Usaha untuk Mencari Minyak
(Sumber: Ihsan, Zainoel. Minyak Bumi. Jakarta: Penerbit Prasasti Nusantara.)
Banyak ahli perminyakan mengadakan pengeboran di lepas pantai atau di lautan lepas. Bahwa beratus-ratus juta tahun lamanya, fosil-fosil atau bekas kerangka-kerangka purba beserta tumbuh-tumbuhannya dihanyutkan oleh sungai-sungai dan mengendap di dasar lautan. Tetapi kini, akibat perubahan permukaan bumi, batu-batu yang mengandung minyak tidak selalu terdapat di bawah lautan, tetapi juga di bagian yang berupa daratan.
Bagaimana caranya orang mencari minyak? Lebih dari 100 tahun yang lalu, satu-satunya cara yang dipergunakan orang untuk mencari minyak adalah dengan jalan mengebor tempat-tempat yang diduga mengandung minyak.
Orang pertama yang melakukan pengeboran sumur minyak adalah Kolonel Drake, seorang Amerika, di Titusville, Pennsylvania, Amerika Utara pada tahun 1859. Pada waktu itu, pengeboran dilakukan dengan cara menerka-nerka saja di tempat-tempat yang terdapat rembesan-rembesan minyak di permukaan bumi. Alat-alat yang digunakan pada waktu itu juga sangat sederhana dan sering mengalami kegagalan serta sering meninggalkan sumur-sumur liar, yang bekasnya terdapat dimana-mana.
Sekarang, di mana teknologi sudah sanga maju, orang mengadakan penelitian pendahuluan dengan sangat cermat dan teliti, sebelum mengadakan pengeboran. Serangkaian kegiatan pendahuluan yang dilakukan orang adalah: pemetaan topografi yaitu dengan mengadakan pemotretan dari udara mengenai wilayah-wilayah yang akan diselidiki, diusul dengan penyelidikan geologi atau penyelidikan keadaan permukaan bumi dan penyelidikan geofisika yaitu penyelidikan keadaan bumi yang terdapat di bawah tanah. Pemetaan dengan mengadakan pemotretan dari udara, jauh lebih cepat dari mengadakan pemetaan dengan cara-cara biasa.
Setelah daerah-daerah yang akan diselidiki ditetapkan, para ahli bumi (geolog) harus berjalan kaki melalui hutan-hutan dan rawa-rawa untuk mengakan penyelidikan secara teliti sekali. Mereka mencari batu-batu yang menonjol dari permukaan tanah dan batu-batu yang muncul di permukaan batu karang dan jurang-jurang. Mereka juga mengadakan pengeboran dangkal atau dalam bahasa inggrisnya “shallow drilling” untuk mendapatkan contoh-contoh batu yang berada dibawahnya. Contoh-contoh batu itu diselidiki di laboratorium, dan hasilnya dicatat untuk mengisi peta-peta terinci dari keadaan daerah itu, mencatat jenis-jenis dan umur-umur batu serta susunan letaknya.
Penyelidikan geofisika yang banyak dipergunakan sekarang adalah penyelidikan seismic yaitu dengan cara meledakkan dinamit dibawah permukaan bumi sedalam 100 kaki atau kira-kira 35 meter yang dapat menimbulkan gempa bumi kecil atau getaran-getaran dibawah tanah. Gelombang-gelombang getaran merasuk ke dalam tanah, dan pantulannya menjadi keras bilamana membentur batuan-batuan keras dan menjadi keras dan menjadi lemah bilamana direkam dengan pesawat perekam khusus dan hasilnya dipelajari dengan seksama apakah lapisan-lapisan batu itu rata atau miring letaknya, dengan mencatat berapa derajat kemiringannya.
Apabila data-data sudah lengkap, peta-peta sudah lengkap berisi data-data dan catatan mengenai daerah itu, contoh-contoh batu diperiksaa dan dilaporkan para ahli geofisika sudah dipersiapkan, maka tibalah saatnya untuk menarik kesimpulan apakah hasil penelitian sudah cukup matang untuk melakukan pengeboran dan menentukan lokasi sumur percobaan, walaupun demikian, sampai saat ini belum ada hasil penelitian yang dapat memastikan dengan tepat, apakah pengeboran akan berhasil! Faktor untung-untungan masih memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam pencaharian minyak.
