Kultur Area Brang Wetan di Provinsi Jawa Timur tentang Penganten Sunat Kenjeran di desa Kenjeran, Surabaya
(Sumber: Supriyanto, Henri. 1997. Upacara Adat Jawa Timur. Surabaya: Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Daerah Daerah Provinsi Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Timur.)
Daerah Tingkat II, Kota Madya Suarabaya
Surabaya mempunyai latar belakang sejarah yang gemilang dan bernilai budaya yang tinggi. Pada zaman Empu Sindok memerintah kawasan Jawa Timur, tahun 900 Masehi nama Ujunggaluh telah memegang peranan yang penting. Tepat yang strategis di ujung sugai besar ini, telah difungsikan sebagai urat nadi ekonomi. Dari sungai besar di Surabaya inilah perahu hulir mudik dari pedalaman Jawa ke luar dan sebaliknya perahu luar singgah di Ujunggaluh.
Peranan Surabaya pada zaman Majapahit dapat dibaca pada buku Negarakertagama (saloka XVII, pupuh 1 dan 5) sebagai berikut:
“Telah bersiri tegak-teguh Baginda di Jawa dan Daerah lain yang tunduk di Sripalatikta tempatnya bersemayam raja memerintah, menggerakkan jagad ………………………………………………………………………
Jika tida, pergilah beliau berbakti kehadapan Hyang Atjalapati,……jikalau di Jenggala, tinggal di Surabaya, trus ke Bawun.” (Slametmulyana).
Berdasarkan legenda, nama Surabaya diambil dari pertarungan ikan Sura dan Buaya. Selanjutnya Surabaya oleh masyarakat diartikan Sura=wani (berani), baya=bebaya (kesulitan), dengan demikian nama Surabaya dimitoskan dalam makna “Berani menanggung kesulitan (bebaya)”. Sesanti tersebut tampaknya terwujud pada peristiwa 10 November 1945 yang mengangkat nama kota Surabaya menjadi kota Pahlawan.
Catatan sejarah yang lain ialah setelah surutnya kerajaan Majapahit, Surabaya menjadi pusat pelabuhan perdagangan sekaligus wilayah penyebaran agama Islam di Jawa. Nama WaliSanga (Sembilan Wali) terkait dengan nama Sedayu, Ampel dan Surabaya. Dalam perkembangannya sebagai kota besar di Jawa Timur, metropolitan Surabaya menjadi amat kompleks etnisnya, dan kompleks pula tradisi dan budayanya.
Salah satu upacara adat yang unik adalah “Upacara Penganten Sunat” di wilayah pesisir timur dengan nama desa Kenjeran. Keunikan yang dimaksudkan ialah penganten sunat yang di usung (dipikul) di atas bambu dengan peralatan kursi. Usungan yang dimaksudkan menyerupai “tandu” Jawa). Gerak dan cara melangkah para pengusung mengikuti irama tetabuh “Hadrah Jidhor” dan di sepanjang jalan diadakan pembacaan Shalawat Nabi.
Tata Cara Upacara
1) Persiapan: Ater-ater. Beberapa hari sebelum puncak upacara, tetangga dan keluarga yang berhajat sunatan telah menerima sumbangan baik berupa natura maupun berbentuk dana/ uang.
2) Prosesi Pengantin Sunat. Sehari sebelum sunatan, penganten sunat dikirab, didudukkan di atas tandu, diharapkan meminta restu kepada orang-orang tua (kakek-nenel dan sesepuh desa).
3)Hari Pelaksanaan Sunat. Puncak upacara adalah hari yang telah ditetapkan untuk pelaksanaan sunat (khitan). Penganten sunat dikirab ke rumah dukun sunat (calak), dengan prosesi dengan iringan hadrah jidhor.
Komposisi Kirab/ Urutan Prosesi
1) Bunga Manggar. Bunga Mangger terbuat dari kertas sebagai pengganti makanan dan mainan anak-anak yang dapat diperebutkan oleh penonton di sepanjang jalan yang dilalui penganten sunat.
