(sumber: Buku Lembar Kertas Siswa Modul Gandini Ponorogo Kelas XI IPS)
1. Nasionalisme
Menurut Joseph Ernes Renan
Nasionalisme muncul dari sekelompok manusa yang mau bersatu karena adanya kehendak bersama
Menurut Hans Kohn
Paham bahwa kesetiaan tertinggi individu diserahkan kepada negara kebangsaan
Menurut Lois Snyder
Hasil faktor politik, ekonomis, sosial dan intelektual pada taraf dalam sejarah.
Munculnya nasionalisme
1) Nasionalisme Amerika
Didorong oleh tulisan Thomas Paine berjudul “Common Sense”berisi penenutan nasib sendiri, hal ini menginspirasi George Whasington untuk memerdekakan diri dari Inggris dengan mengeluarkan Declaration of Independence tanggal 4 Juli 1776.
2) Nasionalisme Eropa
Dilatarbelakangi revolusi Perancis yang bertujuan untuk membendung ekspansi Perancis dibawah Napoleon Bonarpate (1804-1815) yang berusaha menguasai Eropa. Dengan semangat nasionalisme tersebut berhasil menggulingkan Napoleon Bonarpate dan mengeluarkan Kongres Wina (1815) berisi pengembalian Perancis sebelum terjadi Revolusi Perancis.
Munculnya nasionalisme setelah Kongres Wina
a) Inggris
Dimulai Revolusi Industri yang dimana Inggris tidak dikuasai Napoleon Bonarpate. Sejak Revolusi Industri, Inggris menjajah di dunia. Palmerston mengeluarkan semoboyan “Right or Wrong is My Country”.
b) German
Beerdasarkan Kongres Wina, Jerman dipecah menjadi kerajaan kecil di bawah Austria. Otto Von Bismark mengeluarkan semboyan “Durch Eisen Un Blut”yang artinya Jerman bisa disatukan dengan kekuatan besi dan darah.
c) Italia
Berdasarkan Kongres Wina, wilayah Italia ada yang merdeka (Sardinia), dijajah Austria (Venesia), dan Perancis (Roma). Camillo Cavour dan Garibaldi membentuk negara kesatuan dengan raja Victor Emmanuel dan Camillo Cavour mengeluarkan semboyan “Italia Irredenta” artinya mempersatukan daerah Italia yang masih dijajah bangsa asing.
2. Liberalisme
Paham mengutamakan kemerdekaan/ kebebasan individu sebagai pangkal dan pokok pahamnya. Yang dimulai pada masa renaisance (abad pertengahan) memperjuangkan kebebasan dalam gereja dan agama. Lalu berkembang menjadi gerakan politik, sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya yang dipelopori kaum borjuis abad XIX. Liberalisme berasal dari semboyan Perancis berbunyi: “Liberti, Egalite, dan Fraternite”artinya kebebasan, persamaan, persaudaraan.
3. Sosialisme
Paham yang menghendaki masyarakat disusun kolektif afar menjadi masyarakat bahagia. Dimulai di Eropa pada abad XVIII yang disebut Sosialisme Utopis dengan tokoh Thomas More, Robert Owen, dan lainnya. Abad IX muncul Sosialis Ilmiah yakni menciptakan masyarakat bahagia atas dasar ilmu pengetahuan dengan tokoh Karl Mark karyanya “Das Kapital”, Frederich Engels dengan semoboyannya “Kaum Proletar Sedunia Bersatulah.” Nanti di bagi atas:
a. Sosialis Demokrat (Sosialisme)
1) Memilih jalan evolusi
2) Milik perorangan diperkenakan produksi uang menguasai hajat orang banyak yang dimiliki Negara.
b. Sosialis Radikal (Komunisme)
1) Memilih jalan revolusi
2) Milik perorangan tidak diperkenankan, semua milik Negara.
4. Demokrasi
Paham yang menyatakan bahwa kekuasaan tertinggi berada ditangan rakyat. Lahir di Eropa abad IX yang dipelopori oleh Montesque dan J.J. Rousseau. Cirinya yakni mengakui jaminan HAM dan warga Negara sedangkan pelaksanaan ditandai dengan adanya UUD untuk mengatur kekuasaannya, pelaksanaan Pemilu, dan adanya DPR. Paham democrat yakni Demokrasi Langsung (direct democratic) dan demokrasi tidak langsung (indirect democratic).
Di mulai sejak tahun yang memiliki cirri-ciri:
1) Tujuan jelas untuk mencapai kemerdekaan Indonesia
2) Cara dengan berorganisasi modern
3) Bersifat Nasional
4) Perjuangan di multi budaya
5) Dipimpin oleh golongan cerdik- pandai
A. Latar Belakang
1) Kesenjangan taraf hidup bangsa Indonesia dan colonial Hindia Belanda
2) Kenangan kejayaan Kerajaan Sriwijaya dan Kerajaan Majapahit
3) Lahirnya golongan cerdik-pandai akibat politik etis
B. Bentuk Pergerakan Nasional
1) Boedi Utomo (20 Mei 1908-1935)
• Didirikan 20 Mei 1908 oleh Dr. Soetomo dan Dr. Goenawan atas dorongan Dr. Wahidin Soedirohoesodo di Jakarta.
• Kongres I (5 Oktober 1908) diketuai oleh RT. Tirtokoesoemo (Bupati Karanganyar) sebagai ketua dan ketua kehormatan yakni Dr. Soetomo.
• Tahun 1915, Gunaawn Mangunkoesoemo membicarakan “Milisi Bumiputera” ditandai Boedi Oetomo masuk organisasi politik.
• Tahun 1918 Boedi Oetomo masuk anggota Volksraad.
• Perjuangan bersifat kooperatif dengan colonial Hindia Belanda
• Tahun 1930 wilayah bersifat nasional
• Tahun 1935, Boedi Utomo berfusi/ bergabung dalam PBI (Persatuan Bangsa Indonesia) membentuk Parindra.
2) Perhimpunan Indonesia/ PI (1908-23 Maret 1927)
a) Didirikan pada tahun 1908 oleh RP Sosrokartono, RM Notosoeroto, dan Soetan Kasajangan di Den Hag, Belanda.
b) Tujuan:untuk mengurusi kepentingan mahasiswa Indonesia di Belanda namun setelah berubah nama menjadi Perhimpunan Indonesia tujuannya yakni Indonesia Merdeka.
c) Perjuangan
a) Simbol perjuangan:
• Merah Putih sebagai bendera kebangsaan
• Kepala Banteng sebagai lambing perjuangan
• Pangeran Diponegoro sebagai tokoh perjuangan
b) Asas Perjuangan
• Swadaya
• Menggalang solidaritas bangsa Indonesia untuk menentang Belanda
• Non kooperatif
• Pembentukan kesatuan nasional
d) Usaha:
• Melakukan komunikasi dengan pemimpin nasionalis
• Mengeluarkan majalah “Indonesia Merdeka”
• Mencari dukungan Internasional
e) Tanggal 23 Maret 1913, PI dibubarkan karena membahayakan bagi colonial Hindia Belanda.