Cara Melaksanakan Pengeboran Minyak.
Apabila tempat sumur percobaan yang ditentukan dalam peta letaknya jauh di tengah-tengah hutan yang harus ditempu melalui rawa-rawa, maka pembiayaan pengeboran akan menjadi sangat mahal, karena perusahaan minyak harus terlebih dahulu membuka hutan, membuat jalan-jalan dan mengatur pengangkutan udara atau air ke tempat pengeboran itu. Rumah karyawan dan bengkel harus didirikan. Kalau semuanya telah siap, mereka baru memikirkan pembangunan menara bor. Menara pengeboran dibuat dari rangka baja yang sangat kokoh dan tingginya kira-kira 40 meter. Pada bagian bawah terdapat sebuah lantai, yang ditengah-tengahnya dipasang sebuah meja putar yang digerakkan dengan mesin diesel. Sebuah pipa persegi yang disebut “Kelly” dipasang tepat pada lubang meja putar. Pahat yang bergerigi logam yang keras disambung dengan skrup pada pipa “Kelly”. Alat-alat pengeboran merupakan semacam pahat gurdi tukang kayu dan cara-cara kerjanya pun hampir sama. Apabila mesin dihidupkan, dan meja putar mulai bergerak, pipa dan pahat bor ikut berputar bersama-sama. Pada kedalaman 20 atau 30 kaki (kira-kira 7 sampai 10 meter), ia ditarik kembali ke atas untuk dipasang tabung baja dan pipa baru. Kelly, pipa bor dan pahat bor merupakan rantai bor. Setiap kali pipa bor akan disambung, rantai bor harus ditarik ke atas, demikian pula bilamana hendak mengganti pahat bor yang sudah tumpul. Penggantian mata pahat ini menyebabkan seluruh tangkai-tangkainya diangkat ke atas dan setelah itu diturunkan kembali dengan menyambung pipa-pipanya satu persatu.
Ketika pengeboran sedang berjalan, lumpur istimewa yang terdiri dari campuran tanah liat, air dan bahan kimia, dipompakan ke dalam memalui tabung dan pahat bor. Lumpur itu kemudian naik kembali ke atas permukaan tanah melalui rantai bor dan dinding pipa dengan membawa kepingan-kepingan batu yang dibabat oleh pahat bor di dalam tanah. Lumpur bor juga berfaedah supaha pahat bor tetap dingin dan juga membuat semacam dempul pada sisi lubang sehingga tidak mengalami kelongsoran. Walaupun demikian, dinding lubang yang terdiri dari pasir dan tanah liat yang masih saja mengalami kelongsoran, dan ini harus terus diperhatikan secara cermat dan terampil. Kepingan-kepingan batu dan tanah yang dibawa oleh lumpur ke permukaan selalu diteliti untuk melihat danya tanda-tanda adanya sumber minyak. Lamanyaa waktu pengeboran tidak dapat ditentukan, tergantung pada cepat-lambatnya ditemukan minyak. Banyak sumur minyak yang mencapai kedalaman 300 sampai 8000 kaki atau kira-kira 1000 sampai 2600 meter, atau bisa juga sampai 4 mil atau kira-kira 6,4 km. bilamana sama sekali tidak ada tanda-tanda ditemukannya minyak, maka pekerjaan pengeboran dihentikan.
Kecepaatan masuknya bor ke dalam tanah, tergantung pada keadaan lapisan batu. Kadang-kadang pahat menembus ke kedalaman 200 kaki atau kira-kira 65 meter dalam satu jam, kadang-kdang hanya 3 kaki atau kira-kira 1 meter dalam waktu 1 jam, bilamana kebetulan pahat bor terkena batu yang keras.
Apa yang harus dikerjakan, bilamana ada tanda-tanda minyak akan ditemukan?
