1.1 Background

Literary works in Indonesia have started popping teenager in the present, including works of literary novels. The novel is a work of prose fiction that raised complex issues of life and extraordinary characters. Knowledge of the elements that make up any literary work is needed to understand literature as a whole. The presence of a literary work that must be enjoyed by the reader. To be able to enjoy a work seriously and both needed a set of literary knowledge. Without sufficient knowledge will be a work enjoyment is merely superficial and cursory because of the lack of proper understanding.

In the literary world poets often portrayed as people who possessed unconsciously talk about anything that is felt at the level of sub and supra and supra-rational (Hardjana, 1911: 61). In the world of fiction sometimes there is something that can not be accepted by common sense, because it is the term for a poet pours his imagination manifested in literature.

In the world of literature is always synonymous with both the inspiration of the author nor the emotional level of literary connoisseurs. The work is the result of a particular literary fantasy author who is experiencing a certain mood (Hardjana, 1991: 65). From this is concluded that the literary work is a derivative of (output) of the thought process (imaginative) in appreciating the author to be something that is aesthetic.

In addition, knowledge of the elements that make up any literary work is needed to understand literature as a whole. Without knowledge of the elements that build the literature, our knowledge will be shallow and only conjectural nature, if knowledge in this way, the intent and meaning is conveyed author may not be captured by the reader. Literary elements are elements of intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements are elements that exist in the body of literature itself which includes the theme, plot, setting, characterization, and point of view. Whereas extrinsic elements are distinct elements outside the body of literature that includes customs, religion, politics, age situation.

1.2. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the problems that have been raised, then the formulation of the problem in this study is "How is the intrinsic elements contained in novelKatak Interlocking So Calf Nur Sutan Iskandar work?

1.3. Research Objectives

Based formulation of the problem, the purpose of this study is to:

Describe the elements of a novel intrinsic Ox Frogs Interlocking So Nur Sutan Iskandar work

1.4. Benefits of research

Knowing the intrinsic element in the Interlocking So Ox Frogs novel works Nur Sutan Iskandar.


In order for this study has the scientific rigor expected, it must be supported by valid opinion from an expert. To the authors use the following rationale:

2.1 Concept Teaching Literary Pragmatics

In a competency-based curriculum learning literature is not just a formality and emphasizes memorization alone but is expected to have a role in the literary life of the learners. Thus, in studying literature, students involves the totality of the psyche and have specific targets set by the learners themselves. That requires foresight teachers in selecting appropriate literary themes with students' abilities at certain stages. "Implementation of the learning literature before there KBK arguably failed, because no  essence of literary appreciation. Hence by CBC students and invited direct intercourse with literary works, optimize life experiences, utilizing the resources of the learning environment of the learners and so on. "(Endraswara, 2008:191)

The selection of teaching materials literary theme that comes from the environment and the needs of the students will facilitate learners in appreciating literary works optimally based on his life experiences. "The direction of learning literature will be epigon understand KBK, so not only as literary theory, but learning leads to a pragmatic aspects (usability aspects)". (Endraswara, 2008:192) Learners will be motivated to study literature because students feel they need. Thus the students will learn more humanist literature and fun in order to achieve basic competence.

"It can be asserted that the purpose of teaching literature is nothing but providing the opportunity for students to gain experience of literature, so that the final goal in the form of coaching appreciation can be achieved" (Gani, 1988:49). In accordance with the above expert opinion, an important principle in the teaching of literature is that students are able to appreciate literary works according CBC. Ie berospek appreciation in the future, appreciation of life and full of meaning.

The context of the above criteria requires clear basis after students learn literature. "Studying literature should have clear criteria. These criteria are pragmatic and supportive towards future learners. So the selection of instructional materials is very important and must be in accordance with the world of work or link danmatc future learners to education is not in vain "(Gani, 1988:49).


3.1 Methods and techniques of research

The method used is descriptive method writers . Descriptive method is a method of research that is observed is by obtaining data by researching and analyzing. "The purpose of descriptive research is to make  systematic, factual and accurate information on the facts and the properties of a particular population or region" (Suryabrata, 1991:19)

Data gathered through both literature and observations based approach  sociology literature. What is meant by the sociological approach to literature is a literary approach that seeks to examine the background of socio-cultural life, social life, as well as psychological responses or attitudes toward  author of literary life at the time it was created.

3.1.1 Data Collection Techniques

"Data collection techniques is an effective way to capture accurate data" (Suharsini, 1993:192). Data collection techniques in this study using a documentation technique book called Short Stories Person set of M. Anwar Shoim by appreciating the work. The steps in appreciating literature are:

Read a short story titled Person for the purpose of describing the work.
Looking for thematic aspects of each short story in the book set Short Stories Person

3.1.2 Methods and Data Analysis Techniques

The technique used to analyze the data in this study is textual analysis. The meaning of textual analysis is the analysis of textual units that represent the elements of figures depicting social conditions by providing the sociological interpretation of the data or variables studied.

The data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative. Processing the data in this study as follows:

Classification of data

The collected data are classified in accordance with the scope of the problem


Once data is classified so that data with existing data outside literature.


Researchers conducted the interpretation of the data that has been


At this stage, the interpretation of research results by exposing (Suryabrata, 1983:30)

Qualitative research is descriptive is the view that all the things that a system of signs that should not be underestimated, it all has influence one another.

"By describing the system of signs or semiotics may provide something more comprehensive understanding of what is being studied" (semi, 1990:24). Descriptive research means the data is broken down in the form of words or images, not in the form of numbers. In general, the data in the form of records, photographs - photographs, recordings, documents, or other official records. Whereas qualitative research, reporting using verbal language is a very important element, because all the interpretations and conclusions drawn conveyed verbally.

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