3) Sarikat Islam / SI (10 November 1912-1923)
• Berdirinya Sarikat Dagang Islam (SDI) di Solo pada 11 November 1911 oleh Haji Samanhoedi atas dorongan RM Tirtoadisoerjo.
• Latar Belakang SDI: Ketika terjadi Revolusi Cina oleh Dr. Sun Yat Sen tahun 1911, orang Cina masuk ke Indonesia sebagai perantau lalu mereka membentuk Ikatan Dagang Cina yang merantau di Indonesia dan berusaha memegang monopoli perdagangan di Indonesia. Sehingga berdirilah SDI sebagai reaksi pedagang muslim.
• Tanggal 10 November 1912 diadakan kongres di Surabaya, SDI dirubah menjadi Sarekat Islam dengan ketua Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto.
• Tujuan semula memajukan perdagangan namun tujuannya ditambah yakni: memberikan bantuan seperti koperasi, memajukan pengajaran dan derajat kaum pribumi, memajukan agama Islam.
• Tahun 1919 didirikan Central Sarekat Islam di Solo, Si menjadi anggota Volksraad dan mengeluarkan pernyataan politik “Menyiapkan bangsa yang berpemerintahan sendiri.” Sehingga semula kooperatif lama kelamaan menjadi radikal sejak berdirinya Partai Islam.
• Sarekat Islam dipengaruhi oleh paham komunis sehingga terpecah menjadi Sarekat Islam Putih yang dipimpin oleh Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto berpusat di Surabaya dan Sarekat Islam Merah yang dipimpin oleh Semaun dan Darsono berpusat di Semarang yang nantinya keluar dari Sarekat Islam membentuk Partai Komunis Indonesia.
• Tahun 1923 Sarekat Islam berubah menjadi Partai Sarekat Islam (PSI)
• Tanggal 27 April 1929 Partai Sarekat Islam berubah menjadi Partai Sarekat Islam Indonesia (PSII) diketuai Haji Agoes Salim yang nantinya terpecah menjadi PSII yang dipimpin Abi Koesno, PSII dipimpin Kartosoewirjo, PSII dipimpin Soekiman.
4) Indische Partij (25 Desember 1912-1913)
a) Didirikan pada 25 Desember 1912 oleh Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat dan Dr Douwes Dekker (Danoerdirdjo Setiaboedi).
b) Tujuan: untuk mencapai Indonesia Merdeka dan mempersatukan bangsa Indonesia
c) Caranya:meresapkan cita kesatuan, memberantas kesombongan, memberantas usaha kebencian agama, memperbesar pengaruh Indonesia dalam pemerintahan, dan, memperbaiki ekonomi bangsa Indonesia.
d) Anggotanya kalangan pribumi, peranakan (Indo-),dan Eropa.
e) Dibubarkan pada tahun 1913 karena:
• RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat artikelnya “Als Ik enn Nederlander was” (seandainya aku orang Belanda)
• Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkosoemo artikelnya “Kekuatan atau Ketakutan.”
• Dr. Douwes Dekker artikelnya “Pahlawan Kita RM Soerwardi Soerjaningrat dan Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo”
Nantinya pimpinan Indische Partij diasingkan ke Belanda setelah itu anggota Indische Partij yang dibubarkan masuk ke Insulinde yakni organisasi peranakan Belanda dan orang Eropa yang ingin tinggal di Indonesia.
5) Muhammadiyah (sejak 18 November 1912)
• Didirikan di Yogyakarta oleh Kjai Hadji Ahmad Dahlan pada tanggal 18 November 1912 dipengaruhi oleh gerakan pembaharuan di Mesir yang dipelopori oleh Syekh Muhammad Abduh.
• Tujuan: memajkan pengajaran berdasarkan agama Islam dan memperluas ilmu agama dan mentaati peraturan agama berdasarkan Al Quran dan Al Hadits.
• Mendirikan pula organisasi kepemudaan disebut Hisbul Wathon dan organisasi wanita disebut Aisyah.
6) Indische Sosial Democratische Vereniging/ ISDV/Partai Komunis Indonesia/ PKI (9 Mei 1914-1965/ pembahasan perjuangan jelang kemerdekaan)
1) Didirikan pada tanggal 9 Mei 1914 oleh H.J.F. Sneevlit di Semarang dalam ISDV (Indische Sosial Democratische Vereniging)
2) Menyusup dalam Sarekat Islam di cabang Semarang oleh Semaoen dan Darsono.
3) Tanggal 23 Mei 1920 Indische Sosial Democratische Vereniging (ISDV) diganti Partai Komunis Indonesia dengan ketua Semaoen.
4) Perjuangan anti kooperatif dan radikal terhadap pemerintah Kolonial Belanda
5) Sasaran: masyarakat kecil.
6) Melakukan pemberontakan:
• Tanggal 13 Mei 1926 pemberontakan di Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur
• Tanggal 1 Januari 1927 dilakukan di Sumatera Barat.
Imbasnya pergerakan nasional mendapat tekanan keras dari pemerintah Hindia Belanda dan tujuan PKI semata-mata bekerja untuk golongannya sendiri.
7) Gerakan Pemuda/ Tri Koro Dharmo (Sejak 7 Maret 1915-1918)
• Didirikan tanggal 7 Maret 1915 di Jakarta dengan sebutan Tri Koro Darmo oleh Saatiman Wirjosandjojo.
• Tujuan:menggalang persatuan, memperluas pengetahuan, & membangkitkan patriotism. Dengan tujuan akhir “Jawa Raya.”
• Tahun 1918, Tri Koro Dharmo dirubah menjadi Jong Java karena akibat bermunculan organisasi pemuda yang bersifat kedaerahan seperti Jong Sumateranen Bond, Jong Ambon, Jong Celebes, Jong Minahasaa, dan sebagainya.
8) Taman Siswa (3 Juli 1922)
• Didirikan di Yogyakarta oleh Ki Hadjar Dewantoro tanggaal 3 Juli 1922.
• Cita-citanya “Pancadharma”:
Memberikan kebebasan kepada anak didiknya dalam perkembangannya
Mengembangkan jasmani dan rohani berdasarkan peradaban dari kebudayaan bangsa
Menguasai pengaruh yang baik bagi kodrat alam anak
Mengembangkan patrotisme
Menumbuhkan dasar perikemanusiaan yang merupakan sifat kebangsaan.