Pada zaman dahulu, bilamana pahat bor telah menyentuh batuan yang mengadung minyak maka minyak akan menyembur ke luar dan beterbangan. Kalau tidak segera di amankan, maka desakan minyak yang menyembur ke atas sering menimbulkan kerusakan-kerusakan dan kebakaran.
Sekarang, bilamana kepingan-kepingan batu atau tanah yang dibawa oleh lumpur dari dalam sumur ke permukaan sudah memberi petunjuk-petunjuk akan adanya minyak, maka para ahli yang bertugas di situ segera mengambil dua tindakan, yaitu: pertama, menahan desakan minyak dengan memberikan tekanan yang cukup keras dengan lumpur, dan kedua, degan cara memasang katup-katup khusus yang dalam bahasa inggrisnya disebut blowout preventers. Untuk mencegah kelongsoran, ujung pipa dan tabung yang terdapat dipermukaan tanah disemen tepat pada lapisan yang mengandung minyak. Pada lapisan batu yang mengandung minyak sering dipasang tabung yang disebut pelat lapisan yang banyak celah-celahnya agar minyak dapat mengalir, tetapi menahan masuknya pasir.
Kemudian, menara kerekan disingkirkan dan diganti dengan seperangkat pipa dan katub-katub yang dinamakan Christmas tree yang dipasang tepat di mulut sumur untuk mengatur aliran minyak.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Attempts to Finding Petroleum
(Source: Ihsan, Zainoel. Crude Oil. Jakarta: Publisher inscription archipelago.)
Many experts hold oil drilling in offshore or on the high seas. That several hundred million years, fossils or traces of ancient skeletons and their grown-vegetation swept away by rivers and settles on the ocean floor. But now, due to changes in the earth's surface, rocks that contain oil are not always found in the oceans, but also in part a form of land.
How do people find oil? More than 100 years ago, the only way to put people to search for oil is to drill the places suspected to contain oil.The first person to drill oil wells is Colonel Drake, an American, in Titusville, Pennsylvania, North America in 1859. At that time, the drilling is done by guessing at places where there is seepage-seepage of oil on the surface of the earth. The tools are used at the time is also very simple and often fails and often wild abandon wells, which traces are everywhere.
Now, where technology has advanced dross, the conduct preliminary research very carefully and thoroughly, before holding drilling. A series of preliminary activities that people do is: topographic mapping is with aerial photography of the areas to be investigated, proposed by geological investigation or inquiry and investigation into the state of the earth's surface geophysical investigation of the state of the Earth is located in the basement. Mapping by conducting aerial photography, much faster than mapping conducted by ordinary means.
Once the areas to be investigated are set, earth experts (geologists) have to walk through jungles and swamps to mengakan meticulous investigation. They look for rocks protruding from the surface of the soil and rocks that appear on the surface of rocks and ravines. They also conducted shallow drilling or in English "shallow drilling" to get the stone examples are below. Rock samples were investigated in the laboratory, and the results recorded for filling detailed maps of the state of the area, noting the types and age-old rocks and the composition of its location.
Geophysical investigations are widely used today is the seismic investigation is by blowing up the dynamite under the earth's surface as deep as 100 feet or about 35 meters which can cause small earthquakes or vibrations underground.Vibration waves penetrate into the soil, and its reflections become hard when hitting rocks hard and become hard and become weak when recorded with special recording equipment and the results are studied carefully whether the rock layers lying flat or tilted, noting how degree slope.
If the data is complete, the maps are complete and contains data records of the area, diperiksaa rock samples and geophysical experts reportedly been prepared, it was time to draw a conclusion whether the research is sufficiently mature to drill and determine the location of the well test, however, until now there has been no research to determine exactly, whether drilling will be successful!Factor of chance still plays a very important role in oil income.
How to Implement Oil Drilling.
