiasa yang paling efisien. Wilayah ini memiliki pengaruh setengah bagian dari wilayah di sekitarnya yang berbentuk heksagonal lain mempengaruhi wilayah itu sendiri.
3) struktur K7 dinamakan situasi administrative yang optimum. Tempat sentral ini mempengaruhi seluruh bagian (satu bagian) wilayah tetangganya disamping mempengaruhi wilayah itu sendiri.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
The concept of area and zoning
(Source: Hasan, Nur. Geography High School Class XII. Surabaya: BintangKarya.)
A) Differentiate Formal and Functional Areas (Nodal)
1) Understanding Formal Region
a) according to T. J. Woofter, Formal area is an area in which ternteut created economic and social homogeneity as the embodiment of a combination of environmental and demographic factors.
b) according to R. S. Platt, Formal areas are specific areas whose whereabouts are known by the general homogeneity both on land and dwelling characteristics.
c) According to W. I. G. Joeng, Formal areas are certain areas that have a uniform physical condition.
d) by M. M. Fenneman, Formal area is an area that spans some kind of land and can be distinguished by its neighbor.
From some sense, the geographical area Formal uniform or homogeneous based on certain criteria and can be distinguished from neighboring areas.Criteria used in formal zoning elements such as physical or social elements, such as soil maps, population density maps, land use maps, and more.
2) functional area. Functional areas provide the concept of different regions with formal areas that focus on homogeneity while functional areas based on heterogeneity, so that his eyes focused on the functional relationship, then the area as it is called functional areas. Such a view J. W. Alexander, he saw the existence of the type area in the central similarity relations activities of the existing system, so that the term he uses is the capital region. According to P. Vidal de La Blache, a region is a (dominant) in which there are some many differences, but in antifisial joined together, adjust to form a unity.
From the above discussion illustrates the functional areas are geographic areas that consider a functional relationship between the region and the interdependansi formal boundaries are controlled by a central entrusted. For that area in addition to emphasizing the functional heterogeneity pad aide, also emphasized the centrality aide pad. Example wilaya village with the city, they have a mutually dependent relationship, functioning village supplying raw materials to the city, while the city serves as a hub to serve the needs of industry to be a result of the villagers.
b) make zoning based geographic phenomena in the local environment. Zoning is an attempt to divide the surface of the earth or the specific surface for a particular purpose Similarly, the distribution can be based on the criteria of administrative, political, economic, social, cultural, physical, geographic, and so on, how to make zoning can be broadly classified into two ways :
1) leveling areas (regional generalizations). leveling areas (regional generalizations) is a process or an attempt to divide the surface of the earth or the earth's surface into several parts specified by changing or eliminating certain factors in the population that are considered less relevant or less in order to accentuate certain characteristics. Making the zoning can be done delimitation delimitation terluat an area for a particular purpose. Delimitation there are two ways qualitatively and quantitatively:
a) the delimitation of areas qualitatively granting the outer boundaries that have different characteristics kemampakan firm. How many dikerjalkan in aerial photo interpretation. Delimitation appearance of being run by hue, texture, and pattern in the aerial photo in question. Delimitation qualitatively more profitable and more reliable than using the maps delimitation line (line map). For small areas can be used aerial photographs and large areas can use satellite imagery.
b) delimiting the area of quantitative methods of delivery ie outer boundaries with numeric data as outlined in the map so it will give a spread of the data in relation to space. This method is based on the technique of making Thiesen polygon as polygon method, and the division of activities based on the point of stopping the trade center.
2) Classification of regions. Classification region is an attempt to hold territory in a systematic classification into a specific part by certain criteria. Broadly speaking, the classification can be divided into two groups, namely classification aims to determine the differentiation type (different types) and classification aims to determine the level of differentiation.
a) differentiation type in the classification area. Differentiation types is mostly done qualitatively, for example soil map, soil type of the data that is going to give an overview of the different regions with characteristics of each soil type. Symbol used on soil maps are qualitative kind.
b) the level of differentiation in the classification area.