• Dasar system among dengan prinsip dan semoboyan: Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho, Tut Wuri Handayani.
• Ki Hadjar Dewantara menentang UU Ordonasi tahun 1932 yakni pelarangan berdirinya sekolah liar (sekolah yang didirikan oleh pribumi) selain yand didirikan oleh pemerintah colonial Hindia Belanda. Namun akhirnya dicabut kembali oleh pemerintahan colonial Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1935.
9) Nahdatul Ulama/ NU (Sejak 31 Januari 1926)
• Didirikan tanggal 31 Januari 1926 di Surabaya oleh K.H. Hasjim Asja’ri, K.H. Bisri Sjamsoeri, dan K. H. Wahab Hasboellah.
• Tujuan: memajukan pengajaran berdasarkan agama Islam dan mempeerluas pengertian ilmu agama dan mentaaati peraturan agama Islam berdasarkan Al Quran dan Al Hadits menurut Mazhab Syafi’I, Maliki, Hambali dan Hanafi.
• Mendirikan organisasi pemuda disebut Ansor dan organisasi wanita disebut Muslimat.
10) Partai Nasional Indonesia/ PNI (4 Juli 1927-25 April 1931)
1) Didirikan oleh Soekarno dan kawan-kawan paada 4 Juli 1927 di Bandung.
2) Tujuan: untuk mencapai kemerdekaan Indonesia
3) Segi perjuangan
• Self Reliance :percaya diri sendiri
• Self Ditermination :menentukan nasib sendiri sebagai bangsa merdeka
• Non Kooperatif :untuk mencapai kemerdekaan dengan kekuatan sendiri
4) Anggota: seluruh bangsa Indonesia
5) Tanggal 29 Desember 1929, Soekarno, Maskoen, Soepriadinata, Gatot Mangkoepradja ditangkap dan dipenjarakan karena menghasut rakyat untuk memberontak.
6) Setelah dibubarkan muncul PNI dengan pemimpin baru:
• Tanggal 31 Desember 1931 didirikan Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia (PNI Baru) oleh Drs. Moh. Hatta dan Soetan Sjahrir.
• Tanggal 30 April 1930 didirikan Partai Indonesia (Partindo) oleh Mr. Sartono lalu Bung Karno gabung di dalamnya.
Kedua organisasi untuk kemerdekaan Indonesia dan bersifat non kooperatif terhadap Pemerintahan Hindia Belanda yang nantinya dibubarkan juga.
11) Kongres Pemuda
1) Kongres Pemuda I (30 April-2 Mei 1928 di Jakarta)
• Penyelenggara :Komite Indonesia diketuai oleh M. Tabrani
• Tujuan :Menanamkan semangat kerjasama antar pemuda Indonesia sebagai dasar persatuan Indonesia
• Hasil : dibentuk “Jong Indonesia” sebagai organisasi pemuda nasional I namun tahun 1927 “Jong Indonesia” diganti “Pemuda Indonesia” lalu dirubah menjadi “Indonesia Muda”
2) Kongres Pemuda II
• Penyelenggara :Perhimpunan Pelajar-pelajar Indonesia diketuai oleh Soegon Djojo Poespito.
• Tujuan :memperkuat patriotism
• Hasil :diikrarkan “Sumpah Pemuda” dan pertama diperdengarkan kalinya lagu Indonesia Raya oleh Wage Roed Soepratman
3) Kongres Pemuda III
• Penyelenggara : Panitia Kongres Pemuda III diketuai oleh Soejono Hadinoto
• Tujuan : memperteguh organisasi pemuda di seluruh Indonesia
• Hasil :dibentuk “Permufakatan Perhimpunan Indonesia/ PERPINDO” sebagai fusi/ gabungan dari organisasi pemuda kedaerahan/ agama di Indonesia.
12) Gerakan Wanita (Sejak 22-25 Desember 1928)
• Dipelopori oleh R. A. Kartini dengan cita-citanya: mengangkat derajat wanita melalui pendidikan, melepaskan ikatan adat istiadat yang menghambat kemajuan waanita, menuntut kedudukan yang sama dengan wanita. Cita- cita R. A. Kartini ditulis dalam suratnya yang dikirim kepadaa teman-temannya di negeri Belanda lalu dibukukan oleh Mr. J. H. Abendon dengan diberi judul “Door Suisternis Tot Licht” atau “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang.” Lalu perjuangan R. A. Kartini diteruskan Dewi Sartiki dari Jawa Barat.
• Organisasi wanita di Indonesia dibedakan menjadi :Pertamaa, organisasi wanita yang berdiri sendiri seperti Kartini Fonds di Semarang, Puteri Mardika di Jakarta, Maju Kemuliaan di Bandung, Rukun Santosa. Dan Kedua, organisasi wanita berafilisasi dengan kaum pria seperti Aisyah dengan Muhammadiyah, Muslimat dengan Nahdatul Ulama, Sarekat Perempuan Islam dengan Sarekat Islam, Wanito Utomo dengan Budi Utomo, dan Wanita Taman Siswa dengan Taman Siswa.
• Tanggal 22-25 Desember 1928, diadakan Kongres Perempuan I di Yogyakarta. Hasilnya dibentuk “Perserikatan Perempuan Indonesia”
• Tahun 1929 di Jakarta, kongres Perempuan II dirubah menjadi “Perserikatan Perempuan Istri Indonesia/ PPII”
• Tahun 1938 di Bandung, Kongres Perempuan II dihasilkan 22 Desember diperingati sebagai “hari ibu”
13) Partai Indonesia Raya/ Parindra (25 Desember 1935)
• Didirikan di Surabaya tanggal 25 Desember 1935 oleh Dr. Soetomo dan Moeh. Hoesni Tamrin yang merupakan fusi/ gabungan dari Boedi Oetomo, Sarekat Madura, Sarekat Betawi, Sarekat Celebes, Persatuan Bangsa Indonesia, Sarekat Soematera, dan Tritajasa Banten.
• Perjuangaan kooperatif insidentil (kerjasama yang penyesuaian) kepada pemerintahan Kolonial Hindia Belanda
• Tujuan :”Indonesia Raya”
• Usaha:
Memperkokoh persatuan dan patriotisme Bangsa Indonesia
Menjalankan aksi politik untuk mendapatkan hak lengkap dalam pemerintahan berdasarkan nasionalisme dan demokrasi
Memajukan perkehidupan rakyat dibidang ekonomi dan social
Tanggal 15 Juli 1936 diajukan Petisi Soetardjo oleh Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo kepada pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Isnya agar dibentuk pemerintahan Indonesia yang dapat memerintah sendiri tetapi berada di bawah naungan Kerajaan Belanda. Namun ditolak oleh pemerintah Kerajaan Belanda karena bangsa Indonesia belum siap memikul pemerintahan sendiri.