If the place specified in the test wells distant map in the middle of the forest to be ditempu through the swamps, the financing of the drilling will be very expensive, because oil companies must first open woods, making roads and regulate the transport of air or water to the rig. The house and garage employees must be established. When everything was ready, they would think about the construction of the drill tower. Drilling tower is made of a very sturdy steel frame and a height of approximately 40 meters. At the bottom there is a story, a middle-middle mounted a turntable powered by a diesel engine. A square pipe called "Kelly" mounted right on the turntable pit. Serrated cutting tool connected with a hard metal pipe couplers on "Kelly". Drilling tools drill is a kind of carpenter's chisel and the ways it works is almost the same. When the machine is turned on and the turntable starts to move, the drill pipe and cutting tool rotates together. At a depth of 20 or 30 feet (about 7 to 10 meters), he pulled back up to install new steel tubes and pipes.Kelly, drill pipe and drill cutting tool is a chain drill. Each time the drill pipe will be connected, chain drill should be drawn up, as if about to replace the existing dull chisel drill. Replacement Chisel eye is causing all the stems lifted up and then lowered back to connect the pipes one by one.
When the drill is running, special mud consisting of a mixture of clay, water and chemicals, is pumped into the tube memalui drill and chisel. Mud was then climb back above ground through a chain drill pipe and the wall with the pieces being cleared by the chisel rock drill in the ground. Drilling mud is also useful supaha chisel drill cool and also make some sort of putty on the sides of the hole so it does not experience catastrophic landslide. However, the wall of the hole consisting of sand and clay are still experiencing catastrophic landslide, and this should continue to be considered carefully and skillfully. Pieces of rock and soil carried by the mud to the surface always Danya studied to see signs of oil.Lamanyaa drilling time can not be determined, depending on the fast-slow discovered oil. Many oil wells that reach depths of 300 to 8000 feet or approximately 1000 to 2600 feet, or it could be up to 4 miles or approximately 6.4 miles. when there was no sign of the discovery of oil, the drilling work was stopped.
Kecepaatan entry drill into the ground, depending on the state of the rock layers.Sometimes chisel penetrates to a depth of 200 feet or about 65 meters in an hour, sometimes-kdang only 3 feet or approximately 1 meter in 1 hour, when the accident exposed rock chisels drill hardware.
What to do, when there are signs of oil would be found?
In ancient times, when the chisel has touched rock drill oils, which contained the oil will gush out and fly. If not immediately secured, the pressure of oil that gushed up often cause damage and fire.
Now, when pieces of rock or soil carried by the mud from the well to the surface already given instructions that there is oil, then the experts who served on it immediately took two actions, namely: First, resist the urge to give the oil pressure pretty hard with mud, and second, degan how to install special valves in the English language called blowout preventers. To prevent catastrophic landslide, end pipes and tubes that are right on the surface of cemented soil layer containing oil. In the oil-bearing rock layers are often mounted tube called a lot of plate coating cracks so that the oil can flow, but resist the entry of sand.
Then, tower hoist removed and replaced with a set of pipes and valves-called Christmas tree valves are installed right at the mouth of the well to regulate the flow of oil.
(Source: Ihsan, Zainoel. Crude Oil. Jakarta: Publisher inscription archipelago.)
Many experts hold oil drilling in offshore or on the high seas. That several hundred million years, fossils or traces of ancient skeletons and their grown-vegetation swept away by rivers and settles on the ocean floor. But now, due to changes in the earth's surface, rocks that contain oil are not always found in the oceans, but also in part a form of land.
How do people find oil? More than 100 years ago, the only way to put people to search for oil is to drill the places suspected to contain oil.The first person to drill oil wells is Colonel Drake, an American, in Titusville, Pennsylvania, North America in 1859. At that time, the drilling is done by guessing at places where there is seepage-seepage of oil on the surface of the earth. The tools are used at the time is also very simple and often fails and often wild abandon wells, which traces are everywhere.
Now, where technology has advanced dross, the conduct preliminary research very carefully and thoroughly, before holding drilling. A series of preliminary activities that people do is: topographic mapping is with aerial photography of the areas to be investigated, proposed by geological investigation or inquiry and investigation into the state of the earth's surface geophysical investigation of the state of the Earth is located in the basement. Mapping by conducting aerial photography, much faster than mapping conducted by ordinary means.
