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(wanita meminta uang di perempatan TambakBayan di kota Ponorogo, Jawa Timur)
page limit_____________________________Foreword
Assamualaikum wr. Wb.
First, we are saying grace to God Almighty that we have been given grace and guidance to us so that we can resolve the scientific paper entitled: Education as a driver of progress of women.Thanks to the father and the mother's social studies teacher who also provide support or support to us.Thank you to my friends xi class 3rd ips that have supported the writing of scientific papers
Thanks to those who have assisted in the writing of this paper.
And we as a writer ask for advice, criticism, and response to this paper more perfect.
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Education was not spared from the educator or the so-called teachers. View of history, starting from a parent educator and the adult outside the family. Then in a community group came the blacksmith or masters and shamans. When it comes to the Brahmin who teaches the knowledge and king disebutlah teacher. Then came the monks and nuns. When Islam came to the influence of kiai, scholars, and the trustee who then set up a break, madrassas, and schools. So that when the authoritarian ruler in power against the people of the teacher becomes a protective society.Indonesia women's society in the past it was customary to play a role. Note also that the people of Indonesia has about 656 tribes from Sabang to Merauke ..Moreover for the current tribes are still alienated still cling to the traditional principle of making social mobility or social change increasingly slowed.
Then it would be contrary to custom, when she demanded of education outside the home. The girl should be willing to be a man of a husband who would just take care of household duties and child. There are some indigenous tribes outside of Java in general, marriage is allowed between the ages of 11-15 years and therefore may not receive education at all.
Although the Dutch East Indies era founded schools that receive the majority are men. Calculated that in 1898 there were 11 girls studying in a school classroom to the school and the Indo-European aristocracy in the island of Java.In addition there are restrictions on female education in grade school two or entirely native school no more than 2000 people.
When the Dutch colonial occupiers abuse of the Indonesian nation, the people of Indonesia were mainly women do not stay silent one woman from the Moluccas Marta Christina Tinahahu who fought alongside Kapitan Patimura, Cut Nyak Dien of Aceh.
Ethical politics at the time when the field of Education which makes proud to Shnock Hurgonje and director of political education Ethis I (1900-5) J. H.Abendon ethis support educational nature which eventually became the ideals of Indonesian society groups.
The resurrection of this woman trying to change the position of women in the archipelago. Various road taken one of them is considered to be the way education can mean to uphold the women from the misery and humiliation.The pioneer woman pioneer, starting from: R. A. Kartini, then Rd. Dewi Sartika, then Rohania Kuddus. Then came the woman's body like Kartini Fonds (Kartini Fund) to take care of women in education. Then came the branches of organizations such as Aisha with Muhammadiyah, NU Muslimat with, SI Women SI Indonesia with Islam, Wanito Utomo by Budi Utomo, Women in Student Park Student Park. When the 22-25 December 1928 in the Women's Congress in Yogyakarta I generated the founding of the United Women's Indonesia. Then in the third congress in London decided that December 22 is celebrated as Mother's Day.The following description of the pioneers of the struggle of women in the Dutch colonial era R. A. Kartini. Born in Jepara 21 April 1879 who were born in Jepara district nobility named R. A. A. Sosroningrat. R. A. Kartini was given the opportunity to receive education, but when the age of 12 years for seclusion. But thanks to his friends, R. A. Kartini were allowed to leave the house so it gets public censure at the time. He thought that was limp degree that women should be improved. When karini by his friends in the Netherlands persuaded to switch religions, then he replied: "What would love be able to deepen our faith in our souls. If kitaa not know ............. While the Koran should not be translated scripture and tersebab he must remain in the Arabic language we do not understand .............. then we are forced to read the Qur'an without understanding it, and this is a futile effort, which can be no doubt come back {* In Dutch, the Koran translated by the colonial government banned} (Minutes No. Persautan Islam. 34 th 18) ."And the customs of our country really contrary to the will of the new era, new era that I want to get into our society" (Letter to Miss Zeehandeler, May 25, 1899).Imperialism during the Japanese occupation (March 8, 1942). With the political zeal Ichiu Hakko Japan in prosperity in East Asia. Brings about changes in education that is the abolition of the dualism of teaching second grade class and replaced with people or Kokumin Gakko school level six years, shoto Gakko Cho 3-year junior high school level, and Koto Chu Gakko 3 years at the high school level. Not permitted to use the Dutch language but Indonesian and Japanese.There is also movement Fujikay the semi-military education for women.After the independence of Indonesia. Women also helped advance the country's accomplishments. One of them is Sri Mulyani, who was a minister of Finance in United Indonesia Cabinet Volume I, which now occupy the director of the International Founded Monetary Fund (IMF). In addition outside the field of politics, representing the artist Anggun Indonesia and France to perform in Eurovision.
