Kotagede Yogyakarta
(Sumber: Sari, Ina Parawara. 2007. Jogja Punya Cerita. Jakarta: AzkaMuliaMedia.)
Kemenaan Ki Gede Pemanahan atas Arya Penangsang yang berseteru dengan Raja Pajang menjadi awal berdirinya Kerajaan Islam Mataram. Atas peran Ki Gede Pemanahan membantu Kerajaan Pajang, Raja Kerajaan Pajang menghadiahkan sebuah hutan bernama Alas Mentaok. Ki Ageng Pemanahan lalu mendirikan Kerajaan Islam Mataram pada tahun 1575 dengan rakyatnya yang disebut Mentawisan.
Terletak sekitar 10 kilometer di sebelah tenggara jantung kota Yogyakarta, wilayah itu sekarang terkenal dengan nama Kotagede yang merupakan sentra kerajinan perak di Jogjakarta. Menyimpan sekitar 170 bangunan kuno buatan tahun 1700 hingga 1930, Kotagede tidak cukup disebut Kota Perak, tetapi Kota Tua. Demikianlah menurut seorang budayawan Kotagede, Achmad Charris Zubair.
Memasuki Kotagede dari arah utara melalui Gedong Kuning, sebuah jalan kecil diapit bangunan klasik yang berjejer di kedua ruas jalan sekan menjadi pembuka eksotis bagi wisatawan setelah melewati gapura.
Semenjak memasuki wilaya Kotagede, para wisatawan sudah bisa menikmati berbagai kerajinan perak yang dijual di depan rumah penduduk sekaligus galeri (berbentuk Joglo yang biasanya untuk menerima tamu), dengan jenis dan harga yang beraneka ragam.
Kerajinan perak sendiri merupakan budaya turun-temurun. Pada awalnya kerajinan di Kotagede berupa emas, perak, dan tembaga. Namun seiring waktu, kerajinan peraklah lebih diminati hingga para pengrajin lebihbanyak memilih untuk mengolah perak hingga sekarang. Saat ini, kerajinan ini sudah diekspor ke mancanegara termasuk Eropa. Dan biasanya permintaan akan melonjak setiap akhir tahun.
Mampir ke salah satu galeri untuk melihat berbagai kerajinan, mulai dari perhiasan, benda pajangan, atau alat makan dari perak yang dibuat dengan sentuhan artistic para pengukir perak Kotagede, senyuman dan sapaan hangat akan menjadi sambutan yang menyenangkan untuk mengawali perjalanan menelusuri Kotagede.
Ke arah selatan perkampungan, terdapat sebuah pasar rakyat yang dikenal dengan sebutan Pasar Gede. Meski bangunannya hanya memakai arsitektur sederhana dan seadanya. Pasar tradisional yang dibangun pada masa Panembahan Senopati ini telah menjadi salah satu pusat kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat Mentawisan. Hal ini yang membuat Kotagede dikenal dengan nama Pasar Gede atau Sargede (dulunya).
Sekitar 50 meter selatan Pasar Gede di jalan Masjid Besar, sebuah gapura dengan benteng panjang melindungi salah satu situs kerajaan Mataram tempo dulu yang masih terawatt dengan baik, sebuah Petilasan Keraton Kotagede. Beberapa pohon beringin berjulur panjang yang menandakan usianya yang telah tua seolah menjadi tempat keramat tersebut. Melewati gapura kedua, ada sebuah tembok tinggi sekitar dua mater dengan jalan di kedua sisinya menghalangi pandangan dari gapura ketiga yang menjadi jalan menuju kompleks Masjid Agung.
Di tengah kompleks terdapat Masjid pertama di Kotagede dikelilingi rumah para Abdi Dalem. Masjid tersebut dibangun oleh Sultan Agung bersama masyarakat setempat, yang waktu itu kebanyakan memeluk agama Hindu dan Budha. Oleh karena itu, arsitekturnya pun banyak mengadopsi corak khas arsitektur Hindu dan Budha. Salah satunya ialah gapura masjid yang berukuran mirp wihara. Ukiran kayu yang menghiasi hampir sudut masjid juga bercorak gaya Hindu-Budha. Hal ini menjadi keunikan tersendiri dari masjid ini. Di dalam masjid terdapat sebuah mimbar yang berukiran unik. Upeti dari Adipati Palembang kepada Sultan Agung.
Sebelah selatan masjid terdapat kompleks makam para pendahulu Kerajaan Mataram serta kerabat keluarga kerajaan yang juga merupakan tempat tinggal Ki Ageng Pemanahan dulunya. Terdapat sebuah bangsal duda (sekarang menjadi koperasi) ketika melewati gapura pertama sebelum memasuki gapura kedua.
Melewati gapura kedua, sebuah kompleks menjadi pembatas sekaligus jalur penghubung menuju makam dan Sendang Saliran (tempat pemandian). Pada kompleks ini terdapat kantor, gudang, bangsal pengapit lor, dan bangsal pengapit kidul.
