Education and Civilization Nation

The improvement efforts continue to be made by the government through a variety of changes . Starting from the end of the evaluation system changes to curriculum change . Such as , changes in our curriculum that even been done 10 times since independence . Change is followed by changes in the final assessment or evaluation system that must be taken by the student . That later complained many parties , even said our education system as it is without direction . Replace ministerial policy change .Each time the plan change discourse , each time the government promised to always listen to people's aspirations . That the opinions and input of all parties will be accommodated for the improvement of the program to be rolled out . But in the end , people made ​​more often disappointed . Discourse initiated as a fixed price for its realization , followed by administration of sweet promises , that it was most appropriate for the nation .So , what is voiced by fitting Abduhzen ( 2013) , that the subordination of socio-political system , educational environment we are not only unable to free themselves from the values ​​of hypocrisy and corruption, but it helped preserve it . For example , a variety of educational programs that promise improvement and progress , such as the professionalism of teachers , the National Examination ( UN ) , Curriculum 2013 , and selection into public universities , the reality is just a figment . ( Reuters , August 30, 2013 ) .Another example of hypocrisy as said Abduhzen , occurs also in the UN convention that was held last 26-27 September 2013 . Kemdikbud expressly states that this convention will be used to organize the course of the UN as well as discuss the various shortcomings of the UN since implementation . Kemdikbud unanimous stance that the UN will continue to be implemented as a determinant of graduation , so that its implementation at the end of the year , and now is the input needed improvements to its implementation .Though long ago , when the convention activities is still at the level of discourse , the Education Minister said that this convention will invite leaders from various parties pros and cons of the UN , in fact, the composition of the invitation was no balance between the pros and cons , the pros more . Even the idea of ​​changing the UN Convention , not to reach an agreement whether or not the UN , but just a way to organize the UN . Namely , to discuss technical problems and composition determination doubling graduation . This is the latest example of the inconsistencies made ​​by Kemdikbud .Thus , fresh air to get that coveted education system changes more frequently blowing a moment , until finally completely stopped blowing . Many of the denial of the democratic model glorified . Ie , " decision-making should be as much as possible to elaborate the sound of the stakeholders . " That requires that any ' democratic rights owners ' are included as much as possible . Implementation of good governance for the government mandates that in making policy , the konstituten , and the beneficiary ( beneficiaries ) are accommodated existence is far from the truth .We should learn from Finland . 20 years ago the country is a poor country that is dependent on the agricultural sector . However , they managed to get up and take up to one generation . Perseverance , commitment and consistency collectively for more than 40 years in building a system of education is ultimately deliver the country was ranked world number one quality of education .While in Indonesia , some things just concern . The curriculum is adopting from Finland has been modified in such a way , but it is the evaluation system is contrary to the spirit of this curriculum . National exam with multiple choice models remain to be implemented in 2014.While K - 2013 instructs critical thinking embodied in concrete actions to build collaboration among education practitioners ( teachers , students , managers ) , to evaluate the process of continuously through the monitoring process and achievements closely , assessment based on student progress in learning ( relative against him in the previous period ) , and the end result can be different for each student according to their talents and interests . Thus , it should be immediately formulated form the most appropriate learning evaluation .Education is a process of human investment , so it is also the most important asset in development . The affair between capitalism and the power of education leads to a tendency of politicization of education . It has proven itself emasculate educational purposes . However , the involvement of the government in matters of education can not be cut at all , Mustafa ( 2013)Positioning education as a development strategy of civilization means that this process involves all elements of society . Education is not only the affairs of the school , but also a family affair , organizations or social and community gatherings . Thus, the collectivity is not just execute the mandate of democracy , but also will dip to fruition education that can enhance the dignity of the nation . Hopefully .

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