![]() RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design Research method used is classroom action research, intended to increasing students’ mastery in present continuous tense using miming group game. According to Arikunto (2006: 91) explains that classroom action research is reflecting in the activity that showed, and it is happen in the class. The classroom action research will be conducted based on the one cycle design. Each one cycle has for steps, those are: 1. Planning 2. Acting 3. Observing 4. Reflecting By one cycle with another cycle has relationship. Each cycle is done in three meetings, in 40 minutes (120 minutes). The subject of classroom action research is students of class VIII6 at SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia. The research is chosen this class because most of the students are low ability, especially in learning adjective. The research will be conducted as follows:
Cycle I 1. Planning Planning is first step in each activity, without planning the activity that the research does will not be focus. The planning will be referents in doing action here is step that the researcher can make in the planning. a. The research prepares the lesson plan, the material and sentence in rolled piece of paper. b. The researcher identifies the problem and fined the cause of the problem. c. The researcher plans to give task and evaluation. 2. Acting Doing the acting is the second step in the activity is the realization from the planning that the research has mode. Without acting the planning is just imagination that never been real. Here are the steps that the researcher does in the acting a. Ask the students some questions relate to the topic or give the breaking ice. b. The teacher divides the class into some group. c. Choose a confident student and give them one of the pieces of paper. They should mime one sentence in a rolled piece paper in front of class until some one in their team guesses correctly. d. The groups to quest correctly explain the formula of the vocabulary. e. The teacher gives evaluation. 3. Observing The observing is the activity of recording the event and the acting. Based on the observing the research can determine when she is there anything that their research has to be improves soon. Soon in order that the action can achieve the aim of the research wants. The observing is done in teaching learning process. The researcher observes the students activity in teaching learning process receded by using note. It is to know how the effective is miming group game in this research of the observation. The assessor also assesses the teacher performance in teaching learning process recorded by song. When doing observation, the researcher is helped by collaborator. The collaborator it self is one of teacher of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia, Central Lampung. 4. Reflecting The reflection is the fourth step that the research done. The researcher will try to see and muse again something that the researcher has done. It is also to know whether there is any effect to the students learning presses. By reflecting the research will know the strength and the weakness from the action that the researcher has done. After comparing the score distribution of the score of pre test, process and the post test. The researcher reviews and reflection students attitude and teacher performance whether review is positive or negative. Cycle II According of reflection the first cycle above, so the second cycle will be done. The improvement and development done in order that the first cycle run well and the target wanted will achieve. 1. Planning a. The researcher prepares the lesson plan the material. b. The researcher prepares some expression in a rolled piece of paper. c. The researcher plant to give the task and evaluation. 2. Acting a. The teacher opening the class. b. Ask the student some question relate to the topic or give the breaking ice. c. Divide class into two groups. Put the two sets of pieces of paper face done on the task d. Get a member of each group to come to the front of the class and take a piece of paper from their groups pile. They should mime reeling written on it until some one in their group guesses correctly. e. Then another member of the group should come to the front, take the next piece of paper from the pile, and mime the feeling written on it for the rest of the group to guess, and soon. f. The first group finishes the places of paper is the winner. g. The teacher reviews any problems the students and makes some example of vocabulary using adjective. 3. Observing The observing is the activity of recording the event and the action. Base on the observing, the researcher can determine whether is there anything that them researcher has to be improved soon in order that the action can achieve the aim of the researcher wants. The observing is done in teaching learning process. The research observes the students activity in teaching learning process recoded by using note. It is to know how the effective is miming group game in this research of the observation. The assessor also assesses the teacher performance in teaching learning process recorded by field note. 4. Reflecting The reflecting as the fourth step that the research done. The research will try to see and muse again something that the researcher has done it is also to know there is any effect to the students in learning crammer especially present continuous tense trough game. After comparing the score distribution of the score of the pre test, process and post test. The researcher reviews and reflects students’ attitude and feather performance whether is positive or negative. For the model and explanation the figure of cycle to every step the writer take it from the Penelitian Tindakan Kelas book by Arikunto. Here are the steps or classroom action research design. Figure 1. The Cycle of Classroom Action Research
