“Tadi” di dalam bahasa Indonesia
(Sumber: Eti, Nunung Yuli. 2005.Pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.Klaten: PT. Intan Pariwara.)
“Tadi kita telah membahas tentang perbedaan situasi pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia”
Kata “tadi” pada kalimat di atas mempunyai arti waktu yang baru lalu atau saat yang baru saja lalu. Kata “tadi” digunakan untuk menyatakan keterangan waktu. Di dalam sebuah kalimat, kata “tadi” mempunyai tempat yang bebas. Kata “tadi” dapat terletak sebelum subjek, di antara Subjek (S) dan Predikat (P), ataupun terletak di belakan Subjek (S) dan Predikat (P).
Kata keterangan waktu yang lain adalah “kemarin, nanti, dahulu, malam-malam, dulu, kini, sekarang, besok, kelak, tadi pagi, atau kemarin malam”.
Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut:
1. Kemarin bapak menonton pameran computer.
2. Bapak kemarin menonton pameran computer.
3. Bapak menonton pameran computer kemarin.
4. Tadi pagi ibu berbelanja di mal.
5. Ibu tadi pagi berbelanja di mal.
6. Ibu berbelanja di mal tadi pagi.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english)
"Last" in Indonesian(Source: Eti, Nunung Yuli. 2005.Pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.Klaten: PT. Intan Pariwara.)
"Earlier we discussed about the differences in the educationalsituation in Indonesia"
The word "last" in the sentence above has a new sense of time pastor time just past. The word "last" is used to declare that the information time. In a sentence, the word "had" to have a free place.The word "last" can be located before the subject, between subject(S) and Predicate (P), or located at the back of the Subject (S) andPredicate (P).
Other adverbs of time are "yesterday, later, first, the night, yet, now,now, tomorrow, later this morning or last night."
Consider the following sentence:
1. Yesterday the father of the computer watching the exhibition.
2. Mr. yesterday watching computer exhibition.
3. Father of the computer watching the exhibition yesterday.
4. This morning the mother shopped at the mall.
5. Mother shopping at the mall this morning.
6. Mother shopping at the mall this morning.
"Earlier we discussed about the differences in the educationalsituation in Indonesia"
The word "last" in the sentence above has a new sense of time pastor time just past. The word "last" is used to declare that the information time. In a sentence, the word "had" to have a free place.The word "last" can be located before the subject, between subject(S) and Predicate (P), or located at the back of the Subject (S) andPredicate (P).
Other adverbs of time are "yesterday, later, first, the night, yet, now,now, tomorrow, later this morning or last night."
Consider the following sentence:
1. Yesterday the father of the computer watching the exhibition.
2. Mr. yesterday watching computer exhibition.
3. Father of the computer watching the exhibition yesterday.
4. This morning the mother shopped at the mall.
5. Mother shopping at the mall this morning.
6. Mother shopping at the mall this morning.
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