Al-Ghazali Educational Thought

Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali was born in a city named city Thus Spake is a city in the region of Khorasan Persia H/1058 in 405 AD [1]

He left behind the days of childhood death by his parents and later he was entrusted by a parent on a mystic to be educated and raised. Since the early days he was very fond of learning and thirst for knowledge. In addition to his intelligence, he is also very good at hanging out so that at the time ketokohannyanya his friendship with the prime minister of the Seljuk Bani, these circumstances favor him so that he was appointed one of these great teachers in the intellectual circles of al-Muluk Nizamul [2].

Al-Ghazali's thought in education shows that he is really considering the question of education, it is in line with the thinking patterns of a nation is realized through the development of education, especially basic education level, the education of children. Where education is strongly influenced by early childhood family education / parents. According to him, the importance of education based on the empirical, which is again a need kontrolisasi in its infancy in education. [3]

As the teachings of Islam, he argues that the goal of Islamic education should aim to get closer to Allah and not to seek the life of an artificial world, because it is the purpose of education according to his sincerity should be left to obtain the blessing of Allah and for avoiding heart disease that brings people far from His blessings. The purpose of education which he said would be important to get balsan yangsetimpal of Allah is the eternal life Hereafter. [4]

Thought he could take a look in his book Ihya Ulumuddin, in this book there are several categories, such as:
The existence of teachers is a virtue that the student leaves for a glory, according to his work as a teacher is a very noble deed as noble in human life sciences

Student as an object of teaching, should be the goal intention to draw closer to Allah and to glorify selanjutkannya teacher, felt intercourse with the other teachers had thus eliminating the growing social starata toleansi noble. Keep away from studying the thoughts (the school) which can lead to kekacaun in thinking Education curriculum as a rule it is recommended not to learn magic, shaman, shamanism and science, this attitude can lead to shirk and takabbur, but science is science that is required yangharus about monotheism and other religious sciences as a way to get closer to Allah , then he mengkaterikan science into two categories: that which he mengkategorikannnya into science and science Ain Mandatory Mandatory kifayah. [5]

Teaching methods, he emphasized on the method of charismatic teachers as a model for student success in learning because it is due to skill and ingenuity of teachers in teaching science through targeted methods. [6]
Of his thinking there is some emphasis on the nenentukan attitude in studying science, which include suppression when a willing spirit to grow so that people can draw close to God as well senantiada blessing of Allah in every work, the crystallization of his thought is identical with the flow of Sufism.

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