To-Infinitive in English
(Source: Astuti, Eka Mulya. English Zone. Bandung:Erlangga.)
Consider the following sentences:
Ø Her mother passed away when she was still a little baby, so to make Bawang Putih happy and not feel lonely, her father decided to marry another woman.
Ø She ecen threatened her that, if she could not get what she had wanted, Bawang Putih would not be allowed to return home.
Ø That morning, Bawang Merah asked her mother to cook her delicious food.
Ø The next morning, the stepmother asked Bawang Putih to catch a big goldfish in the river.
These verb have special characteristics. They must be followed by a to-infinitive or a (pro) noun plus a to-infinitive.
List of verb followed by to-infinitive
Afford | Mampu |
Agree | Setuju |
Appear | Muncul |
Arrange | Mengatur |
Ask | Meminta |
Beg | Mengemis |
Care | Perawatan |
Claim | Klaim |
Consent | Persetujuan |
Decide | Memutuskan |
Demand | Permintaan |
Deserve | Berhak mendapat |
Expect | Mengharapkan |
Fail | Gagal |
Forget | Lupa |
Hesitate | Ragu-ragu |
Hope | Berharap |
Learn | Belajar |
Manage | Mengelola |
Mean | Berarti |
Need | Perlu |
Offer | Menawarkan |
Plan | Rencana |
Prepare | Mempersiapkan |
Pretend | Berpura-pura |
Promise | Janji |
Refuse | Menolak |
Regret | Menyesali |
Remember | Ingat |
Seem | Nampak |
Struggle | Berjuang |
Threaten | Mengancam |
Wait | Tunggu |
Want | Ingin |
Wish | Ingin |
List of Verbs followed by a (pro) Noun + to-Infinitive
English | INDONESIAN |
Advise | Menasihati |
Allow | Mengizinkan |
Ask | Meminta |
Beg | Mengemis |
Cause | Menyebabkan |
Challenge | Menantang |
Convince | Meyakinkan |
Dare | Berani |
Encourage | Mendorong |
Expect | Mengharapkan |
Forbid | Melarang |
Force | Angkatan |
Hire | Menyewa |
Instruct | Menginstruksikan |
Invite | Mengundang |
Need | Perlu |
Order | Urutan |
Permit | Mengizinkan |
Persuade | Membujuk |
Remind | Mengingatkan |
Require | Membutuhkan |
Teach | Mengajar |
Tell | Mengatakan |
Want | Ingin |
Warn | Memperingatkan |
1) I can’t afford to teach you about your job.
2) I’ve asked you to tell your problem.
3) I don’t care you to say it.
4) I demand you to keep cleaning.
5) I am expecting to invite you to my party.
6) luckily I managed you to invite me.
7) I am planning you to ask your duty.
8) I’ll pretend you to teach about Japanese.
9) I’ve promised to join your meeting.
10) I want to invite you to come to my house.
11) I advised him to tell me about your jobs.
12) I’ve asked her to invite my family.
13) I am challenging my brother to ask money to my neighbor.
14) I am expecting you to tell your problem.
15) I will invite them to come to my house.
16) I’ve ordered her to ask some money to my parents.
17) I taught my neighbor to learn English.
18) I told my best frien to beg my parents.
19) I want my parents to give me money.
(SCORE:90, September,28th 2012)
In cultures where demons and withces are perceived as real, fairy tales may merge into legends, where the narrative is perceived by both the teller and hearers as being grounded in historical truth. However, unlike legends and epics, they usually do not contain more than superficial references to religion and actual places, people, and events; they take place “once upon a time” rather than in actual times.
Fairy tales are found in oral and literary forms. The history of the fairy tale is particularly difficult to trace, because only the literary forms survive. Still, the evidence of literary works at least indicates that fairy tales have existed for thousand of years. Many of today’s fairy tales have evolved from centuries-old stories that have appeared, with variations, in multiple cultures around the world. Fairy tales, and works derived from fairy tales, are still written today.
The oldest known written fairy tales stem from ancient Egypt, c. 1300 BC (e. g. The Tale of Two Brothers) and fairy tales appear, now and again, in written literature throughout literate cultures, as Cupid and Psyche (Roman, 100-200 AD), or the Panchatantra (India 3rd century BC). The first famous Western fairy tales are those of Aesop (6thcentury BC) in ancient Greece.
Fairy tales with very similar plots, characters, and motifs are found across many different cultures. Two theories of their origins have attempted to explain this phenomenon. One is that a single point of origin generated any given tale, which then spread over the centuries; the other is that such fairy tales stem from common human experience and therefore can appear separately in many different cultures. Little Briar-Rose, for example, appears to stem from Sleeping Beauty. Little Red Riding Hood perhaps derived from The Wolf and The Seven Young Kids.