1) Interval Methods. The division of the area into several regions used the base class interval. The more classes formed in deferensiasinya or increasingly smaller intervals used sebgai basic classification the more information that can be extracted from the data in question. Sample maps in this way: the creation of a map of the area rainfall isohyt by the line connecting points having equal rainfall, making the area topography, with contour lines that connect places that have the same height.
2) hierarchical method, the classification of each class of the region has relationship with the class below it or above it because of the higher-order combinations of existing classes below. Zoning classification of regions with hierarchical methods such as the distribution of the village, sub-district, district, province, and parts of Indonesia.
C) Identifying the Growth Centre.
1) Understanding the growth center (growth centers). Term growth centers (growth centers) or the point or poles of growth (growth pole) by Redmana and development centers or Repelita called development center.
a) is the growth center of an area or region is growing so quickly that serve as centers of development that could affect the development of the area around them.
b) the center of growth (growth center) is at the core of development in the form of a small sector sebgai key (most important sector), which will continue to grow and spread to other sectors in all regions dengna link back to the front.
c) pertubuhan point is a set of integrated and dynamic industry driven leader in the sector or industry (industry who have locomotion).
2) Division of Regional Development or growth in Indonesia. Indonesia for regional development planning theories linking dengna growth poles or centers of growth (growth centers) of Perroux and central place theory (the center) of Chistaller, bahwaa Indonesian archipelago is divided into four main development areas and 10 areas of developing the following:
i) Main Development Region (A): Main Centre, Medan.
First Development Region: Aceh and North Sumatra, Medan center.
Second Development Region: West Sumatra and Riau, Pekanbaru center.
ii) Main Development Region (B): Main Center, Jakarta.
Third Regional Development: Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Palembang Center.
Fourth Regional Development: Lampung, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, Central Jakarta.
Sixth Development Region: West Kalimantan, Central Pontianak
iii) Main Development Region (C): the main center, Surabaya.
Fifth Regional Development: East Java and Bali, Surabaya Center.
Seventh Development Region: Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan.
iv) Main Development Region (D): The main center, Ujungpandang
Eighth Development Region: West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Sulaersi South, South East, Central Ujungpandang.
Ninth Development Region: Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Manado Center.
DEVELOPMENT Tenth Region: Maluku, Irian Jaya, the center of Sorong.
In addition each area of development is subdivided into smaller areas of development. As an example below is presented pembangian exist for West Java as follows:
1) The development of Greater Jakarta (Jakarta bordering the Tangerang, Bogor, and Bekasi) and parts of Sukabumi. In situ tamping activities industry activities are not accommodated in Jakarta, so that the ecological balance is still safe, some areas still are defended as a green area.
2) The development area Bandung Raya, the area is prepared primarily for government activities, centers of higher education, trade and textile industry center. Sebgai Bandung city center developments, urban centers have added facilities, rehabilitation of critical land being hosted in Cianjur district, Bandung, Garut and Sumedang. The east Kingdom is centered on the development of the sub region Tasikmalaya.
3) the development of Karachi, the city memusati northern lowlands and focus on the business of food production (rice and pulses) through the intensification of rice cultivation.
4) with establishment of Cirebon and surrounding areas there preferred materials processing industry events and industry netrokimia agricultural fertilizers and cement that connection port of Cirebon on the increase as well as accommodate the excess flow of goods are not collected in Tanjung Priok.
5) The development area of Banten, centered id Attack Cilegon, the north prioritized the expansion and intensification of rice cultivation technical. The south of the allotment perkebungan and fruit trees. Wilaya Lada bay for agricultural intensification, being made in the area around Cilegon heavy industry center.
B) Give examples Formally zoning and Functional
1) examples of formal zoning. Definition of formal zoning that has been described earlier, that the geographical area of formal uniform or homogeneous based on certain criteria and can be distinguished from neighboring areas. Some examples of thematic maps using symbols indicate the extent of territorial division based on certain criteria. Criteria can be either a physical object or elements of physical geography and social geography of the object in the form of social elements and human activities.
Criteria fisikl
The topography of the region is based on the height distribution, the highlands, the mountains, the lowlands.
Climate is a region grouped by climate, temperate area region, the tropical climate zone, area cold climate regions.
The vegetation is grouped by vegetation zone; areas of tropical forest, steppe region, the forested areas, tundra regions.