By Hopkins (Arikunto 2008 : 16) Based on Arikunto’s theory above, there are two cycles of classroom action research. If the result of the cycle two is not success, the researcher must continue the research into cycle 3.Based on figure 1 above, the cycle is started from: 1. Planning In this step, the researcher prepares the lesson plan, material, the song method, and prepare the task to the students. 2. Acting In this step, the researcher was carried out learning process through song technique in the adjective, in order to increase students’ achievement. This research is done in class V111 of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia related to the schedule in the class. Action consist of 2 cycles, each cycle has 3 meetings, and each meeting have 2 x 40 minutes. The scenario of these meetings are follows: a. Giving pre test b. The teacher asks the students about the material(giving break ice). c. The teacher explains the material starting from the difination, function, and clarification or form of adjective. After that the teacher commands to the students to make adjective. d. In the next meeting the teacher command one of the students to write the home work and check it together. e. The teacher divides the students into some groups. Then the teacher shares copy of songs chorus and command them to fill the blank in text song and listen the song carefully. f. The teacher and the students check and analysis the correct answer. g. The teacher gives post test. 3. Observing In this research, the observation is done in learning process relate as the schedule. It is used to collect the data, the data is gotten from the activity of the students result. 4. Reflecting The reflecting is done in order to observe the data that got from the observation in each action. The result is for evaluation material and reflection to the next research. 5. Revised planning In this research, the researcher prepares lesson plan, paper task, observation sheet, copy of song chorus, pieces of song sheet, song media and post test. 6. Acting Revision of the acting is done to seek a good result of the research such as: a. The teacher gives copy of the song chorus to the students. b. The teacher commands the students to fill the blank chorus by listening the song then, the teacher and the students check and analysis that together. c. The students gives pieces of song paper to each group and command them to arrange the pieces by listen the song then stick it on the wall. Then, the teacher and the students check and analysis that together. After that the teacher gives reward to the winner. d. The teacher commands the students to join with their group and ask them to make adjective and analysis that. After finishing it, the teacher commands each leader of the group to presentation their result in front of the class and then the teacher and the students check it together. After that, the teacher explains the material. e. The teacher gives post test. 7. Observing Observing is done again to find out the result of good data of active students’ motivation. This observation is done by Mrs. Septa Alfiah and Mr. Eko Andrianto. 8. Reflecting Reflecting will be done to get the data each action, if the result of the test is not good so the research should continue the research. From the figure of cycle of classroom action research above, the researcher gives conclusion that, this research will give a good result if using the song method. The students will be more interesting in learning English especially in adjective. On Arikunto’s theory above, in this research will be used the next one. 3.2 Research Variable The subject of Classroom Action Research is thirty six students of class V111 at SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia. The researcher has chosen this class because most of the students are low ability, especially in learning adjective. They also have difficulties in expressing the idea. In the Classroom Action Research, there are the investigated factors consist of: 1. Students’ mastery to know meaning of song in learning English, especially in learning adjective material. 2. Students’ achievement in learning adjective by using songs as media. 3.3 Research Instrument The research instrument for collecting the data is pre-test and post-test. The researcher uses objective test: it is multiple choice (MC) test which using item consist of four option (A,B,C), and since it is easy to correct and to give the score. The material to be test is about adjective; the research uses 20 items for pre test and post test. 3.3.1 Test Sheet In this research of this researches administer two tests, pre test and post test. The test are begin to know the students, achievement before and after learning process. The kind of test is objective test consisting of 20 items, for each question in multiple choices. In which both pretest and post test are 20 items the topic is about adjective. 3.3.2 Observation Here, the observation doused on the student’s activity in vocabulary especially adjective through game. The research teacher the students directly in the class. The researcher wants to know how the students respond to the method used by the teacher for the students in learning vocabulary from the observation, the researcher can see the student’s difficulties in following learning process vocabulary. 3.3.3 Interview Guide Since the research subject of the interview of the interview ore students’ junior light schools. The research does an informal interview to know the student’s opinions about the difficulties of memorize tense. To get the result, the researcher uses notebook as an instrument. The function of note is to write all of dialogue through the score data. 3.4 Data Collecting Technique In order to collect the data the research used the following technique. 