The chapter gives a brief description of the whole content of the research, including the background, statement of the problem, aim of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, hypothesis, research methodology, clarifications of key terms and organizations of the paper.
1.1 Background
Oral communication ability, especially in English language as International Language, is considered to be an important skill needed in a global era. Nowadays, the Indonesian Government implements Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) or Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) that forces students to be able to practice something through a learning process. The English learning objectives according to CBC for English at Senior High School (Puskur, 2002) are that students should be able to speak actively in various contexts to convey information, thoughts and feelings as well as create social relationships in various forms of interactive and enjoyable activities.
In contrast to the objectives above, most classes in Indonesian schools only give little attention for speaking. Most class activities are based on memorizing new vocabulary, discussing grammar rules and analyzing dialogues. Thus, they cannot have enjoyable speaking experiences and they mostly unable to speak actively as needed in CBC.
Accordingly, we need teaching methodology which is not only designed to produce students who can master the language but also to produce school graduates who can practically operate using English with communicative circumstances. Otherwise, if there is no any research conducted to this problem, presumably all education practitioners unable to improve the students' mastery of oral communication skill and hard to reach the better standard from the government.
Hunt (1998) states that through debate students can learn how to examine arguments from various points of view and importantly they can have better arrangement and organization of speech in an appropriate language. Thus debate teaches students to be able to communicate in better oral communication skills.
A study on using debate in helping students discuss controversial topics was conducted by Fallahi (2007) found that most students enjoyed debate, would like to participate in debate in the future, and felt empowered by the experience. This shows that debate is a useful tool to facilitate verbal participation by students in classes where the subject matter is controversial.
Hence, this study is intended to investigate the effectiveness of educational debate method in improving students' oral communication skills in Indonesian school and it is expected that this research will contribute to the practice of speaking teaching in the future.

1.2 Statement of The Problem
This study was conducted to answer these following question : Is the educational debating method effective in teaching oral communication skills ?

1.3 The aim of The Study
Based on the questions formulated above, the aim of the study is : To examine the effectiveness of the educational debating method in teaching oral communication skills.

1.4 The Scope of The Study
There are two types of debate, namely substantive and educational debates. Substantive debate is one in which the speakers present arguments with a special interest that focuses on true and false facts before the judge attacks them, while the educational debate focuses on academic purposes and the judge evaluates the quality of students way of convincing others through their oral communication skills.
Based on that, this study focuses on the use of the educational debating method in improving students' oral communication skills and the subjects were the second graders of Senior High School and Vocational High School.

1.5 The Significance of The Study
This study is expected to contribute to the EFL teaching methodology where the educational debating method has not been used by schools in Indonesia as an English teaching tool. It is also hoped to enhance students and teachers' knowledge related to oral communication skills. This educational debating method hopefully can develop students' and teachers' creativity especially in teaching oral communication skills or speaking.

1.6. Organization of The Paper
This research paper will be organized as following :
Chapter I Introduction
This chapter will consist of an introduction which provides the information on the background of the study, the scope of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the study, research methodology, clarification of terms and organization of paper.
Chapter II Theoretical Foundation
This chapter will concentrate on theoretical foundations that are relevant to the research, which is the educational debate method is the main issue.
Chapter III Research Methodology
This chapter will discuss about methodology of the research that consits of formulation of the problem, aims of this research, data collection, scope of the study, analytical frameworks and data analysis.
Chapter IV Findings and Discussions
This chapter will discuss about the results of the research and discussion of research findings.
Chapter V Conclusions and Suggestions
This chapter will consist of conclusion of the study includes the implication and suggestions for further research an for the related institutions.

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