Once the areas to be investigated are set, earth experts (geologists) have to walk through jungles and swamps to mengakan meticulous investigation. They look for rocks protruding from the surface of the soil and rocks that appear on the surface of rocks and ravines. They also conducted shallow drilling or in English "shallow drilling" to get the stone examples are below. Rock samples were investigated in the laboratory, and the results recorded for filling detailed maps of the state of the area, noting the types and age-old rocks and the composition of its location.
Geophysical investigations are widely used today is the seismic investigation is by blowing up the dynamite under the earth's surface as deep as 100 feet or about 35 meters which can cause small earthquakes or vibrations underground.Vibration waves penetrate into the soil, and its reflections become hard when hitting rocks hard and become hard and become weak when recorded with special recording equipment and the results are studied carefully whether the rock layers lying flat or tilted, noting how degree slope.
If the data is complete, the maps are complete and contains data records of the area, diperiksaa rock samples and geophysical experts reportedly been prepared, it was time to draw a conclusion whether the research is sufficiently mature to drill and determine the location of the well test, however, until now there has been no research to determine exactly, whether drilling will be successful!Factor of chance still plays a very important role in oil income.
How to Implement Oil Drilling.
If the place specified in the test wells distant map in the middle of the forest to be ditempu through the swamps, the financing of the drilling will be very expensive, because oil companies must first open woods, making roads and regulate the transport of air or water to the rig. The house and garage employees must be established. When everything was ready, they would think about the construction of the drill tower. Drilling tower is made of a very sturdy steel frame and a height of approximately 40 meters. At the bottom there is a story, a middle-middle mounted a turntable powered by a diesel engine. A square pipe called "Kelly" mounted right on the turntable pit. Serrated cutting tool connected with a hard metal pipe couplers on "Kelly". Drilling tools drill is a kind of carpenter's chisel and the ways it works is almost the same. When the machine is turned on and the turntable starts to move, the drill pipe and cutting tool rotates together. At a depth of 20 or 30 feet (about 7 to 10 meters), he pulled back up to install new steel tubes and pipes.Kelly, drill pipe and drill cutting tool is a chain drill. Each time the drill pipe will be connected, chain drill should be drawn up, as if about to replace the existing dull chisel drill. Replacement Chisel eye is causing all the stems lifted up and then lowered back to connect the pipes one by one.
When the drill is running, special mud consisting of a mixture of clay, water and chemicals, is pumped into the tube memalui drill and chisel. Mud was then climb back above ground through a chain drill pipe and the wall with the pieces being cleared by the chisel rock drill in the ground. Drilling mud is also useful supaha chisel drill cool and also make some sort of putty on the sides of the hole so it does not experience catastrophic landslide. However, the wall of the hole consisting of sand and clay are still experiencing catastrophic landslide, and this should continue to be considered carefully and skillfully. Pieces of rock and soil carried by the mud to the surface always Danya studied to see signs of oil.Lamanyaa drilling time can not be determined, depending on the fast-slow discovered oil. Many oil wells that reach depths of 300 to 8000 feet or approximately 1000 to 2600 feet, or it could be up to 4 miles or approximately 6.4 miles. when there was no sign of the discovery of oil, the drilling work was stopped.
Kecepaatan entry drill into the ground, depending on the state of the rock layers.Sometimes chisel penetrates to a depth of 200 feet or about 65 meters in an hour, sometimes-kdang only 3 feet or approximately 1 meter in 1 hour, when the accident exposed rock chisels drill hardware.
What to do, when there are signs of oil would be found?
In ancient times, when the chisel has touched rock drill oils, which contained the oil will gush out and fly. If not immediately secured, the pressure of oil that gushed up often cause damage and fire.
Now, when pieces of rock or soil carried by the mud from the well to the surface already given instructions that there is oil, then the experts who served on it immediately took two actions, namely: First, resist the urge to give the oil pressure pretty hard with mud, and second, degan how to install special valves in the English language called blowout preventers. To prevent catastrophic landslide, end pipes and tubes that are right on the surface of cemented soil layer containing oil. In the oil-bearing rock layers are often mounted tube called a lot of plate coating cracks so that the oil can flow, but resist the entry of sand.
Then, tower hoist removed and replaced with a set of pipes and valves-called Christmas tree valves are installed right at the mouth of the well to regulate the flow of oil.
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