2) Umbul-umbul. Umbul-umbul sebagai lambang semangat masyarakat Kenjeran yakni orang-orang pantai yang tidak pernah menyerah terhadap alam (gelombang pantai dan angin laut) dan berbagai tantangan hidup yang lain.
3) Usungan (Tandu Penganten Sunat). Terbuat dari rangkaian bambu, di atasnya ditempatkan kursi, dihiasi gambar burung garuda. Crew (kru) usungan ini diawali dengan cucuk lampah yang berbusana jagoan silat (jagoan pencak silat). Dibelakangnya hadarah jidhor.
4) Hadrah Jidhor. Hadrah jidhor digelar sebagai berikut:
a) terdepan- seorang peniup terompet, dengan busana jagoan pencak silat Surabaya (busana Surabayan).
b) Tiga orang penabuh “terbang” (menyerupai rebana) dengan busana Surabayan.
c) seorang pembawa simbar.
d) dua orang penabuh kendang.
e) dua orang pembawa jidhor, dan seorang penabuh jidhor.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Brang Wetan Culture Area in East Java province on Circumcision bride Kenjeran Kenjeran village, Surabaya
(Source: Supriyanto, Henri., 1997. Ceremony in East Java. Surabaya: Regional Department of Tourism and Culture Provincial Level Region East Java.)
Regional level, the Municipality Suarabaya
Surabaya has a glorious historical background and a high cultural value. In the days of the master Sindok ruled East Java, 900 AD Ujunggaluh name has an important role. Right element sugai end of this, it has functioned as the lifeblood of the economy. Of the major rivers in Surabaya is the boat back and forth from the interior of Java hulir to the outside and vice versa outside the boat stopped at Ujunggaluh.
The role of the days of the Majapahit Surabaya can be read in the book Negarakertagama (saloka XVII, stanzas 1 and 5) as follows:
"It has been upright and strong bersiri Majesty in Java and other areas subject to its place resides in Sripalatikta kings reign, moving the universe .................................................................................When it no longer, he went dutiful presented to Hyang Atjalapati, ...... if in Jenggala, living in Surabaya, then to Bawun. "(Slametmulyana).
According to legend, the name taken from Surabaya Sura and Crocodile fish fight. Furthermore, the mean Surabaya by Sura = wani (bold), aged = bebaya (difficulty), thus the name Surabaya mythologized in the meaning of "Dare to endure hardship (bebaya)". Sesanti seemed to materialize on the 10 November 1945 incident that raised the name of the city of Surabaya became heroes.
Another historical note is that after the decline of the kingdom of Majapahit, Surabaya became the center of commerce as well as the port area spread of Islam in Java. Name WaliSanga (Nine Guardians) associated with the name Sedayu, Ampel and Surabaya. In its development as a major city in East Java, Surabaya metropolitan becomes very complex ethnic and cultural traditions and also complex.
One of the unique ceremony is "Circumcision Ceremony bride" in the eastern coastal region with the name of the village Kenjeran.The uniqueness of the intended bride is circumcision in stretcher (bear) on the bamboo chair equipment. Stretchers are intended to resemble "a litter" of Java). Motion and how to move to the rhythm of the bearer tetabuh "Hadrah Jidhor" and held readings along the way Prophet segue.
Ceremony Procedures
1) Preparation: Ater-ater. A few days before the peak of the ceremony, neighbors and family who hunger circumcision has received donations either in kind or in the form of funds / money.
2) Circumcision Bridal Procession. The day before the circumcision, circumcision dikirab bride, was placed on a stretcher, is expected to ask for the blessing of the older people (grandparents nenel and village elders).
3) Implementation of Circumcision Day. The highlight of the ceremony was set for the implementation of circumcision (circumcision). Dikirab circumcision bride home excisors (calak), with a procession to the accompaniment of tambourine jidhor.
Composition Carnival / Order Procession
1) Interest Manggar. Mangger flowers made of paper as a substitute for food and children's toys that can be contested by spectators along the road traversed bride circumcision.
2) Bannerman-pennant. Banner as a symbol of community spirit Kenjeran the beach people who never give up on nature (wave beaches and sea breezes) and the challenges of life.