Social criteria:
Economics is grouped by areas of economic activity; farm in the area industry, trade area. The per capita income is lower class urban areas, populated areas of the middle class, high class urban areas.
2) Examples of functional areas. The concept and functional images in the description area at the front, that is functional geographic regions consider a functional relationship between territories and boundaries interpedensi is controlled by a central point. For that region as well as emphasis on the idea of functional heterogeneity, also emphasized the centrality of the idea.
To elucidate the functional relationship between territories used gravity models such as graph theory and models the interaction of the city, stopping point, connectivity, accessibility.
E) Determine Growth Boundary
1) The basis of determining Growth Centre. Basis for determining the growth centers, among others: the role of the central place in the past, somewhere affordability, availability of resources, a change in the behavior and attitude of people and the various changes in technology.The area will grow faster by having nature: rich in natural resources, the strategic location of the region, have enough labor, employers that have relatively better than in many other areas, the situation is relatively better infrastructure than many other areas, has good relations with the outside world , has a relatively dynamic administration.
2) Basic Theory of Growth Centre
a) Growth Pole Theory. Growth pole theory (growth pole theory) often called Theory of Growth centers (Centres Growth Theory). This theory was put forward by Francois Perroux (1955), Perroux argued: "Growth does not appear in different areas at the same time, they appear only occurs in some places or centers of growth dengna varying intensity, he progressed through different channels, with the final result caused different to the overall economy.
b) Central Place Theory. Central place theory noted German geographer Walter Christaller in 1933. He proposed a concept called the range (range) and threshold (thres hold). Range is the distance that needs to be taken to get the goods need only occasionally. Threshold is the minimum number of people required for the smooth running and continuity of supply of goods. W. Christaller with teroinya suggests three types of hexagonal structure that is K3, K4, and K7, as follows:
1) The regional structure called the K3 case optimal market for this area is the center of the market in the form of services that always provide the surrounding area. This area has the effect of a third part of the surrounding neighboring hexagonal shaped hexagon beside the affected area itself.
2) regional structure called K4 optimam traffic situation is in the area and the area affected sektiarnya central place was always the most efficient. The region has half the effect of the surrounding area in the form of hexagonal others affect the area itself.
3) K7 structure called the optimum administrative situation. Central place affects all parts (one part) neighboring region besides affecting the region itself.
(Source: Hasan, Nur. Geography High School Class XII. Surabaya: BintangKarya.)
A) Differentiate Formal and Functional Areas (Nodal)
1) Understanding Formal Region
a) according to T. J. Woofter, Formal area is an area in which ternteut created economic and social homogeneity as the embodiment of a combination of environmental and demographic factors.
b) according to R. S. Platt, Formal areas are specific areas whose whereabouts are known by the general homogeneity both on land and dwelling characteristics.
c) According to W. I. G. Joeng, Formal areas are certain areas that have a uniform physical condition.
d) by M. M. Fenneman, Formal area is an area that spans some kind of land and can be distinguished by its neighbor.
From some sense, the geographical area Formal uniform or homogeneous based on certain criteria and can be distinguished from neighboring areas.Criteria used in formal zoning elements such as physical or social elements, such as soil maps, population density maps, land use maps, and more.
2) functional area. Functional areas provide the concept of different regions with formal areas that focus on homogeneity while functional areas based on heterogeneity, so that his eyes focused on the functional relationship, then the area as it is called functional areas. Such a view J. W. Alexander, he saw the existence of the type area in the central similarity relations activities of the existing system, so that the term he uses is the capital region. According to P. Vidal de La Blache, a region is a (dominant) in which there are some many differences, but in antifisial joined together, adjust to form a unity.
