INTRODUCTION Bismillah , alhamdulillahirrabbil the worlds , the author conveys a sense of gratitude to Allah SWT , who has mercy and hidayahNya so penuis can finish writing this well . This paper is structured to complement the following requirements UAN / UAS in Ma'Arif 05 Rumbia in the school year 2009/2010 . The title of this paper is " The Museum of Lampung As Objects - Historic Objects " . With terselesainya this paper , the authors express gratitude to : 1 . Mr. Drs.AR. Aminullah , as head of MAN Poncowati 2 . Mr. Trianto , S. Pd , as the head of the MA Maarif 05 Rumbia 3 . Mr. Ir . Wiyono grace , as mentors 4 . Father / Mother Council of Teachers MA Maarif 05 Rumbia 5 . Both parents are writers who have given support to the author 6 . Friends and all those who have provided motivation Thus the introduction of this paper, the authors are expecting criticism and suggestions that are built for the perfect paper . And may be useful for other readers . thatch , author ATIKA APRILIA TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ................................................ ........................... i APPROVAL PAGE ................................................ ........ ii MOTTO ................................................. ............................................. iii BIOGRAPHY ................................................ ............................ iv INTRODUCTION ................................................ ............................ v TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................ ...................................... vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................... .......... 1 1.1 Background ...................................... 1 1.2 Limitation Discussion ............................................... . 1 1.3 Purpose ............................................... . 2 CHAPTER II LITERATURE .............................................. .. 3 CHAPTER III REPORT OBSERVATIONS ...................................... 4 3.1 A Brief History Museum Lampung establishment .......... 4 3.2 Activities Undertaken in Lampung Museum .......... 5 3.3 Result Ever Achieved Lampung Museum .......... 5 3.4 Barriers and Difficulties Faced by ................... 6 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... 8 5.1 Conclusion ................................................ ......... 8 5.2 Suggestions ................................................ ................... 8 REFERENCES ................................................ ................... 9 APPENDIX APPENDIX - CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Museum is a place to store historical objects , to be investigated by the current young generation because without knowing the history , we can not know the important events that happened in the past . Lampung country museum is a place to store the artifacts that exist in Lampung . Indirectly lampung museums participate in improving Science students . Given the importance of Sciences in the present and future . In addition to the storage of historic objects , the museum is also a place lampung education facilities , recreation kebudayaandan research . Historic objects that exist in museums lampung creativity motivate students to integrate learning outcomes in theory with the fact that there is such a historic objects that exist in museums . 1.2 Limitation of Discussion In order for the author of this paper does not stray far from the title of the discussion , the authors would like to prepare this paper systematically . In this case I would like to discuss the extent of the role of museums Lampung in improving education . In other words the extent to which museums lampung can assist students in exploring science through the study of historical objects . Thus the knowledge acquired at school students can be combined with research conducted so that there will be a balance between the two . 1.3 Purpose of The purpose of writing the paper are as follows 1.3.1 The author would like to deepen their knowledge of history 1.3.2 The author would like to inform the public about the existence of a collection of historic objects in a museum lampung 1.3.3 The author would like to be clear about the existence of foreign museums lampung 1.3.4 As one of the requirements of UAN / UAS in MA Ma'Arif Rumbia 05 Academic Year 2009/2010 |
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