Example letter in English/ Contoh surat dalam bahasa Inggris FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH

Example letter in English

(Source: English For Junior High School-9. International Standard School.Ministry of Education and Culture.)

Bangsalan School

Bangsalan, Sambit

October, 16th2012

Dear everyone,

I don’t live in Lorok, Pacitan, I live in a small town called Ponorogo. It is in the Reog City! It has got a population of 120,000 people. My school is in the north of the town. Near the school there are shops, office and hut.

                A lot of students like football. After school they play football in the park near the river. I don’t like football. I go to the futsall near the bus station after school. I’m in the school futsall team. I live about sixteen kilometers from school. I don’t walk to school. I go on the school bus. There are a lot of factories near my flat. My mother works in one of the factories. My father do work in school. He is headmaster in elementary school.
                On Saturday mornings I have Reog lessons in my teacher’s house near the security post and village hall.

                Write and tell me about your town and school.



IN INDONESIAN (with google translate English-indonesian):

Contoh surat dalam bahasa Inggris

(Sumber:.. Bahasa Inggris Untuk Sekolah-SMP School.Ministry Standar Internasional Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan)

Bangsalan Sekolah


Oktober, 16 2.012

Sayang orang,

Saya tidak tinggal di LorokPacitansaya tinggal di sebuah kota kecil bernamaPonorogoHal ini di Kota ReogIni telah mendapat populasi 120.000 orang.Sekolah saya adalah di bagian utara kotaDekat sekolah terdapat toko-toko,kantor dan pondok.

Banyak siswa seperti sepak bolaSetelah sekolah mereka bermain sepak bola di taman dekat sungaiSaya tidak suka sepak bolaAku pergi ke futsall dekat stasiun bus sepulang sekolahSaya berada di tim futsall sekolahSaya tinggal sekitar enam belas kilometer dari sekolahAku tidak berjalan ke sekolahAkupergi di bus sekolahAda banyak pabrik dekat flatkuIbu saya bekerja di salah satu pabrikAyah saya bekerja di sekolahDia adalah kepala sekolah di sekolah dasar.

Pada Sabtu pagi saya telah Reog pelajaran di rumah guru saya di dekat poskeamanan dan balai desa.

Menulis dan bercerita tentang kota dan sekolah.


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