Di sebelah barat kompleks terdapat sebuah gapura menuju kompleks makam. Memasuki kompleks ini, wisatawan di wajibkan memakai pakaian adat Jawa dan melaksanakan tahlilan (doa) sebelum membuka makam. Melewati sekitar 720 makam, wisatawan akan dihantar menuju sebuah bangunan utama yang menjadi tempat bersemayam Keluarga Besar Kerajaan. Di antaranya Nyai Ageng Nis dan P. Djoyo Prono yang merupakan eyang dari Panembahan Senopati, Ki Ageng Pamanahan (ayah dari Panembahan Senopati), Panembahan Senopati hingga Kyai Wonoboyo Mangir, menantu sekaligus musuh Panembahan Senopati yang makamnya setengah berada di luar banguan menjadi keunikan tersendiri di makam ini. Konon, kematian Kyai Ageng Mangir disebabkan kepalanya dibenturkan ke batu yang menjadi singgasana panembahan Senopati oleh Panembahan sendiri. Batu itu sendiri masih bisa dilihat disebelah selatan kompleks Masjid sekitar 100 meter.
Sementara itu, di sebelah selatan makam terdapat pemandian yang terbagi menjadi Sendang Kakung untuk pria dan Sendang Putri untuk wanita. “Menyegarkan diri di tempat ini bisa menjadi penyembuh beberapa penyakit serta memohonkan kesuksesan serta kesejahteraan.
Kotagede Yogyakarta
(Source: Sari, Ina Parawara., 2007. Jogja Story. Jakarta: AzkaMuliaMedia.)
Kemenaan Ki Gede Arya Penangsang archery over the odds to become the King Pajang inception Islamic kingdom of Mataram.The role of Ki Gede archery Pajang help the Kingdom, the King of the Kingdom of Pajang award a forest named Alas Mentaok. Ki Ageng archery and establish the Islamic kingdom of Mataram in 1575 by people called mentawisan.
Located about 10 kilometers southeast of Yogyakarta city center, the area is now known as Kotagede which is silver centers in Jogjakarta. Save about 170 ancient buildings made in the year 1700 to 1930, not enough Kotagede called Silver City, but the Old Town. Thus according to a humanist Kotagede, Charris Zubair Ahmad.
Kotagede Entering from the north through Gedong Yellow, a small street lined with classical buildings along both roads secant an exotic opening for tourists after going through the gate.
Since entering wilaya Kotagede, tourists can enjoy a variety of silver sold in galleries as well as the front of the house (which is usually Joglo to receive guests), the type and price diversity.
Silver itself is a hereditary culture. At first craft in Kotagede form of gold, silver, and copper. But over time, crafts peraklah more attractive to the craftsmen lebihbanyak choose to process the silver until now. At present, these craft are exported to other countries including Europe. And usually the soaring demand end of each year.
Stop by the gallery to see a variety of crafts, ranging from jewelry, ornaments, and utensils made of silver with a touch of artistic Kotagede silversmiths, a smile and a warm greeting will be pleasant welcome to begin the search for Kotagede.
To the south of the village, there is a popular market known as Pasar Gede. Although the architecture of the building is simple.Traditional markets are built in Panembahan Senopati has become one of the centers of economic activity mentawisan community. This makes Kotagede known as Pasar Gede or Sargede (once).
Approximately 50 meters south of Pasar Gede on the mosque, a fortress gate with length protects one site Mataram kingdom in the past that are still well-groomed, a palace Kotagede taken cared.Some long berjulur banyan tree signifies old age has become a shrine as such. Past the second gate, there is a high wall with two mater roads on both sides that the view from the third gate as the entrance to the Grand Mosque complex.
In the middle of the complex there is the first mosque in the home surrounded Kotagede Abdi Dalem. The mosque was built by Sultan Agung with local people, most of them were Hindus and Buddhists.Therefore, the architecture was adopted typical many Hindu and Buddhist architecture. One is the size of the mosque gate mirp monasteries. Wood carvings that adorn nearly angle also patterned the mosque Hindu-Buddhist style. This is a unique characteristic of this mosque. Inside the mosque there is a unique carved pulpit.Tribute to the Duke of Sultan Agung Palembang.
South of the mosque are the tombs of the precursor complex kingdom of Mataram and relatives of the royal family who is also the residence of Ki Ageng archery once. There is a ward widower (now a cooperative) when passing the first gate before entering the second gate.Past the second gate, a complex of a connecting line to the border as well as the tomb and Spring Saliran (bathing place). In this complex there are offices, warehouses, sheds lor clamps and clamp the South ward.