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Riclefs, M. C. Sejarah Indonesia Modern. 1998-1999. Gadja Mada Universitas: Jakarta. 949. MPH. j
Sukadri, Heru. Sejarah Pendidikan Daerah Jawa Timur.1986. Departermen Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Kebudayaan Daerah: Surabaya. 910. DAL. G.
Achadiyat, Anto. Suku Terasing Sasak di Bayan, Nusa Tenggara Barat. 1989. Proyek IPNB, Depdikbud,:. Jakarta. 959. 8007. INA. P.
Suparlan, Parsudi. “Kebudayaan Timor”, dalam Koentjaningrat (ed.). Manusia dan Kebudayaan di Indonesia. 1983. Penerbit Djambatan :Jakarta. 900. HAD. B.
Anggun mewakili Perancis di Eurovision .2012. Koran Surya: Surabaya. 911. BAP. C.
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5. ADDRESS: VILLAGE SUB Barbadensis rafters peninsula DISTRICT
1. FULL NAME: Zoro
4. DATE OF BIRTH PLACE: Singosari, 24 APRIL 1994
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Kata pengantar
Assamualaikum wr. Wb.
Pertama, kita mengucapkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dimana kita telah diberikan rahmat taufik serta hidayahNya kepada kita sehingga kita dapat menyelesaikan karya tulis ilmiah dengan judul: Pendidikan sebagai pemacu kemajuan wanita.
Terima kasih kepada bapak dan ibu guru IPS yang turut memberikan support atau dukungan kepada kami.
Terima kasih kepada teman-teman kelas xi ips 3 yang telah mendukung penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini
Terima kasih kepada piahk-pihak yang telah membantu dalam penulisan karya tulis ini.
Dan kami sebagai penulis meminta saran, kritikan, dan tanggapan makalah ini lebih sempurna lagi.
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Pendidikan tidak luput dari pendidik atau disebut guru. Melihat dari sejarah, pendidik dimulai dari orang tua kemudian pada diluar keluarga yakni orang dewasa. Kemudian di dalam suatu kelompok masyarakat munculah pandai besi atau empu dan dukun. Ketika datangnya brahmana yang mengajarkan pengetahuan pada raja lalu disebutlah guru. Lalu datanglah bhiksu dan bhiksuni. Ketika adanya pengaruh Islam datanglah kiai, ulama, dan wali yang kemudian mendirikan langgar, madrasah, dan pesantren. Sehingga ketika penguasa yang otoriter berkuasa terhadap rakyat maka guru menjadi pelindung masyarakat.
Keadaan masyarakat wanita Indonesia pada masa lampau memang yang memegang peran adalah adat. Diketahui pula bahwa masyarakat Indonesia mempunyai sekitar 656 suku bangsa dari Sabang sampai Merauke.. Terlebih lagi bagi saat ini suku bangsa yang masih terasing masih berpegang teguh pada prinsip adat membuat mobilitas social atau perubahan social semakin melambat.
Maka akan bertentangan dengan adat, apabila gadis menuntut pendidikan diluar rumah. Gadis hendaknya bersedia untuk menjadi abdi suami yang kelak tugasnya hanya mengurusi rumah tangga dan juga anaknya. Ada sebagian adat suku diluar Jawa pada umumnya diperbolehkan pernikahan berusia antara 11-15 tahun sehingga kemungkinan tidak mengenyam pendidikan sama sekali.
Meskipun jaman Hindia Belanda mendirikan sekolahan namun mayoritas yang mengenyam adalah Pria. Terhitung bahwa tahun 1898 ada 11 gadis belajar di sekolah kelas satu yakni sekolah untuk bangsawan dan indo-Eropa yang ada di pulau Jawa. Selain itu ada pembatasan terhadap pendidikan wanita pada sekolah kelas dua atau sekolah pribumi seluruhnya tidak lebih dari 2000 orang.