14) Majelis Islam A’laa Indonesia/ MIAI (21 September 1937)
• Didirikan oleh K.H. Wahid Hasjim di Surabaya tanggal 21 September 1937 sedangkan majelis Pemuda dipimpin oleh Ir. Sofwan dan Majelis Keputrian dipimpin oleh Siti Noerdjanaah. MIAI merupakan gabungan organisasi Islam di Indonesia.
• Tujuan :membicarakan dan memutuskan soal kemaslahatan umat agama Islam, menggalang persatuan kaum Muslim di Indonesia dan dunia
• Menyelesaikan pertikaian umat Islam dengan damai.
15) Gabungan Politik Indonesia/ GAPI(23 Mei 1939)
• Didirikan tanggal 23 Mei 1939 di Jakarta oleh Moehammad Hoesni Thamrin dan Abi Koesno Tjokrosoerojo yang merupakan gabungan partai politik di Indonesia seperti: Parindra, Gerindro, PSII, Persatuan Partai Katolik, Persatuan Pasundan, dan Persatuan Minahasa.
• Tujuan : menggalang persatuan nasional organisasi politik di Indonesia.
• Dasar perjuangan: hak menentukan nasib sendiri, persatuan nasional dari seluruh rakyat Indonesia, dan persatuan aksi dari seluruh gerakan di Indonesia
• Tanggal 23-25 Desember 1939 diadakan konferensi GAPI, hasilnya: menuntut “Indonesia Berparlemen”, Membentuk “Kongres Rakyat Indonesia” sebagai pengganti Volksraad, dan disetujui bahwa Merah Putih sebagai Bendera Kebangsaan, Indonesiaa Raya sebagai Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia, dan Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa persatuan Indonesia.
in english (with google translate to Indonesian-English):
UNDERSTAND THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW NATIONALISM The birth(Source: Books Sheet Paper Students Class XI modules Gandini Ponorogo IPS)A. Nationalism According to Joseph Ernest RenanManusa nationalism emerged from a group that would unite for the common will According to Hans KohnUnderstand that the highest fidelity of individuals submitted to the state of nationality According to Lois SnyderThe result of political factors, economic, social and intellectual level in history.
The emergence of nationalism1) American NationalismEncouraged by the writings of Thomas Paine called "Common Sense" contains penenutan self, it inspired George Whasington for independence from Britain by issuing a Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.2) European NationalismBackground of the French revolution that aims to stem the expansion of France under Napoleon Bonarpate (1804-1815) who tried to conquer Europe. In the spirit of nationalism that succeeded in overthrowing Napoleon Bonarpate and issued the Congress of Vienna (1815) contains the return of France before the French Revolution.The emergence of nationalism after the Congress of Viennaa) EnglandIndustrial Revolution began where English is not controlled by Napoleon Bonarpate. Since the Industrial Revolution, the British ruled the world. Palmerston issued semoboyan "Right or Wrong is My Country".b) GermanBeerdasarkan Congress of Vienna, Germany is broken down into small kingdoms under Austria. Otto Von Bismark issued the slogan "Un durch Eisen Blut" which means that Germany could be united with the strength of iron and blood.c) ItalyBased on the Congress of Vienna, there is an independent Italian regions (Sardinia), invaded Austria (Venice) and France (Rome).Camillo Cavour and Garibaldi to form a unitary state by King Victor Emmanuel and Cavour Camillo issued the slogan "Italia Irredenta" means to unite the Italian area was colonized by a foreign nation.2. LiberalismUnderstand the priority of independence / freedom of the individual as the main base and their respective ideologies.Which began during the renaissance (medieval) fight for freedom in the church and religion. Then evolved into a political movement, social, economic, and cultural bourgeoisie who spearheaded the nineteenth century. Liberalism comes from the French motto reads: "Liberti, Egalite, and Fraternite" means freedom, equality, fraternity.3. SocialismUnderstand that requires society to be organized collectively afar people happy. Beginning in Europe in the eighteenth century called Utopian Socialism to the character Thomas More, Robert Owen, and others. IX century Scientific Socialists appear to create a society that is happy on the basis of science by Karl Mark figures his work "Das Kapital", Frederich Engels with semoboyannya "Unite the World Proletariat." Later, at the top:a. Democratic Socialist (Socialism)1) Choosing the path of evolution2) Ownership of individuals dominate the money allowed for the production of many state-owned.b. Radical Socialist (Communist)1) Choosing the path of revolution2) Property is not permitted individuals, all belonging to the State.4. DemocracyUnderstand which states that the ultimate power in the hands of the people. Born in Europe, spearheaded by the IX century and JJ Montesque Rousseau. Characteristics that recognized human rights and citizen security while the implementation is characterized by the Constitution to regulate power, the election, and the House of Representatives. Democrat understands that Direct Democracy (direct democratic) and democratic (indirect democratic).
At the start since that has all the characteristics:1) clear goal to achieve independence Indonesia2) How to organize a modern3) National Characteristically4) The struggle in the multi-cultural5) Led by a class of intelligentsia
A. Background1) The gap of living standard of the Indonesian nation and the colonial Dutch East Indies2) Memories glory of the kingdom of Srivijaya and Majapahit Empire3) The birth class intelligentsia due to ethical
B. Form the Nationalist Movement
1) Boedi Utomo (May 20 1908 to 1935)• Established May 20, 1908 by Dr. And Dr. Soetomo. Goenawan the instigation of Dr. Wahidin Soedirohoesodo in Jakarta.• Congress I (October 5, 1908) chaired by the RT. Tirtokoesoemo (Regent Karanganyar) as chairman and honorary chairman is Dr..Soetomo.• In 1915, Gunaawn Mangunkoesoemo discuss "Militia Bumiputera" marked Boedi Oetomo into political organizations.• In 1918 Boedi Oetomo incoming members of the Volksraad.• The struggle to be cooperative with the colonial Dutch East Indies• In 1930 the national• In 1935, Boedi Utomo merge / join the PBI (United Nations Indonesia) Parindra form.
2) Association of Indonesia / PI (1908-23 March 1927)a) Founded in 1908 by RP Sosrokartono, RM Notosoeroto, and Soetan Kasajangan in The Hague, Netherlands.b) The purpose: to take care of the interests of Indonesian students in Holland, but after changing its name to the Association of Indonesia Indonesia Merdeka goal.c) The strugglea) The symbol of struggle:• Red and White as the national flag• Head of the Bull as a symbol of struggle• Diponegoro as characters struggleb) Principles of Struggle• Governmental• Promote solidarity against the nation of Indonesia to the Netherlands• Non-cooperative• Establishment of national unityd) of Business:• Communicate with the nationalist leaders• Eject the magazine "Indonesia Merdeka"• Seek international supporte) On March 23, 1913, PI was dissolved because of harm to the colonial Dutch East Indies.
