INTRODUCTION Praise authors thank God prayed presence of Allah SWT has bestowed grace , Taufik , and hidayahNya to the author , so I can finish authors of this paper entitled " Overview Bayt Al Quran in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah " . Results of this paper the authors proposed in order to complete the requirements for the National Final Examination ( UAN ) in Madrasyah Aliyah Poncowati Academic Year 2010-2011 . Writing is well structured thanks to the guidance of Mr / Mrs . Therefore, the authors would like to thank : 1 . Mr. Drs . AR aminullah , MM as Chief Poncowati Madrasah Aliyah . 2 . Mr IR RAHMAD WIYONO as Principal Madrasyah Aliyah Maarif 05 Rumbia 3 . Dra . SITI MUSYAFAAH as mentors in the writing of this paper . 4 . Father / Mother board of teachers and administrative staff 05 Ma Maarif Rumbia 5 . Parents Both authors were so sincere and willing to pay for education writers . The author realized in the writing of this paper there are still many shortcomings , therefore, the authors ask advice and constructive criticism for the improvement of the paper in the future . Eventually hopefully this paper can be useful especially for writers and for readers generally amen .... Thatch , January 2, 2011 compiler SUSTAINABLE Duwi TABLE OF CONTENTS page TITLE PAGE ................................................ ............................ i APPROVAL PAGE ................................ ................................. ii Test team ................................................ ........................................ iii MOTTO ................................ ................................ ............................. iv LIVING HISTORY LIST ................................ ................................. v INTRODUCTION ................................ ................................ .......... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................ ................................ ........................ viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background .............................................. . 1 1.2 Research Objectives ............................................... .......... 1 1.3 Scope of the Study ........................................... 2 CHAPTER II METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION 2.1 Interview Method ............................ ........................ 3 2.2 Methods of Observation ............................................... ........... 3 2.3 Method of Documentation ............................................... ...... 3 CHAPTER III REPORT OF OBSERVATIONS 3.1 Brief History and Development of Bayt Al Quran .... 4 3.2 Activities Conducted by Bayt Al Qur'an and the Museum Istiqlal ............................................... ..... 7 3.3 Result Ever Achieved by Bayt Al Qur'an and the Museum Istiqlal ............................................... . 7 3.4 Barriers and Difficulties Bayt Al Qur'an and Museum Istiqlal ............................ 8 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Conclusion ................................................ ................... 9 4.2 Recommendations ................................................ ............................ 9 REFERENCES ................................................ ................................. 11 APPENDIX - APPENDIX CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Bayt Al Qur'an were floored IV ( four ) emerged from a religious figure that Mr Tarmizi Thaher that at that time he served as Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia during the rule of President Soeharto . And this opinion was delivered to the mother Siti Hartinah Soeharto so he donated 1 hectare of land for the construction of Bayt Al Qur'an . In the construction of the building takes time for ± 1 year from 1996 till 1997 and was then inaugurated by President Soeharto and given the symbol Tombstone and Shroud . Bayt Al Qur'an as a repository of historical objects which are the remains of former Muslims . By looking at the works of Islamic art and culture will add insight and knowledge for Muslims . 1.2 Research Objectives Authors conducted research with the following objectives : 1 . Want to increase knowledge 2 . Want to know the extent of Islamic culture 3 . Want to know the relics former Muslims . 4 . Want to know the description of Bayt Al Qur'an in this area. 1.3 Scope of the Study Overview Bayt Al Quran in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is a " house or place to store objects islamic historic , or historical development of Islam in Indonesia. |
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