Ketika para penjajah colonial Belanda melakukan sewenang-wenang terhadap bangsa Indonesia, rakyat Indonesia pun terutama wanita tidak tinggal diam salah satunya wanita dari Maluku yakni Christina Marta Tinahahu yang berjuang bersama Kapitan Patimura, Cut Nyak Dien dari Aceh.
Ketika pada masa politik Etis dibidang Pendidikan yang membuat bangga bagi Shnock Hurgonje dan direktur pendidikan politik Ethis I (1900-5) J. H. Abendon mendukung pendidikan yang sifat ethis yang akhirnya menjadi keteladanan masyarakat Indonesia golongan bawah.
Kebangkitan wanita ini berusaha untuk mengubah kedudukan wanita di Nusantara. Berbagai jalan yang ditempuh salah satunya pendidikan yang dinilai menjadi jalan berartinya dapat menjunjung kaum wanita dari kesengsaraan dan penghinaan.
Perintis-perintis wanita yakni dimulai dari: R. A. Kartini, lalu Rd. Dewi Sartika, lalu Rohania Kuddus. Lalu munculah lembaga wanita seperti Kartini Fonds (Dana Kartini) untuk mengurusi kaum wanita dalam pendidikan. Lalu munculah cabang-cabang dari organisasi seperti Aisyah dengan Muhammadiyah, Muslimat dengan Nahdatul Ulama, Sarekat Perempuan Indonesia dengan Sarekat Islam, Wanito Utomo dengan Budi Utomo, Wanita Taman Siswa dengan Taman Siswa. Ketika tanggal 22-25 Desember 1928 di dalam Kongres Perempuan I di Yogyakarta dihasilkan pendirian Perserikatan Perempuan Indonesia. Kemudian pada kongres III di Bandung diputuskan bahwa tanggal 22 Desember diperingati sebagai hari Ibu.
Berikut uraian pelopor perjuangan wanita di masa era Kolonial Belanda yakni R. A. Kartini. Lahir di Jepara 21 April 1879 yang lahir di kalangan bangsawan bupati Jepara yang bernama R. A. A. Sosroningrat. R. A. Kartini diberi kesempatan untuk mengenyam pendidikan namun ketika umur 12 tahun untuk dipingit. Tetapi berkat sahabat-sahabatnya, R. A. Kartini di ijinkan keluar rumah sehingga hal itu mendapat celaan masyarakat waktu itu. Beliau berpikir bahwa terasa pincangnya derajat kaum wanita yang harus diperbaiki. Ketika karini oleh temannya di Belanda dibujuk untuk beralih agama, maka jawab beliau: “Bagaimana akan dapat memperdalam kecintaan akan agama kita dalam jiwa kita. Apabila kitaa tidak mengetahuinya…………. Sedangkan Al Quran tidak boleh diterjemahkan tersebab ia kitab suci dan mesti tetap dalam bahasa Arab yang tidak kita pahami………….. maka terpaksa kita membaca Al Qur’an tanpa memahami isinya, dan ini adalah usaha yang sia-sia, yang tidak usah diragukan kembali{*Pada kekuasaan Belanda, Al Quran dilarang diterjemahkan oleh pemerintah colonial} (Risalah Persautan Islam No. 34 th 18). “Dan adat kebiasaan negeri kami sungguh-sungguh bertentangan dengan kemauan jaman baru, jaman baru yang saya inginkan masuk ke dalam masyarakat kami”(Surat kepada Nona Zeehandeler, 25 Mei 1899).
Di saat adanya imperalisme pendudukan Jepang (8 Maret 1942). Dengan semangatnya Hakko Ichiu yakni politik Jepang dalam kemakmuran di Asia Timur Raya. Membawa perubahan pada pendidikan yakni dihapusnya dualism pengajaran yakni kelas atas dan kelas dua diganti dengan sekolah rakyat atau Kokumin Gakko jenjang 6 tahun, Shoto Cho Gakko setingkat SMP jenjang 3 tahun, dan Koto Chu Gakko setingkat SMA jenjang 3 tahun. Tidak diperkenankan bahasa Belanda namun digunakan bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Jepang. Muncul pula gerakan Fujikay yakni pendidikan semi militer bagi para wanita.
Setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia. Wanita pun ikut memajukan negaranya tersebut dengan prestasi. Salah satunya Sri Mulyani yang pernah menjadi menteri Keuangan pada kabinet Indonesia Bersatu Jilid I yang kini menduduki direktur Internasional Founded Monetery (IMF). Selain itu dibidang luar politik, yakni artis Anggun yang mewakili Indonesia dan Perancis untuk tampil di Eurovision.
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Hidayah, Zulyani. Ensiklopedi Suku Bangsa di Indonesia.1999.PT Pustaka LP3ES Indonesia, Depdikbud:Jakarta. 920; SUR. t
Azzahrawe, As Sayyid Abdul Hamid.Tokoh Wanita Sebelum dan Sesudah Islam.1379 Hijryah/1958 Masehi. Percetakan offset:Palembang. 920. THA. g
Mardiyatmo.Economics 2 for Senior High School year XI. 2010. Yudhistira:Jakarta. 920. SUT. P.
Eli, Nunung Yuli. Pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Program Studi Ilmu Sosial Kelas XI untuk SMA dan MA.2005.Intan Pariwara:Klaten. 920.AIIH. h
Riclefs, M. C. Sejarah Indonesia Modern. 1998-1999. Gadja Mada Universitas: Jakarta. 949. MPH. j
Sukadri, Heru. Sejarah Pendidikan Daerah Jawa Timur.1986. Departermen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Kebudayaan Daerah: Surabaya. 910. DAL. G.
Achadiyat, Anto. Suku Terasing Sasak di Bayan, Nusa Tenggara Barat. 1989. Proyek IPNB, Depdikbud,:. Jakarta. 959. 8007. INA. P.
Suparlan, Parsudi. “Kebudayaan Timor”, dalam Koentjaningrat (ed.). Manusia dan Kebudayaan di Indonesia. 1983. Penerbit Djambatan :Jakarta. 900. HAD. B.
Anggun mewakili Perancis di Eurovision .2012. Koran Surya: Surabaya. 911. BAP. C.
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3. KELAS : XI IPS 31
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(wanita meminta uang di perempatan TambakBayan di kota Ponorogo, Jawa Timur)
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian- English)
(Source: created by the owner of the blog)
EDUCATION AS emancipation of women
page limit_____________________________Foreword
Assamualaikum wr. Wb.
First, we are saying grace to God Almighty that we have been given grace and guidance to us so that we can resolve the scientific paper entitled: Education as a driver of progress of women.Thanks to the father and the mother's social studies teacher who also provide support or support to us.Thank you to my friends xi class 3rd ips that have supported the writing of scientific papers
Thanks to those who have assisted in the writing of this paper.
And we as a writer ask for advice, criticism, and response to this paper more perfect.
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Education was not spared from the educator or the so-called teachers. View of history, starting from a parent educator and the adult outside the family. Then in a community group came the blacksmith or masters and shamans. When it comes to the Brahmin who teaches the knowledge and king disebutlah teacher. Then came the monks and nuns. When Islam came to the influence of kiai, scholars, and the trustee who then set up a break, madrassas, and schools. So that when the authoritarian ruler in power against the people of the teacher becomes a protective society.Indonesia women's society in the past it was customary to play a role. Note also that the people of Indonesia has about 656 tribes from Sabang to Merauke ..Moreover for the current tribes are still alienated still cling to the traditional principle of making social mobility or social change increasingly slowed.
Then it would be contrary to custom, when she demanded of education outside the home. The girl should be willing to be a man of a husband who would just take care of household duties and child. There are some indigenous tribes outside of Java in general, marriage is allowed between the ages of 11-15 years and therefore may not receive education at all.
Although the Dutch East Indies era founded schools that receive the majority are men. Calculated that in 1898 there were 11 girls studying in a school classroom to the school and the Indo-European aristocracy in the island of Java.In addition there are restrictions on female education in grade school two or entirely native school no more than 2000 people.
When the Dutch colonial occupiers abuse of the Indonesian nation, the people of Indonesia were mainly women do not stay silent one woman from the Moluccas Marta Christina Tinahahu who fought alongside Kapitan Patimura, Cut Nyak Dien of Aceh.
Ethical politics at the time when the field of Education which makes proud to Shnock Hurgonje and director of political education Ethis I (1900-5) J. H.Abendon ethis support educational nature which eventually became the ideals of Indonesian society groups.