3) Islam Sarikat / SI (10 November 1912-1923)• The establishment of the Islamic Trade Sarikat (SDI) in Solo on 11 November 1911 by the instigation of Haji Samanhoedi Tirtoadisoerjo RM.• SDI Background: When there is the Chinese Revolution by Dr.Sun Yat Sen in 1911, the Chinese entry into Indonesia as nomads and they form a Trade Association of China who go abroad in Indonesia and trying to hold a monopoly of trade in Indonesia.Thus stands as a reaction to Muslim traders SDI.• On 10 November 1912 congress was held in Surabaya, SDI converted to Islam by SI Oemar chief Haji Said Tjokroaminoto.• the original purpose of promoting trade but added that its purpose: to provide assistance such as cooperatives, promoting the teaching and the degree of the aborigines, advance the Islamic religion.• In 1919 Islam was established in Solo Central SI, Si be a member of the Volksraad and issued a political statement "Setting up a self-governing nation." So over time the cooperative originally a radical Islamic party since its foundation.• SI Islam influenced by communist ideology that Islam split into SI White, led by Haji Said Oemar Tjokroaminoto based in Surabaya and SI Islam, led by Red Semaun and Darsono based in Semarang that will come out of Islam SI form the Communist Party of Indonesia.• In 1923 SI SI Islam became Islam Party (PSI)• On 27 April 1929 Party Party SI SI Islam became Islam Indonesia (PSII) chaired by Haji Salim Agoes which later split into Koesno Abi led PSII, PSII led by lieutenants, led Sukiman PSII.
4) Indische Partij (December 25 1912 to 1913)a) Established on December 25, 1912 by Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat and Dr Douwes Dekker (Danoerdirdjo Setiaboedi).b) The goal: to reach and unite the nation's Merdeka Indonesia Indonesiac) How: soak ideals of unity, pride combat, combat religious hatred businesses, increase the influence of Indonesia in government, and, to improve the economy of Indonesia.d) members among the natives, Peranakan (Indo-), and Europe.e) Disbanded in 1913 because:• RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat article "Als Ik ENN Nederlander was" (if I'm Dutch)• Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkosoemo article "Strength or Fear."• Dr. Douwes Dekker article "Our Heroes and Dr RM Soerwardi Soerjaningrat. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo "Later leaders were exiled to the Netherlands Indies Partij after the members of the Indische Partij Insulinde dissolved into the organization of Dutch descent and Europeans who want to stay in Indonesia.
5) Muhammadiyah (since 18 November 1912)• Established in Yogyakarta by Hadji Ahmad Dahlan Kjai on 18 November 1912 are affected by the reform movement in Egypt which was pioneered by Sheikh Muhammad Abduh.• Purpose: memajkan teaching based on Islam and expanding the science of religion and obey the rules of religion based on Al Quran and Al Hadith.• Establish youth organizations also called Hisbul Wathon and women's organizations called Aisha.
6) The Social Democratic Indische Vereniging / ISDV / Communist Party of Indonesia / PKI (May 9, 1914 to 1965 / discussions ahead of the independence struggle)1) Established on May 9, 1914 by H.J.F. Sneevlit in Semarang in ISDV (Social Democratic Indische Vereniging)2) Infiltrate the SI branch of Islam in Semarang by Semaoen and Darsono.3) On May 23, 1920 Indies Social Democratic Vereniging (ISDV) is replaced by the chairman of the Communist Party of Indonesia Semaoen.4) anti-cooperative and radical struggle against the Dutch colonial government5) Target: small communities.6) Perform the rebellion:• On May 13, 1926 uprising in Jakarta, Central Java and East Java• On January 1, 1927 conducted in West Sumatra.Impact of national movements received strong pressure from the Dutch Government and the purpose PKI working solely for his own faction.
7) Youth Movement / Tri Koro Dharmo (Since March 7 1915 to 1918)• Established on March 7, 1915 in Jakarta as the Tri Koro Darmo by Saatiman Wirjosandjojo.• Purpose: the unity, expand knowledge, and awaken patriotism.With the ultimate goal of "Kingdom of Java."• In 1918, Tri Jong Koro Dharmo converted into Java as a result of emerging regional organizations such as youth who are Sumateranen Bond Jong, Jong Ambon, Celebes Jong, Jong Minahasaa, and so forth.
8) Student Park (July 3, 1922)• Established in Yogyakarta by Ki Hajar Dewantoro tanggaal July 3, 1922.• Her goal "Pancadharma": Provide freedom to their students in the development To develop physically and spiritually based civilization of the nation's culture Master of the influence of nature's good for children Develop patrotisme Raise the basic humanity that is the nature of nationhood.• Among the basic system principles and semoboyan: Ing Madyo Karso Mangun, Ing Sung Ngarso Tulodho, Tut Wuri Handayani.• Ki Hajar Dewantara Ordonasi the 1932 Act against the prohibition of the establishment of a wild school (a school built by the natives) in addition to the fancy was founded by the Dutch East Indies colonial government. But eventually pulled back by the Dutch East Indies colonial administration in 1935.
9) NU / NU (since January 31, 1926)• Established on January 31, 1926 in Surabaya by KH Hasjim Asja'ri, K.H. Bisri Sjamsoeri, and K. H. Wahab Hasboellah.• Purpose: to promote the teaching of Islam and faith-based religious knowledge and understanding mempeerluas mentaaati Islamic regulations based on Al Quran and Al Hadith by the School of Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali and Hanafi.• Established a youth organization called Ansor and women's organizations called Muslimat.
10) National Party of Indonesia / PNI (July 4 1927-25 April 1931)1) Established by Sukarno and his colleagues paada July 4, 1927 in Bandung.2) Objective: to achieve independence Indonesia3) aspect of the struggle• Self Reliance: believing in yourself• Self Ditermination: self-determination as an independent nation• Non-Cooperative: to achieve independence with its own power4) Member of: the whole of Indonesia5) On December 29, 1929, Sukarno, Maskoen, Soepriadinata, Billy Mangkoepradja arrested and imprisoned for inciting people to revolt.6) Once dissolved PNI emerged with a new leader:• On December 31, 1931 established the National Education Indonesia (PNI Baru) by Drs. Moh. Hatta and Sjahrir Soetan.• On 30 April 1930 founded the Party of Indonesia (Partindo) by Mr. Bung Karno Sartono then join in it.Both organizations for the independence of Indonesia and the non-cooperative nature of the Government of the Netherlands East Indies which will be dissolved as well.
