CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. A Brief History Small dynasties can be divided into two terms of the submission to halifah : abasiah caliphate dynasty that recognize and not recognize caliphate dynasty abasiah . In terms of geographic location , small dynasties can be divided into two : small dynasties siti nur bakdat : tohiri , safari , and Samani . And small dynasties in Bakdat : contains , aglahi , thulul , hamdani , and ikhsidi . However, there are two small dynasty that directly controlled bakdat : buaihi and Seljuqs . This is one of uberan history that can help us in tracing the development of Islamic civilization . B. destination In preparing this paper the author has several goals including : a. Author would like to explain about tohiri dynasty ( 200-259 H./820 - 872 AD ) b . Safari Dynasty ( 254-289 H./867 - 903 AD ) c . Samani dynasty ( 261-389 H./874 - 999 AD ) d . As one student discussion stain ma'aref metro . CHAPTER II DISCUSSION A. Tohiri Dynasty ( 200H-259H/820M-872M ) The first dynasty established a quasi- independent state in the east Bakdat are people who once believed by almakmun for general positions , ie Tohir Bin Al Khusain of Khurasan , which is brilliantly managed to lead an army to fight al amin . Tohir is a descendant of the Persian Slaves in the year 820 AD by Al Ma'mun appointed as governor over all the region eastward Bakdat with his power base in Khurosan . Though formally the successor Thohir is Kolifah followers , their territory extending to the borders of India . They moved to Naisabur pememrintahan center , and there they were in power until the year 872 H , before finally being replaced by Safariah Dynasty . Before he died Aaron Arashid has prepared two children who was appointed crown prince to become Kholifah Al Amin and Al Ma'mun . Al Amin dihadiayi western region while Al Ma'mun rewarded dibaggian eastern region . After Aaron died Arosid ( 809 M ) Al amin eldest crown prince is not willing to share its territory with Al Ma'mun by because they were, two brothers fighting occurred which eventually won by Al Ma'mun . After the war Al Ma'mun dynasties reunite the territory of Banu Abas . For this purpose , he was supported by Tohir military commander , and his brother , Al Muktasim . As a service benefits , Tohir considered to be the supreme commander and governor of egypt Bani Abas H. 205 territory then extended to Khurosan ( 820-822 AD ) . with the promise that the post can be inherited by their children . Tohiriah dikhurosan admit caliphate dynasty Abasiah . This dynasty was led by four amir . : Thohir Ibn Husen ( 159-207 H ) as the founder of Talhah Ibn Tohir 207-213 H. Abdullah Ibn Tohir 213-248 H. and Muhammad Ibn Tohir 248-259 H. Thohii dynasty is credited for successfully making the city as the city Naisabur Science and culture to the East . However Kholifah Thohiriyah helpless when Kholifah sons Abas no longer support their authority and instead support the expansion Safari dynasty and considered successful by Kholifah abasiah ( Al Muktamit and Almuafah ) . Therefore dynasty managed to destroy the dynasty Thohiri safari in Khurosan , and stood dynasty Safari . B. Dynasty Safari ( 254H-289H/867M-903M ) Yakup Safari dynasty founded by Ibn Al - Safar Lais ruling between the years 867-878 AD . Yakup Lais Ibn Al - Safar is a military officer who later became amir Sajistan region at the time of Caliph Al - Muhatadi 869-870 M. This dynasty that began in Sajistan and power in Persia , founded aloe Yakup Ibn Al - Safar Lais . Al - Safar make a copper craftsmen work and rob as his favorite . Efficient polite behavior as a head band of robbers has attracted the attention of the Governor Sajistan , which has given him the confidence to lead his army . Al - Safar eventually replace the governor and succeeded in expanding territory almost throughout Persia and India suburbs , even threatening Baghdad power under the leadership of Caliph Al - Muhtamid.Yakup Lais Ibn Al - Safar had the support of the Caliph Al - Muhtamid 870-892 M to expand his territory to successfully conquer Blakh , Tabaristan , Sind , Kabul . Conquest does make Yakup Ibn Al - Safar Lais getting stronger and sending gifts to the Caliph in Baghdad and even he also supported for menalukkan Dynasty Tohiri and Khurasan . However , the conquest of the territories made by Yakup Ibn Lais make Caliph in Baghdad worry , therefore Caliph Al - Muhtamad ( 256-279 H/870-892M ) . Safari conquered Laish led by Yakup Ibn Al - Safar , Yakup challenging and demanding independence Caliph territory . After he died, was replaced by his brother Yakup , Amr Ibn Al - Lais ( 878-903 AD ) . The assistance of Ismail Ibn Ahmad Al - Samani , Caliph of Baghdad