3) Stretcher (stretcher bride Circumcision). Made from bamboo series, on which was placed a chair, decorated with an eagle. Crew (crew) begins with a beak stretcher lampah dressed hero arts (martial arts champion). Jidhor hadarah behind.
4) Hadrah Jidhor. Jidhor tambourine held as follows:
a)-a leading trumpeters, dressed in martial arts champion Surabaya (clothing Surabayan).
b) Three drummers "fly" (like a tambourine) with clothes Surabayan.
c) a carrier simbar.
d) two drummers drums.
e) two carriers jidhor, and a drummer jidhor.
(Source: Supriyanto, Henri., 1997. Ceremony in East Java. Surabaya: Regional Department of Tourism and Culture Provincial Level Region East Java.)
Regional level, the Municipality Suarabaya
Surabaya has a glorious historical background and a high cultural value. In the days of the master Sindok ruled East Java, 900 AD Ujunggaluh name has an important role. Right element sugai end of this, it has functioned as the lifeblood of the economy. Of the major rivers in Surabaya is the boat back and forth from the interior of Java hulir to the outside and vice versa outside the boat stopped at Ujunggaluh.
The role of the days of the Majapahit Surabaya can be read in the book Negarakertagama (saloka XVII, stanzas 1 and 5) as follows:
"It has been upright and strong bersiri Majesty in Java and other areas subject to its place resides in Sripalatikta kings reign, moving the universe .................................................................................When it no longer, he went dutiful presented to Hyang Atjalapati, ...... if in Jenggala, living in Surabaya, then to Bawun. "(Slametmulyana).
According to legend, the name taken from Surabaya Sura and Crocodile fish fight. Furthermore, the mean Surabaya by Sura = wani (bold), aged = bebaya (difficulty), thus the name Surabaya mythologized in the meaning of "Dare to endure hardship (bebaya)". Sesanti seemed to materialize on the 10 November 1945 incident that raised the name of the city of Surabaya became heroes.
Another historical note is that after the decline of the kingdom of Majapahit, Surabaya became the center of commerce as well as the port area spread of Islam in Java. Name WaliSanga (Nine Guardians) associated with the name Sedayu, Ampel and Surabaya. In its development as a major city in East Java, Surabaya metropolitan becomes very complex ethnic and cultural traditions and also complex.
One of the unique ceremony is "Circumcision Ceremony bride" in the eastern coastal region with the name of the village Kenjeran.The uniqueness of the intended bride is circumcision in stretcher (bear) on the bamboo chair equipment. Stretchers are intended to resemble "a litter" of Java). Motion and how to move to the rhythm of the bearer tetabuh "Hadrah Jidhor" and held readings along the way Prophet segue.
Ceremony Procedures
1) Preparation: Ater-ater. A few days before the peak of the ceremony, neighbors and family who hunger circumcision has received donations either in kind or in the form of funds / money.
2) Circumcision Bridal Procession. The day before the circumcision, circumcision dikirab bride, was placed on a stretcher, is expected to ask for the blessing of the older people (grandparents nenel and village elders).
3) Implementation of Circumcision Day. The highlight of the ceremony was set for the implementation of circumcision (circumcision). Dikirab circumcision bride home excisors (calak), with a procession to the accompaniment of tambourine jidhor.
Composition Carnival / Order Procession
1) Interest Manggar. Mangger flowers made of paper as a substitute for food and children's toys that can be contested by spectators along the road traversed bride circumcision.
2) Bannerman-pennant. Banner as a symbol of community spirit Kenjeran the beach people who never give up on nature (wave beaches and sea breezes) and the challenges of life.
3) Stretcher (stretcher bride Circumcision). Made from bamboo series, on which was placed a chair, decorated with an eagle. Crew (crew) begins with a beak stretcher lampah dressed hero arts (martial arts champion). Jidhor hadarah behind.
4) Hadrah Jidhor. Jidhor tambourine held as follows:
a)-a leading trumpeters, dressed in martial arts champion Surabaya (clothing Surabayan).
b) Three drummers "fly" (like a tambourine) with clothes Surabayan.
c) a carrier simbar.
d) two drummers drums.
e) two carriers jidhor, and a drummer jidhor.
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