Example for Fable in English/ Contoh fabel dalam bahasa Inggris FOR CLASS XI IPS ENGLISH

Example for Fable in English

(Source: Sudarwati. Look Ahead. Jakarta: Erlangga.)

The mouse deer and the Crocodile

The mouse deer was a very tricky animal but he had many enemies. One of his enemies was crocodile. The crocodile lived in a river near a forest.

One day, the mouse deer went to the river. It was a very hot day, and he was very thristy and dirty. He wanted something to drink from the river and then he bathed and splashed about in the water.

Suddenly the crocodile saw the mouse deer. “Hmm … a nice meal.” He thought. Then, he sidently crawled behind the mouse deer and grabbed him. He caught the mouse deer’s legs.

The mouse deer was startled and terrified as well. Then, he had an idea. He saw a twig floating near him. He picked it up and said, “You stupid fool! So you think you’ve got me. You’re biting a twig-not my leg, you, stupid crocodile! Here’s my leg.”

And with that, he showed the crocodile the twig. The crocodile could not see very well. He was a very stupid creature, too. He belived the cunning mouse deer. He freed the mouse deer’s leg and snapped upon the twig. The mouse  deer ran out of the water immediately.

“Ha … ha … ha …” he laughed. “I tricked you!”

IN INDONESIAN (with google translate English-indonesian)

Contoh fabel dalam bahasa Inggris

(Sumber:Sudarwati Look Ahead Jakarta:.. Erlangga)

Kancil dan Buaya yang

Kancil adalah hewan yang sangat rumit tapi dia punya banyak musuhSalah satu musuh-musuhnya adalah buaya. Buaya hidup di sungai dekat hutan.

Suatu hari, Kancil pergi ke sungai. Hari itu sangat panas, dan dia sangat thristy dan kotor. Dia ingin minum dari sungai dan kemudian ia mandi dan memercikkan tentang di dalam air.

Tiba-tiba buaya melihat Kancil"Hmm ... makanan yang enak." Ia mengira. Kemudian, ia sidently merangkak di belakang Kancil danmenangkapnyaDia tertangkap kaki rusa mouse.

Kancil terkejut dan takut juga. Kemudian, dia punya ide. Dia melihatranting mengapung di dekat dia. Dia mengambilnya dan berkata, "Anda bodoh bodoh! Jadi Anda pikir Anda punya saya. Kaumenggigit ranting-bukan kaki saya, Anda, buaya bodoh! Berikut adalah kakiku. "

Dan dengan itu, dia menunjukkan buaya ranting. Buaya tidak bisa melihat dengan baik. Dia adalah makhluk yang sangat bodoh juga.Dia belived kancil licik. Dia dibebaskan kaki kancil dan tersentakatas ranting. Kancil berlari keluar dari air segera.

"Ha ... ha ... ha ..." ia tertawa. "Saya ditipu Anda!"

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