IN INDONESIAN (with google translate English-indonesian):
Dia ECEN mengancamnya bahwa jika dia tidak bisa mendapatkan apa yang ia inginkan, Bawang Putih tidak akan diizinkan untuk pulang.
Pagi itu, Bawang Merah meminta ibunya untuk memasak makanan lezat nya.
Keesokan paginya, ibu tiri meminta Putih Bawang untuk menangkap ikan mas besar di sungai.Kata kerja ini memiliki karakteristik khusus. Mereka harus diikuti oleh infinitive ke-atau kata benda (pro) ditambah infinitive ke-.Daftar verba diikuti oleh ke-infinitive
Afford | Mampu |
Agree | Setuju |
Appear | Muncul |
Arrange | Mengatur |
Ask | Meminta |
Beg | Mengemis |
Care | Perawatan |
Claim | Klaim |
Consent | Persetujuan |
Decide | Memutuskan |
Demand | Permintaan |
Deserve | Berhak mendapat |
Expect | Mengharapkan |
Fail | Gagal |
Forget | Lupa |
Hesitate | Ragu-ragu |
Hope | Berharap |
Learn | Belajar |
Manage | Mengelola |
Mean | Berarti |
Need | Perlu |
Offer | Menawarkan |
Plan | Rencana |
Prepare | Mempersiapkan |
Pretend | Berpura-pura |
Promise | Janji |
Refuse | Menolak |
Regret | Menyesali |
Remember | Ingat |
Seem | Nampak |
Struggle | Berjuang |
Threaten | Mengancam |
Wait | Tunggu |
Want | Ingin |
Wish | Ingin |
Daftar Kata Kerja diikuti oleh Noun (pro) + ke-Infinitif
English | INDONESIAN |
Advise | Menasihati |
Allow | Mengizinkan |
Ask | Meminta |
Beg | Mengemis |
Cause | Menyebabkan |
Challenge | Menantang |
Convince | Meyakinkan |
Dare | Berani |
Encourage | Mendorong |
Expect | Mengharapkan |
Forbid | Melarang |
Force | Angkatan |
Hire | Menyewa |
Instruct | Menginstruksikan |
Invite | Mengundang |
Need | Perlu |
Order | Urutan |
Permit | Mengizinkan |
Persuade | Membujuk |
Remind | Mengingatkan |
Require | Membutuhkan |
Teach | Mengajar |
Tell | Mengatakan |
Want | Ingin |
Warn | Memperingatkan |
(SCORE:90, September,28th 2012)
BUDAYA CATATANDalam budaya di mana setan dan withces dianggap sebagai nyata, dongeng dapat bergabung menjadi legenda, di mana narasi yang dirasakan oleh kedua teller dan pendengar sebagai yang didasarkan pada kebenaran sejarah. Namun, tidak seperti legenda dan epos, mereka biasanya tidak mengandung lebih dari referensi dangkal ke tempat-tempat agama dan aktual, orang, dan peristiwa, mereka mengambil tempat "once upon a time" bukan di kali yang sebenarnya.Dongeng ditemukan dalam bentuk lisan dan sastra. Sejarah dongeng sangat sulit untuk melacak, karena hanya bentuk sastra bertahan hidup. Namun, bukti dari karya sastra setidaknya menunjukkan bahwa dongeng telah ada selama ribuan tahun.Banyak dongeng saat ini telah berevolusi dari berabad-abad cerita yang telah muncul, dengan variasi, dalam budaya beberapa di seluruh dunia. Dongeng, dan bekerja berasal dari dongeng, masih ditulis hari ini.Yang tertua dongeng tertulis berasal dari Mesir kuno, c. 1300 SM (misalnya The Tale of Two Brothers) dan dongeng muncul, sekarang dan lagi, dalam literatur tertulis seluruh budaya melek huruf, sebagai Cupid dan Psyche (Romawi, 100-200 AD), atau Panchatantra (India abad ke-3 SM). Yang terkenal pertama dongeng Barat adalah mereka dari Aesop (abad 6 SM) di Yunani kuno.Dongeng dengan plot sangat mirip, karakter, dan motif yang ditemukan di berbagai budaya. Dua teori asal-usul mereka telah berusaha untuk menjelaskan fenomena ini. Salah satunya adalah bahwa satu titik asal dihasilkan setiap kisah yang diberikan, yang kemudian menyebar selama berabad-abad, yang lain adalah bahwa dongeng tersebut berasal dari pengalaman manusia yang umum dan karena itu dapat muncul secara terpisah dalam berbagai budaya. Sedikit Briar-Rose, misalnya, tampaknya berasal dari Sleeping Beauty. Little Red Riding Hood mungkin berasal dari The Wolf dan Tujuh Anak Muda.(Diambil dari:
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