From the above discussion illustrates the functional areas are geographic areas that consider a functional relationship between the region and the interdependansi formal boundaries are controlled by a central entrusted. For that area in addition to emphasizing the functional heterogeneity pad aide, also emphasized the centrality aide pad. Example wilaya village with the city, they have a mutually dependent relationship, functioning village supplying raw materials to the city, while the city serves as a hub to serve the needs of industry to be a result of the villagers.
b) make zoning based geographic phenomena in the local environment. Zoning is an attempt to divide the surface of the earth or the specific surface for a particular purpose Similarly, the distribution can be based on the criteria of administrative, political, economic, social, cultural, physical, geographic, and so on, how to make zoning can be broadly classified into two ways :
1) leveling areas (regional generalizations). leveling areas (regional generalizations) is a process or an attempt to divide the surface of the earth or the earth's surface into several parts specified by changing or eliminating certain factors in the population that are considered less relevant or less in order to accentuate certain characteristics. Making the zoning can be done delimitation delimitation terluat an area for a particular purpose. Delimitation there are two ways qualitatively and quantitatively:
a) the delimitation of areas qualitatively granting the outer boundaries that have different characteristics kemampakan firm. How many dikerjalkan in aerial photo interpretation. Delimitation appearance of being run by hue, texture, and pattern in the aerial photo in question. Delimitation qualitatively more profitable and more reliable than using the maps delimitation line (line map). For small areas can be used aerial photographs and large areas can use satellite imagery.
b) delimiting the area of quantitative methods of delivery ie outer boundaries with numeric data as outlined in the map so it will give a spread of the data in relation to space. This method is based on the technique of making Thiesen polygon as polygon method, and the division of activities based on the point of stopping the trade center.
2) Classification of regions. Classification region is an attempt to hold territory in a systematic classification into a specific part by certain criteria. Broadly speaking, the classification can be divided into two groups, namely classification aims to determine the differentiation type (different types) and classification aims to determine the level of differentiation.
a) differentiation type in the classification area. Differentiation types is mostly done qualitatively, for example soil map, soil type of the data that is going to give an overview of the different regions with characteristics of each soil type. Symbol used on soil maps are qualitative kind.
b) the level of differentiation in the classification area.
1) Interval Methods. The division of the area into several regions used the base class interval. The more classes formed in deferensiasinya or increasingly smaller intervals used sebgai basic classification the more information that can be extracted from the data in question. Sample maps in this way: the creation of a map of the area rainfall isohyt by the line connecting points having equal rainfall, making the area topography, with contour lines that connect places that have the same height.
2) hierarchical method, the classification of each class of the region has relationship with the class below it or above it because of the higher-order combinations of existing classes below. Zoning classification of regions with hierarchical methods such as the distribution of the village, sub-district, district, province, and parts of Indonesia.
C) Identifying the Growth Centre.
1) Understanding the growth center (growth centers). Term growth centers (growth centers) or the point or poles of growth (growth pole) by Redmana and development centers or Repelita called development center.
a) is the growth center of an area or region is growing so quickly that serve as centers of development that could affect the development of the area around them.
b) the center of growth (growth center) is at the core of development in the form of a small sector sebgai key (most important sector), which will continue to grow and spread to other sectors in all regions dengna link back to the front.
c) pertubuhan point is a set of integrated and dynamic industry driven leader in the sector or industry (industry who have locomotion).
2) Division of Regional Development or growth in Indonesia. Indonesia for regional development planning theories linking dengna growth poles or centers of growth (growth centers) of Perroux and central place theory (the center) of Chistaller, bahwaa Indonesian archipelago is divided into four main development areas and 10 areas of developing the following:
i) Main Development Region (A): Main Centre, Medan.
First Development Region: Aceh and North Sumatra, Medan center.
Second Development Region: West Sumatra and Riau, Pekanbaru center.
ii) Main Development Region (B): Main Center, Jakarta.
Third Regional Development: Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Palembang Center.
Fourth Regional Development: Lampung, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, Central Jakarta.
Sixth Development Region: West Kalimantan, Central Pontianak
iii) Main Development Region (C): the main center, Surabaya.
Fifth Regional Development: East Java and Bali, Surabaya Center.
Seventh Development Region: Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan.
iv) Main Development Region (D): The main center, Ujungpandang
Eighth Development Region: West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Sulaersi South, South East, Central Ujungpandang.
Ninth Development Region: Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Manado Center.
DEVELOPMENT Tenth Region: Maluku, Irian Jaya, the center of Sorong.