11) Youth Congress1) Youth Congress I (30 April-2 May 1928 in Jakarta)• Organizer: Indonesia Committee is chaired by M. Tabrani• Goal: Instill a spirit of cooperation among the youth as the basis for the unity of Indonesia Indonesia• Results: formed "Jong Indonesia" as a national youth organization but in 1927 I "Jong Indonesia" replaced "Youth Indonesia" and then changed to "Indonesia Muda"2) Youth Congress II• Organizer: Association of Indonesian Students chaired by Soegon Djojo Poespito.• Objective: to strengthen patriotism• Result: He swore "Youth Pledge" and the first song ever played by the Wage Roed Indonesia Raya Soepratman3) Youth Congress III• Organizer: Organizing Committee chaired by the Youth Congress III Soejono Hadinoto• Objective: strengthen youth organizations throughout Indonesia• Results: formed "Association consensus Indonesia / PERPINDO" as a fusion / mix of regional youth organizations / religions in Indonesia.
12) Women's Movement (From 22 to 25 December 1928)• Spearheaded by R. A. Kartini with his goals: raising the degree of women through education, break the bonds of tradition, which hinder the progress waanita, demanding an equal footing with women. Ideals of R. A. Kartini wrote in a letter sent kepadaa his friends in Holland and recorded by Mr. J. H. Abendon to be titled "Door Suisternis Tot Licht" or "Light After Dark." Then the struggle R. A. Kartini passed Sartiki Goddess of West Java.• Women's organizations in Indonesia are divided into: Pertamaa, independent women's organizations like Kartini Fonds in Semarang, Puteri Mardika in Jakarta, Bandung Forward glory, Pillars Santosa. And second, women's organizations affiliated with men like Aisha with Muhammadiyah, NU Muslimat with, SI Women SI Islam with Islam, Wanito Utomo by Budi Utomo, and Women in Student Park Student Park.• On December 22 to 25, 1928, Women's Congress was held in Yogyakarta I. The result formed "Women of the United Indonesia"• In 1929 in Jakarta, the Congress of Women II changed to "Union of Women's wife Indonesia / PPII"• In 1938 in Bandung, the Congress of Women II produced December 22 is celebrated as the "mothers day"
13) Party of Indonesia Raya / Parindra (December 25, 1935)• Established in Surabaya on December 25, 1935 by Dr.Soetomo and Moeh. Hoesni Tamrin which is a fusion / mix of Boedi Oetomo, Madura, SI, SI Betawi, SI Celebes, Indonesia United Nations, SI Soematera, and Tritajasa Banten.• Perjuangaan incidental cooperative (co-operation adjustments) to the Dutch East Indies colonial administration• Purpose: "Indonesia Raya"• Business: Strengthening Indonesia's unity and patriotism of the Nation Running a political stunt to gain full rights in the government based on nationalism and democracy Promote perkehidupan people in economic and social On July 15, 1936 petition filed by Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo Soetardjo to the government of the Netherlands East Indies. Isnya Indonesia government to be formed that can govern itself, but is under the auspices of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. But rejected by the Royal Dutch because Indonesia is not ready to assume the nation's self-government.
14) The Council of Islamic Indonesia A'laa / MIAI (21 September 1937)• Established by K.H. Wahid Hasjim in Surabaya on 21 September 1937 while the Youth Assembly led by Ir. Sofwan and Keputrian Assembly led by Siti Noerdjanaah. MIAI is a combination of Islamic organizations in Indonesia.• Purpose: to discuss and decide about the welfare of the people of Islamic faith, the unity of Muslims in Indonesia and the world• Resolving disputes by peaceful Muslims.
15) Joint Political Indonesia / GAPI (May 23, 1939)• Established on May 23, 1939 in Jakarta by Moehammad Hoesni Thamrin and Abi Koesno Tjokrosoerojo which is a coalition of political parties in Indonesia such as: Parindra, Gerindro, PSII, the Catholic Party Unity, Unity Pasundan, and the Association of Minahasa.• The goal: to raise the national unity of political organization in Indonesia.• The struggle: the right of self-determination, national unity of all the people of Indonesia, and the unity of action of the whole movement in Indonesia• 23-25 December 1939 conference of GAPI, the result: demanding "Indonesia Berparlemen" Shaping "Indonesian People's Congress" in lieu of the Volksraad, and agreed that the Red and White as the National Flag, Anthem Indonesiaa Kingdom as Indonesia, and Indonesian as a language the unity of Indonesia.
The emergence of nationalism1) American NationalismEncouraged by the writings of Thomas Paine called "Common Sense" contains penenutan self, it inspired George Whasington for independence from Britain by issuing a Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.2) European NationalismBackground of the French revolution that aims to stem the expansion of France under Napoleon Bonarpate (1804-1815) who tried to conquer Europe. In the spirit of nationalism that succeeded in overthrowing Napoleon Bonarpate and issued the Congress of Vienna (1815) contains the return of France before the French Revolution.The emergence of nationalism after the Congress of Viennaa) EnglandIndustrial Revolution began where English is not controlled by Napoleon Bonarpate. Since the Industrial Revolution, the British ruled the world. Palmerston issued semoboyan "Right or Wrong is My Country".b) GermanBeerdasarkan Congress of Vienna, Germany is broken down into small kingdoms under Austria. Otto Von Bismark issued the slogan "Un durch Eisen Blut" which means that Germany could be united with the strength of iron and blood.c) ItalyBased on the Congress of Vienna, there is an independent Italian regions (Sardinia), invaded Austria (Venice) and France (Rome).Camillo Cavour and Garibaldi to form a unitary state by King Victor Emmanuel and Cavour Camillo issued the slogan "Italia Irredenta" means to unite the Italian area was colonized by a foreign nation.2. LiberalismUnderstand the priority of independence / freedom of the individual as the main base and their respective ideologies.Which began during the renaissance (medieval) fight for freedom in the church and religion. Then evolved into a political movement, social, economic, and cultural bourgeoisie who spearheaded the nineteenth century. Liberalism comes from the French motto reads: "Liberti, Egalite, and Fraternite" means freedom, equality, fraternity.3. SocialismUnderstand that requires society to be organized collectively afar people happy. Beginning in Europe in the eighteenth century called Utopian Socialism to the character Thomas More, Robert Owen, and others. IX century Scientific Socialists appear to create a society that is happy on the basis of science by Karl Mark figures his work "Das Kapital", Frederich Engels with semoboyannya "Unite the World Proletariat." Later, at the top:a. Democratic Socialist (Socialism)1) Choosing the path of evolution2) Ownership of individuals dominate the money allowed for the production of many state-owned.b. Radical Socialist (Communist)1) Choosing the path of revolution2) Property is not permitted individuals, all belonging to the State.4. DemocracyUnderstand which states that the ultimate power in the hands of the people. Born in Europe, spearheaded by the IX century and JJ Montesque Rousseau. Characteristics that recognized human rights and citizen security while the implementation is characterized by the Constitution to regulate power, the election, and the House of Representatives. Democrat understands that Direct Democracy (direct democratic) and democratic (indirect democratic).