captured Amr Ibn Al - Lais , then imprisoned in Baghdad until he died at the time of Caliph Al - I Mu'tadid ( 870-892 AD ) . On this basis, the Caliph made Samani dynasty as the ruler of Khurasan . C. Samani dynasty ( 261-389 H/874-999 M ) To browse Samani power , we must go back in the time of al - Ma'mun that divide the region along with his supporters to the district administration Thohiri in Khurasan . Amirnya zoning and in the days of Al - Ma'mun 1 . Transoxiana region governor ( Amir ) Asad ibn Saman 2 . Samarqand governor ( Amir ) Noah Ibn Asad 3 . Farganah governor ( Amir ) Ahmad Ibn Saman 4 . Syasy and Asyrusanah governor ( Amir ) Yahya Ibn Asad 5 . Hirrah guberbur ( Amir ) Ibn Asad Ilyas . Asad ibn Saman authorized by Al - Ma'mun to lead the Transoxiana region . Then this little Dynasty conquered the area around it so mastered Transoxiana , Khurasan , Sajistan , Karman , Jurjan , Rayy and Tabaristan . Samani Dinast power to Khurasan after successfully helped the Abbasid Caliph ( Al - Mu'Adid ) arrest and imprisonment of Amr Ibn Al - Lais ( Khalifah dynasty last Safari ) . At the time it was born cleric ' which also spawned great works great . Among them are Zakaria Al - Razi , Al - Farabi , Al - Biruni , Ibn Sina , Umar Hayyam . Tansoxiana and family Samanids of Persia are descendants saman , ie a nobleman of Balkh . Founder of this dynasty was Nasr ibn Ahmad , grandson of the summons , but the figure enforce this dynasty is the brother Nasr Ismail who in 900H , managed to wrest from the grasp Dynasty safariyah Khurasan . When under the leadership of Nasr II ( Ibn Ahmad ) who are descendants of the four underlined Samanids which was originally a group of Muslim governors under the rule of the royal dynasty Thohiriyah successfully expanded to Sajistan , Karman . D. Social conditions , Politics and Economics in Small Dynasty Dynasty - East 1 . Expansion of Baghdad Region In Dynasty rang strengthen Ghasnawi , Subugtigin doing conquest in the surrounding area . Areas that were conquered by subugtigin Punjab ( India ) and Kabul ( Afghanistan ) in the year 997 , Subugtigin died . He was succeeded by his son Ismail . However, the leadership coup by his brother Ismail , Mahmud . Began to wear the title of Sultan Mahmud (formerly titled Amir ) dn declare themselves subject to the Abbasid caliphs ( al - Qadir bar ) between the years 1001 to 1024 AD Mahmud Al - Ghasnawi also expanding territory by conquering Lahore , Multan and Sind regions sebagin . After it, he conquered Hujarat ( 1025 M ) , Khwarizmi , Yorgia and Ray 1026 M.Akhirnya dynasty Ghasnawi covering North India , Iraq , Persia , Khorasan , Kurdistan , partly Transoxiana , Sijistan , the Ganges and the Bank of Punjab ( now Pakistan ) 2 . Social conditions Baghdad Before building the city of Baghdad , Al - Mansur sent many experts to stay in the city for some time , they were instructed to examine the state of the soil , the weather and geographical conditions . They had concluded that the Baghdad Tigris river located in a very strategic government center Islam.tidak be waiting a long time to build the city of Baghdad Khalifahpun . He mobilized some 100,000 people consisting of architects , carpenters , masons , sculptors , painters and others. They come from various cities such as Syria , Mosul , Basra, Kufa , and Iran . In Encyclopedia of Islam states that the funds are spent in development was reached 4.883 million dirhams . With so many big funds be a new city with beautiful architecture . Round in shape so the city was nicknamed the round , the two layers of the wall around the city as high as 90 feet , the bottom layer 50 cubits wide and 20 cubits uppers . Dibagun deep trench which also serves to channel water and pertahanan.tepat fortress founded in the middle of the Palace of the Caliph of Baghdad called Al - qasr Az - Zahabi ( Golden Palace ) This name symbolizes the grandeur and kemegahan.dibangun highway also named mosque mosque Jami ' Al - Mansur . And do not miss the built housing residents , markets and offices pemerintahan.Al - Mansur also built the palace across the river and the beauty of the palace Tigris.Kemegahan describe as heavenly palace mentioned in the Qur'an . The court again dibangu in the northern city called Ar - Rusafah.Khlaifah - Caliph Al - Mansur after Baghdad city building by establishing the means of worship , education and science pegetahuan.Sehingga , in the year 800 AD the city Baghdad has become a big city be a center of education , science , economics and politics . Population at that time amounted to more than 1 million people . |
ISLAMIC HISTORY civilization Small dynasties in the eastern part of Baghdad
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