In the west the complex there is a gate towards the tomb complex.Entering this complex, tourists in the compulsory wearing traditional Javanese dress and conduct tahlilan (prayer) before opening the tomb. Passing about 720 tombs, tourists will be delivered piping to a main building which became the Great Royal Family resides.Among Nyai Ageng Nis and P. Prono Djoyo which is grandparent of Panembahan Senopati, Ki Ageng Pamanahan (father of Panembahan Senopati), Panembahan Senopati to Kyai Wonoboyo Mangir, son and nemesis whose tomb Panembahan Senopati half outside a building of its own uniqueness in this tomb. That said, the death of Kyai Ageng Mangir caused his head slammed into a stone throne Panembahan Panembahan Senopati by itself. The stone can still be seen to the south Mosque compound about 100 meters.
Meanwhile, in the south of the tomb there is a bathhouse, divided into Spring Kakung for men and for women Spring Princess."Bathing in this place can cure some diseases and the gift of success and prosperity.
(Source: Sari, Ina Parawara., 2007. Jogja Story. Jakarta: AzkaMuliaMedia.)
Kemenaan Ki Gede Arya Penangsang archery over the odds to become the King Pajang inception Islamic kingdom of Mataram.The role of Ki Gede archery Pajang help the Kingdom, the King of the Kingdom of Pajang award a forest named Alas Mentaok. Ki Ageng archery and establish the Islamic kingdom of Mataram in 1575 by people called mentawisan.
Located about 10 kilometers southeast of Yogyakarta city center, the area is now known as Kotagede which is silver centers in Jogjakarta. Save about 170 ancient buildings made in the year 1700 to 1930, not enough Kotagede called Silver City, but the Old Town. Thus according to a humanist Kotagede, Charris Zubair Ahmad.
Kotagede Entering from the north through Gedong Yellow, a small street lined with classical buildings along both roads secant an exotic opening for tourists after going through the gate.
Since entering wilaya Kotagede, tourists can enjoy a variety of silver sold in galleries as well as the front of the house (which is usually Joglo to receive guests), the type and price diversity.
Silver itself is a hereditary culture. At first craft in Kotagede form of gold, silver, and copper. But over time, crafts peraklah more attractive to the craftsmen lebihbanyak choose to process the silver until now. At present, these craft are exported to other countries including Europe. And usually the soaring demand end of each year.
Stop by the gallery to see a variety of crafts, ranging from jewelry, ornaments, and utensils made of silver with a touch of artistic Kotagede silversmiths, a smile and a warm greeting will be pleasant welcome to begin the search for Kotagede.
To the south of the village, there is a popular market known as Pasar Gede. Although the architecture of the building is simple.Traditional markets are built in Panembahan Senopati has become one of the centers of economic activity mentawisan community. This makes Kotagede known as Pasar Gede or Sargede (once).
Approximately 50 meters south of Pasar Gede on the mosque, a fortress gate with length protects one site Mataram kingdom in the past that are still well-groomed, a palace Kotagede taken cared.Some long berjulur banyan tree signifies old age has become a shrine as such. Past the second gate, there is a high wall with two mater roads on both sides that the view from the third gate as the entrance to the Grand Mosque complex.
In the middle of the complex there is the first mosque in the home surrounded Kotagede Abdi Dalem. The mosque was built by Sultan Agung with local people, most of them were Hindus and Buddhists.Therefore, the architecture was adopted typical many Hindu and Buddhist architecture. One is the size of the mosque gate mirp monasteries. Wood carvings that adorn nearly angle also patterned the mosque Hindu-Buddhist style. This is a unique characteristic of this mosque. Inside the mosque there is a unique carved pulpit.Tribute to the Duke of Sultan Agung Palembang.
South of the mosque are the tombs of the precursor complex kingdom of Mataram and relatives of the royal family who is also the residence of Ki Ageng archery once. There is a ward widower (now a cooperative) when passing the first gate before entering the second gate.Past the second gate, a complex of a connecting line to the border as well as the tomb and Spring Saliran (bathing place). In this complex there are offices, warehouses, sheds lor clamps and clamp the South ward.
In the west the complex there is a gate towards the tomb complex.Entering this complex, tourists in the compulsory wearing traditional Javanese dress and conduct tahlilan (prayer) before opening the tomb. Passing about 720 tombs, tourists will be delivered piping to a main building which became the Great Royal Family resides.Among Nyai Ageng Nis and P. Prono Djoyo which is grandparent of Panembahan Senopati, Ki Ageng Pamanahan (father of Panembahan Senopati), Panembahan Senopati to Kyai Wonoboyo Mangir, son and nemesis whose tomb Panembahan Senopati half outside a building of its own uniqueness in this tomb. That said, the death of Kyai Ageng Mangir caused his head slammed into a stone throne Panembahan Panembahan Senopati by itself. The stone can still be seen to the south Mosque compound about 100 meters.
Meanwhile, in the south of the tomb there is a bathhouse, divided into Spring Kakung for men and for women Spring Princess."Bathing in this place can cure some diseases and the gift of success and prosperity.
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