The resurrection of this woman trying to change the position of women in the archipelago. Various road taken one of them is considered to be the way education can mean to uphold the women from the misery and humiliation.The pioneer woman pioneer, starting from: R. A. Kartini, then Rd. Dewi Sartika, then Rohania Kuddus. Then came the woman's body like Kartini Fonds (Kartini Fund) to take care of women in education. Then came the branches of organizations such as Aisha with Muhammadiyah, NU Muslimat with, SI Women SI Indonesia with Islam, Wanito Utomo by Budi Utomo, Women in Student Park Student Park. When the 22-25 December 1928 in the Women's Congress in Yogyakarta I generated the founding of the United Women's Indonesia. Then in the third congress in London decided that December 22 is celebrated as Mother's Day.The following description of the pioneers of the struggle of women in the Dutch colonial era R. A. Kartini. Born in Jepara 21 April 1879 who were born in Jepara district nobility named R. A. A. Sosroningrat. R. A. Kartini was given the opportunity to receive education, but when the age of 12 years for seclusion. But thanks to his friends, R. A. Kartini were allowed to leave the house so it gets public censure at the time. He thought that was limp degree that women should be improved. When karini by his friends in the Netherlands persuaded to switch religions, then he replied: "What would love be able to deepen our faith in our souls. If kitaa not know ............. While the Koran should not be translated scripture and tersebab he must remain in the Arabic language we do not understand .............. then we are forced to read the Qur'an without understanding it, and this is a futile effort, which can be no doubt come back {* In Dutch, the Koran translated by the colonial government banned} (Minutes No. Persautan Islam. 34 th 18) ."And the customs of our country really contrary to the will of the new era, new era that I want to get into our society" (Letter to Miss Zeehandeler, May 25, 1899).Imperialism during the Japanese occupation (March 8, 1942). With the political zeal Ichiu Hakko Japan in prosperity in East Asia. Brings about changes in education that is the abolition of the dualism of teaching second grade class and replaced with people or Kokumin Gakko school level six years, shoto Gakko Cho 3-year junior high school level, and Koto Chu Gakko 3 years at the high school level. Not permitted to use the Dutch language but Indonesian and Japanese.There is also movement Fujikay the semi-military education for women.After the independence of Indonesia. Women also helped advance the country's accomplishments. One of them is Sri Mulyani, who was a minister of Finance in United Indonesia Cabinet Volume I, which now occupy the director of the International Founded Monetary Fund (IMF). In addition outside the field of politics, representing the artist Anggun Indonesia and France to perform in Eurovision.
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Hidayah, Zulyani. Ensiklopedi Suku Bangsa di Indonesia.1999.PT Pustaka LP3ES Indonesia, Depdikbud:Jakarta. 920; SUR. t
Azzahrawe, As Sayyid Abdul Hamid.Tokoh Wanita Sebelum dan Sesudah Islam.1379 Hijryah/1958 Masehi. Percetakan offset:Palembang. 920. THA. g
Mardiyatmo. Economics 2 for Senior High School year XI. 2010. Yudhistira:Jakarta. 920. SUT. P.
Eli, Nunung Yuli. Pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Program Studi Ilmu Sosial Kelas XI untuk SMA dan MA.2005.Intan Pariwara:Klaten. 920.AIIH. h
Riclefs, M. C. Sejarah Indonesia Modern. 1998-1999. Gadja Mada Universitas: Jakarta. 949. MPH. j
Sukadri, Heru. Sejarah Pendidikan Daerah Jawa Timur.1986. Departermen Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Kebudayaan Daerah: Surabaya. 910. DAL. G.
Achadiyat, Anto. Suku Terasing Sasak di Bayan, Nusa Tenggara Barat. 1989. Proyek IPNB, Depdikbud,:. Jakarta. 959. 8007. INA. P.
Suparlan, Parsudi. “Kebudayaan Timor”, dalam Koentjaningrat (ed.). Manusia dan Kebudayaan di Indonesia. 1983. Penerbit Djambatan :Jakarta. 900. HAD. B.
Anggun mewakili Perancis di Eurovision .2012. Koran Surya: Surabaya. 911. BAP. C.
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5. ADDRESS: VILLAGE SUB Barbadensis rafters peninsula DISTRICT
1. FULL NAME: Zoro
4. DATE OF BIRTH PLACE: Singosari, 24 APRIL 1994
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