At the start since that has all the characteristics:1) clear goal to achieve independence Indonesia2) How to organize a modern3) National Characteristically4) The struggle in the multi-cultural5) Led by a class of intelligentsia
A. Background1) The gap of living standard of the Indonesian nation and the colonial Dutch East Indies2) Memories glory of the kingdom of Srivijaya and Majapahit Empire3) The birth class intelligentsia due to ethical
B. Form the Nationalist Movement
1) Boedi Utomo (May 20 1908 to 1935)• Established May 20, 1908 by Dr. And Dr. Soetomo. Goenawan the instigation of Dr. Wahidin Soedirohoesodo in Jakarta.• Congress I (October 5, 1908) chaired by the RT. Tirtokoesoemo (Regent Karanganyar) as chairman and honorary chairman is Dr..Soetomo.• In 1915, Gunaawn Mangunkoesoemo discuss "Militia Bumiputera" marked Boedi Oetomo into political organizations.• In 1918 Boedi Oetomo incoming members of the Volksraad.• The struggle to be cooperative with the colonial Dutch East Indies• In 1930 the national• In 1935, Boedi Utomo merge / join the PBI (United Nations Indonesia) Parindra form.
2) Association of Indonesia / PI (1908-23 March 1927)a) Founded in 1908 by RP Sosrokartono, RM Notosoeroto, and Soetan Kasajangan in The Hague, Netherlands.b) The purpose: to take care of the interests of Indonesian students in Holland, but after changing its name to the Association of Indonesia Indonesia Merdeka goal.c) The strugglea) The symbol of struggle:• Red and White as the national flag• Head of the Bull as a symbol of struggle• Diponegoro as characters struggleb) Principles of Struggle• Governmental• Promote solidarity against the nation of Indonesia to the Netherlands• Non-cooperative• Establishment of national unityd) of Business:• Communicate with the nationalist leaders• Eject the magazine "Indonesia Merdeka"• Seek international supporte) On March 23, 1913, PI was dissolved because of harm to the colonial Dutch East Indies.
3) Islam Sarikat / SI (10 November 1912-1923)• The establishment of the Islamic Trade Sarikat (SDI) in Solo on 11 November 1911 by the instigation of Haji Samanhoedi Tirtoadisoerjo RM.• SDI Background: When there is the Chinese Revolution by Dr.Sun Yat Sen in 1911, the Chinese entry into Indonesia as nomads and they form a Trade Association of China who go abroad in Indonesia and trying to hold a monopoly of trade in Indonesia.Thus stands as a reaction to Muslim traders SDI.• On 10 November 1912 congress was held in Surabaya, SDI converted to Islam by SI Oemar chief Haji Said Tjokroaminoto.• the original purpose of promoting trade but added that its purpose: to provide assistance such as cooperatives, promoting the teaching and the degree of the aborigines, advance the Islamic religion.• In 1919 Islam was established in Solo Central SI, Si be a member of the Volksraad and issued a political statement "Setting up a self-governing nation." So over time the cooperative originally a radical Islamic party since its foundation.• SI Islam influenced by communist ideology that Islam split into SI White, led by Haji Said Oemar Tjokroaminoto based in Surabaya and SI Islam, led by Red Semaun and Darsono based in Semarang that will come out of Islam SI form the Communist Party of Indonesia.• In 1923 SI SI Islam became Islam Party (PSI)• On 27 April 1929 Party Party SI SI Islam became Islam Indonesia (PSII) chaired by Haji Salim Agoes which later split into Koesno Abi led PSII, PSII led by lieutenants, led Sukiman PSII.
4) Indische Partij (December 25 1912 to 1913)a) Established on December 25, 1912 by Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat and Dr Douwes Dekker (Danoerdirdjo Setiaboedi).b) The goal: to reach and unite the nation's Merdeka Indonesia Indonesiac) How: soak ideals of unity, pride combat, combat religious hatred businesses, increase the influence of Indonesia in government, and, to improve the economy of Indonesia.d) members among the natives, Peranakan (Indo-), and Europe.e) Disbanded in 1913 because:• RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat article "Als Ik ENN Nederlander was" (if I'm Dutch)• Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkosoemo article "Strength or Fear."• Dr. Douwes Dekker article "Our Heroes and Dr RM Soerwardi Soerjaningrat. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo "Later leaders were exiled to the Netherlands Indies Partij after the members of the Indische Partij Insulinde dissolved into the organization of Dutch descent and Europeans who want to stay in Indonesia.
5) Muhammadiyah (since 18 November 1912)• Established in Yogyakarta by Hadji Ahmad Dahlan Kjai on 18 November 1912 are affected by the reform movement in Egypt which was pioneered by Sheikh Muhammad Abduh.• Purpose: memajkan teaching based on Islam and expanding the science of religion and obey the rules of religion based on Al Quran and Al Hadith.• Establish youth organizations also called Hisbul Wathon and women's organizations called Aisha.
6) The Social Democratic Indische Vereniging / ISDV / Communist Party of Indonesia / PKI (May 9, 1914 to 1965 / discussions ahead of the independence struggle)1) Established on May 9, 1914 by H.J.F. Sneevlit in Semarang in ISDV (Social Democratic Indische Vereniging)2) Infiltrate the SI branch of Islam in Semarang by Semaoen and Darsono.3) On May 23, 1920 Indies Social Democratic Vereniging (ISDV) is replaced by the chairman of the Communist Party of Indonesia Semaoen.4) anti-cooperative and radical struggle against the Dutch colonial government5) Target: small communities.6) Perform the rebellion:• On May 13, 1926 uprising in Jakarta, Central Java and East Java• On January 1, 1927 conducted in West Sumatra.Impact of national movements received strong pressure from the Dutch Government and the purpose PKI working solely for his own faction.
7) Youth Movement / Tri Koro Dharmo (Since March 7 1915 to 1918)• Established on March 7, 1915 in Jakarta as the Tri Koro Darmo by Saatiman Wirjosandjojo.• Purpose: the unity, expand knowledge, and awaken patriotism.With the ultimate goal of "Kingdom of Java."• In 1918, Tri Jong Koro Dharmo converted into Java as a result of emerging regional organizations such as youth who are Sumateranen Bond Jong, Jong Ambon, Celebes Jong, Jong Minahasaa, and so forth.
