Konjungsi di dalam bahasa Indonesia
Conjunctions in Indonesian
(Source: Eti, Nunung Yuli. 2005.Pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.Klaten: PT. Intan Pariwara.)
Consider the example below!
1. Reality is not conveyed in a linear and verbal. However, processed in such a way that could be material to a work of a good novel.
2. Techniques in a novel story line is not difficult to understand, but very simple and easy to follow. However, it is unfortunate in some of the dialogue of the characters seem no "coercion".
3. This novel can also be referred to an impression of the city of Yogyakarta by people who have lived in Yogya. Instead, the novel is not about the reader will have difficulty Yogya to enjoy this novel.
The word "but, however, and contrary" to the third sentence is a conjunction between sentences. Conjunctions between sentences are conjunctions that connect one sentence with another sentence.
In Indonesian, there are several conjunctions between sentences.Which include conjunctions between sentences are:
1. "Even so, even so, nevertheless, yet, nevertheless, even so, even so, nevertheless."
2. "Then, after that, after that, then."
3. "Moreover, after all, other than that."
4. "Instead"
5. "Actually, that."
6. "Even / even, even."
7. "Yet, but / will be but." In the standard language conjunctions "but" should not be used to begin a sentence. Instead, use the connecting word "but or however."
8. "Except that"
9. "Thus"
10. "Therefore, therefore '
11. "Before it"
Conjunctions between sentences are always placed to begin a new sentence. Konjungis between sentences written by the first letter in the back of the letter given kapotal and commas. Conjunctions between sentences "but" and "but" suggests a relationship conflict.Conjunctions between sentences "otherwise" indicates the inverse relationship of the previous statement.
(Sumber: Eti, Nunung Yuli. 2005.Pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.Klaten: PT. Intan Pariwara.)
Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini!
1. Realitas itu tidak disampaikan secara linier dan verbal. Akan tetapi, diolah sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat menjadi bahan untuk sebuah karya novel yang baik.
2. Teknik alur kisah dalam novel ini tidak sulit untuk dipahami, tetapi sangat sederhana dan mudah diikuti. Namun, sangat disayangkan dalam beberapa dialog para tokohnya terkesan ada “pemaksaan”.
3. Novel ini juga dapat disebut kesan mengenai Kota Yogya oleh orang yang pernah hidup di Yogya. Sebaliknya, bagi pembaca novel yang belum mengenai Yogya akan mengalami kesulitan untuk menikmati novel ini.
Kata “akan tetapi, namun, dan sebaliknya” pada ketiga kalimat tersebut merupakan konjungsi antarkalimat. Konjungsi antarkalimat yaitu konjungsi yang menghubungkan satu kalimat dengan kalimat lain.
Di dalam bahasa Indonesia terdapat beberapa konjungsi antarkalimat. Yang termasuk konjungsi antarkalimat adalah:
1. “biarpun demikian, biarpun begitu, sekalipun demikian, sekalipun begitu, walaupun begitu, walaupun demikian, meskipun demikian, meskipun begitu.”
2. “Kemudian, sesudah itu, setelah itu, selanjutnya.”
3. “tambahan pula, lagi pula, selain itu.”
4. “Sebaliknya”
5. “Sesungguhnya, bahwasanya.”
6. “malah/ malahan, bahkan.”
7. “namun, tetapi/ akan tetapi.” Dalam bahasa baku kata penghubung “tetapi” tidak boleh digunakan untuk memulai suatu kalimat. Sebagai gantinya, digunakan kata penghubung “akan tetapi atau namun.”
8. “kecuali itu”
9. “dengan demikian”
10. “oleh karena itu, oleh sebab itu”
11. “sebelum itu”
Konjungsi antarkalimat selalu diletakkan untuk memulai suatu kalimat yang baru. Konjungis antarkalimat ditulis dengan huruf pertama huruf kapotal dan di belakang diberi tanda koma. Konjungsi antarkalimat “akan tetapi” dan “namun” menunjukkan hubungan pertentangan. Konjungsi antarkalimat “sebaliknya” menunjukkan hubungan kebalikan dari pernyataan sebelumnya.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english)
Conjunctions in Indonesian
(Source: Eti, Nunung Yuli. 2005.Pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.Klaten: PT. Intan Pariwara.)
Consider the example below!
1. Reality is not conveyed in a linear and verbal. However, processed in such a way that could be material to a work of a good novel.
2. Techniques in a novel story line is not difficult to understand, but very simple and easy to follow. However, it is unfortunate in some of the dialogue of the characters seem no "coercion".
3. This novel can also be referred to an impression of the city of Yogyakarta by people who have lived in Yogya. Instead, the novel is not about the reader will have difficulty Yogya to enjoy this novel.
The word "but, however, and contrary" to the third sentence is a conjunction between sentences. Conjunctions between sentences are conjunctions that connect one sentence with another sentence.
In Indonesian, there are several conjunctions between sentences.Which include conjunctions between sentences are:
1. "Even so, even so, nevertheless, yet, nevertheless, even so, even so, nevertheless."
2. "Then, after that, after that, then."
3. "Moreover, after all, other than that."
4. "Instead"
5. "Actually, that."
6. "Even / even, even."
7. "Yet, but / will be but." In the standard language conjunctions "but" should not be used to begin a sentence. Instead, use the connecting word "but or however."
8. "Except that"
9. "Thus"
10. "Therefore, therefore '
11. "Before it"
Conjunctions between sentences are always placed to begin a new sentence. Konjungis between sentences written by the first letter in the back of the letter given kapotal and commas. Conjunctions between sentences "but" and "but" suggests a relationship conflict.Conjunctions between sentences "otherwise" indicates the inverse relationship of the previous statement.
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