3.4.5 Giving the Test 1. Pre test This pre test is given to 33 students in VIII.1 grade of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia. The pre test is administered before the treatment for 40 minutes. It is done to know the students’ mastery of present continuous tense before being taught by using miming group game method. The test used by the researcher is an objective test in the form of multiple choices about the present continuous tense. The numbers of item in the test are 20 with four alternative answers for each (A, B, C, and D), one is the correct answer and the rests are the distracters. The scoring system is that the load of each correct answer is 5 points. So, if one participant answers all the items correctly, she/he gets 100 points (20 x 5). 2. Post Test This post test is given to 33 students in VIII.6 grade of SMP Bangun Cipta. The pre test is administered after the treatment for 40 minutes. It is done to find out the students’ mastery of adjective after being taught by using song. Similar to the pre test, the post test used by the researcher is an objective test in the form of multiple choices about the adjective. The numbers of item in the test are 20 with four alternative answers for each (A, B, C, and D), one is the correct answer and the rests are the distracters. The scoring system is that the load of each correct answer is 5 points. So, if one participant answers all the items correctly, she/he gets 100 points (20 x 5). 3. Observation In order to make qualitative data the teachers and the students’ activities or situation and condition of class during teaching learning process are observed. Evaluated and make notes on the observation sheets process are observed considering on notes and data observation the researcher knows the strength and weakness of using miming group game to teach present continuous tense in learning English language while teaching learning process. This observation is done in 40 minutes and this observation is given for 7 students (3 students get high score 2 students get middle score and 2 students get low score) in VIII. grade of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia 3.4.5 Interview Guide The interview guide is given for 7 students (3 students get high score 2 students get middle score and 2 students get low score) in VIII.1 grade of SMP Bangun Cipta Rumbia. The interview guide is done in 40 minutes and the form of interview guide is 10 items yes or no questions paper to know the students’ responses and teacher’s opinion of the implementation of teaching learning process through song for whole cycles. The researcher gives some questions around the activities have been done in the class focusing on the application of the song to teach adjective. 3.5 Data Analysis Technique The data analysis in this research will be analyzed since action until reflection and evaluation. Data analyzed is used and allure model. It contains three steps those are reduction data, presentation data and conclusion data. Miles and Hubermen (1992:20). Reduction data is chosen as data analyzes simplification of data transformation of data from the observation sheet. Presentation of data is the collecting of information from observation has been presented collaboratively between researcher, teacher and students in order to the data more accurately. 3.6 The Criteria of a Good Test A good test should fulfill the criteria of having good validity, reliability, difficulty level, and discrimination power. 3.6.1 Validity A test can be said valid if the measure what it’s intending to measure. To know the validity of test, the researcher emphasize on the construct and the content validity. Content validity is the extent to which a test is a good reflection of what has been taught. Construct validity prefers to underline theories that should be tested. 3.6.2 Reliability ![]() (Arikunto, 1997: 146) rxy = Coefficient reliability between odd and even number X = total number of odd numbered items Y = total number of even numbered items N = number of students X2 = square of x Y2 = square of y ∑x = Total score of odd numbered items ∑y = Total score of even numbered items After the r is gotten, the following formula is: ![]() (Arikunto, 1997: 156) The criteria of the reliability are: 0.90 – 1.00 = high 0.50 – 0.89 = moderate 0.00 – 0.49 = low 3.6.3 Difficulty Level The following formula will be used to see the difficulty of the test: ![]() By Farida (Oller, 1979) Where: LD : Level of difficulty R : the number of students who answers correctly N : Total of the students Criteria: LD < 0.3 : Difficult LD = 0.3 – 0.70 : Satisfactory LD > 0.7 : Easy 3.6.6 Discrimination Power The discrimination power (DP) is the proportion of the high group students getting the items correct minus the proportion of the low level students who got the item correct. The following formula as follow: ![]() (Arikunto, 1992: 223) Where: DP : Discrimination Power L1 : Number of upper group students who answer correctly L : Number of lower group students who answer correctly N : Total number of students Criteria: DP : 0.00 – 0.19 = poor DP : 0.20 – 0.39 = satisfactory DP : 0.40 – 0.69 = good DP : 0.70 – 0.100 = excellent 3.6.5 Data Analysis of Activity Based on using of learning song, the data is gotten from learning process in the form of activity with indicator are: 1) Response to the teacher questions. 2) Answer the questions (oral and written). 3) Giving attention. 4) Make notes. 5) Do the assignments. The data activity is processed in percentage form with using formula: ![]() Explanation: P = percentage F = activity frequency N = total students 3.6.6 Data of Analysis of Learning Result Data of learning result is data gotten from the result of the test every cycle, the cycle I and the cycle II with formula: score total of the students from result of test. ![]() To find out percentage level of completeness class, the researcher compares percentage of thoroughness class before and after doing the action. |
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