8) Student Park (July 3, 1922)• Established in Yogyakarta by Ki Hajar Dewantoro tanggaal July 3, 1922.• Her goal "Pancadharma": Provide freedom to their students in the development To develop physically and spiritually based civilization of the nation's culture Master of the influence of nature's good for children Develop patrotisme Raise the basic humanity that is the nature of nationhood.• Among the basic system principles and semoboyan: Ing Madyo Karso Mangun, Ing Sung Ngarso Tulodho, Tut Wuri Handayani.• Ki Hajar Dewantara Ordonasi the 1932 Act against the prohibition of the establishment of a wild school (a school built by the natives) in addition to the fancy was founded by the Dutch East Indies colonial government. But eventually pulled back by the Dutch East Indies colonial administration in 1935.
9) NU / NU (since January 31, 1926)• Established on January 31, 1926 in Surabaya by KH Hasjim Asja'ri, K.H. Bisri Sjamsoeri, and K. H. Wahab Hasboellah.• Purpose: to promote the teaching of Islam and faith-based religious knowledge and understanding mempeerluas mentaaati Islamic regulations based on Al Quran and Al Hadith by the School of Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali and Hanafi.• Established a youth organization called Ansor and women's organizations called Muslimat.
10) National Party of Indonesia / PNI (July 4 1927-25 April 1931)1) Established by Sukarno and his colleagues paada July 4, 1927 in Bandung.2) Objective: to achieve independence Indonesia3) aspect of the struggle• Self Reliance: believing in yourself• Self Ditermination: self-determination as an independent nation• Non-Cooperative: to achieve independence with its own power4) Member of: the whole of Indonesia5) On December 29, 1929, Sukarno, Maskoen, Soepriadinata, Billy Mangkoepradja arrested and imprisoned for inciting people to revolt.6) Once dissolved PNI emerged with a new leader:• On December 31, 1931 established the National Education Indonesia (PNI Baru) by Drs. Moh. Hatta and Sjahrir Soetan.• On 30 April 1930 founded the Party of Indonesia (Partindo) by Mr. Bung Karno Sartono then join in it.Both organizations for the independence of Indonesia and the non-cooperative nature of the Government of the Netherlands East Indies which will be dissolved as well.
11) Youth Congress1) Youth Congress I (30 April-2 May 1928 in Jakarta)• Organizer: Indonesia Committee is chaired by M. Tabrani• Goal: Instill a spirit of cooperation among the youth as the basis for the unity of Indonesia Indonesia• Results: formed "Jong Indonesia" as a national youth organization but in 1927 I "Jong Indonesia" replaced "Youth Indonesia" and then changed to "Indonesia Muda"2) Youth Congress II• Organizer: Association of Indonesian Students chaired by Soegon Djojo Poespito.• Objective: to strengthen patriotism• Result: He swore "Youth Pledge" and the first song ever played by the Wage Roed Indonesia Raya Soepratman3) Youth Congress III• Organizer: Organizing Committee chaired by the Youth Congress III Soejono Hadinoto• Objective: strengthen youth organizations throughout Indonesia• Results: formed "Association consensus Indonesia / PERPINDO" as a fusion / mix of regional youth organizations / religions in Indonesia.
12) Women's Movement (From 22 to 25 December 1928)• Spearheaded by R. A. Kartini with his goals: raising the degree of women through education, break the bonds of tradition, which hinder the progress waanita, demanding an equal footing with women. Ideals of R. A. Kartini wrote in a letter sent kepadaa his friends in Holland and recorded by Mr. J. H. Abendon to be titled "Door Suisternis Tot Licht" or "Light After Dark." Then the struggle R. A. Kartini passed Sartiki Goddess of West Java.• Women's organizations in Indonesia are divided into: Pertamaa, independent women's organizations like Kartini Fonds in Semarang, Puteri Mardika in Jakarta, Bandung Forward glory, Pillars Santosa. And second, women's organizations affiliated with men like Aisha with Muhammadiyah, NU Muslimat with, SI Women SI Islam with Islam, Wanito Utomo by Budi Utomo, and Women in Student Park Student Park.• On December 22 to 25, 1928, Women's Congress was held in Yogyakarta I. The result formed "Women of the United Indonesia"• In 1929 in Jakarta, the Congress of Women II changed to "Union of Women's wife Indonesia / PPII"• In 1938 in Bandung, the Congress of Women II produced December 22 is celebrated as the "mothers day"
13) Party of Indonesia Raya / Parindra (December 25, 1935)• Established in Surabaya on December 25, 1935 by Dr.Soetomo and Moeh. Hoesni Tamrin which is a fusion / mix of Boedi Oetomo, Madura, SI, SI Betawi, SI Celebes, Indonesia United Nations, SI Soematera, and Tritajasa Banten.• Perjuangaan incidental cooperative (co-operation adjustments) to the Dutch East Indies colonial administration• Purpose: "Indonesia Raya"• Business: Strengthening Indonesia's unity and patriotism of the Nation Running a political stunt to gain full rights in the government based on nationalism and democracy Promote perkehidupan people in economic and social On July 15, 1936 petition filed by Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo Soetardjo to the government of the Netherlands East Indies. Isnya Indonesia government to be formed that can govern itself, but is under the auspices of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. But rejected by the Royal Dutch because Indonesia is not ready to assume the nation's self-government.
14) The Council of Islamic Indonesia A'laa / MIAI (21 September 1937)• Established by K.H. Wahid Hasjim in Surabaya on 21 September 1937 while the Youth Assembly led by Ir. Sofwan and Keputrian Assembly led by Siti Noerdjanaah. MIAI is a combination of Islamic organizations in Indonesia.• Purpose: to discuss and decide about the welfare of the people of Islamic faith, the unity of Muslims in Indonesia and the world• Resolving disputes by peaceful Muslims.
15) Joint Political Indonesia / GAPI (May 23, 1939)• Established on May 23, 1939 in Jakarta by Moehammad Hoesni Thamrin and Abi Koesno Tjokrosoerojo which is a coalition of political parties in Indonesia such as: Parindra, Gerindro, PSII, the Catholic Party Unity, Unity Pasundan, and the Association of Minahasa.• The goal: to raise the national unity of political organization in Indonesia.• The struggle: the right of self-determination, national unity of all the people of Indonesia, and the unity of action of the whole movement in Indonesia• 23-25 December 1939 conference of GAPI, the result: demanding "Indonesia Berparlemen" Shaping "Indonesian People's Congress" in lieu of the Volksraad, and agreed that the Red and White as the National Flag, Anthem Indonesiaa Kingdom as Indonesia, and Indonesian as a language the unity of Indonesia.
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