In addition each area of development is subdivided into smaller areas of development. As an example below is presented pembangian exist for West Java as follows:
1) The development of Greater Jakarta (Jakarta bordering the Tangerang, Bogor, and Bekasi) and parts of Sukabumi. In situ tamping activities industry activities are not accommodated in Jakarta, so that the ecological balance is still safe, some areas still are defended as a green area.
2) The development area Bandung Raya, the area is prepared primarily for government activities, centers of higher education, trade and textile industry center. Sebgai Bandung city center developments, urban centers have added facilities, rehabilitation of critical land being hosted in Cianjur district, Bandung, Garut and Sumedang. The east Kingdom is centered on the development of the sub region Tasikmalaya.
3) the development of Karachi, the city memusati northern lowlands and focus on the business of food production (rice and pulses) through the intensification of rice cultivation.
4) with establishment of Cirebon and surrounding areas there preferred materials processing industry events and industry netrokimia agricultural fertilizers and cement that connection port of Cirebon on the increase as well as accommodate the excess flow of goods are not collected in Tanjung Priok.
5) The development area of Banten, centered id Attack Cilegon, the north prioritized the expansion and intensification of rice cultivation technical. The south of the allotment perkebungan and fruit trees. Wilaya Lada bay for agricultural intensification, being made in the area around Cilegon heavy industry center.
B) Give examples Formally zoning and Functional
1) examples of formal zoning. Definition of formal zoning that has been described earlier, that the geographical area of formal uniform or homogeneous based on certain criteria and can be distinguished from neighboring areas. Some examples of thematic maps using symbols indicate the extent of territorial division based on certain criteria. Criteria can be either a physical object or elements of physical geography and social geography of the object in the form of social elements and human activities.
Criteria fisikl
The topography of the region is based on the height distribution, the highlands, the mountains, the lowlands.
Climate is a region grouped by climate, temperate area region, the tropical climate zone, area cold climate regions.
The vegetation is grouped by vegetation zone; areas of tropical forest, steppe region, the forested areas, tundra regions.
Social criteria:
Economics is grouped by areas of economic activity; farm in the area industry, trade area. The per capita income is lower class urban areas, populated areas of the middle class, high class urban areas.
2) Examples of functional areas. The concept and functional images in the description area at the front, that is functional geographic regions consider a functional relationship between territories and boundaries interpedensi is controlled by a central point. For that region as well as emphasis on the idea of functional heterogeneity, also emphasized the centrality of the idea.
To elucidate the functional relationship between territories used gravity models such as graph theory and models the interaction of the city, stopping point, connectivity, accessibility.
E) Determine Growth Boundary
1) The basis of determining Growth Centre. Basis for determining the growth centers, among others: the role of the central place in the past, somewhere affordability, availability of resources, a change in the behavior and attitude of people and the various changes in technology.The area will grow faster by having nature: rich in natural resources, the strategic location of the region, have enough labor, employers that have relatively better than in many other areas, the situation is relatively better infrastructure than many other areas, has good relations with the outside world , has a relatively dynamic administration.
2) Basic Theory of Growth Centre
a) Growth Pole Theory. Growth pole theory (growth pole theory) often called Theory of Growth centers (Centres Growth Theory). This theory was put forward by Francois Perroux (1955), Perroux argued: "Growth does not appear in different areas at the same time, they appear only occurs in some places or centers of growth dengna varying intensity, he progressed through different channels, with the final result caused different to the overall economy.
b) Central Place Theory. Central place theory noted German geographer Walter Christaller in 1933. He proposed a concept called the range (range) and threshold (thres hold). Range is the distance that needs to be taken to get the goods need only occasionally. Threshold is the minimum number of people required for the smooth running and continuity of supply of goods. W. Christaller with teroinya suggests three types of hexagonal structure that is K3, K4, and K7, as follows:
1) The regional structure called the K3 case optimal market for this area is the center of the market in the form of services that always provide the surrounding area. This area has the effect of a third part of the surrounding neighboring hexagonal shaped hexagon beside the affected area itself.
2) regional structure called K4 optimam traffic situation is in the area and the area affected sektiarnya central place was always the most efficient. The region has half the effect of the surrounding area in the form of hexagonal others affect the area itself.
3) K7 structure called the optimum administrative situation. Central place affects all parts (one part) neighboring region besides affecting the region itself.
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