This chapter presents the background of this research, statements of the problems, aims and significance of the research, preview of research methodology, and organization of the paper.
1.1 Background
Acquiring foreign language is one of requirements to be successful in many fields in a global era because by acquiring the language people can communicate easily all over the world. As the most used language, English has a great role in uniting people worldwide for many purposes. Because of that fact, it is important for people, especially Indonesians, to master English skill. For the sake of communication, speaking becomes an important skill that should be mastered. Recent research in second language acquisition finds that speaking is a main factor in forming learner's language development (Hadley, 2001 : 230). Furthermore, Hadley (2001 : 230) asserts that in the twenty-first century, second language speaking ability can be an important benefit for anybody looking for a job in business and industry.
The requirement to acquire English speaking skill is opposite with the fact that many graduates from Senior High School in Indonesia can not speak English, even to introduce themselves, after learning English for at least six years (Frans, 2007 in There must be some aspects which cause this problem; one of the aspects is that the students face some difficulties in speaking English. This is a common thing because English is a foreign language in Indonesia, in which the students are not accustomed to speaking English with their community. This fact is in line with Pinter's statement (2006 : 55) that one of the biggest challenges for all language learners is to speak fluently and correctly because to master speaking skill, the students must speak and think at the same time.
Moreover, English has different language pattern with Indonesian, so it is possible for Indonesian students to be influenced by their native language while speaking English. According to Ellis (1986 : 6) that most of difficulties faced by second language learners are caused by their first language.
In term of learning, facing some difficulties or making any mistakes is common; the most important thing is how the students deal with such problem. There are many kinds of strategies that the students might use to make their speaking more fluent, for example by doing practice with their friends, listening to English songs, watching English movies, etc. Despite all the strategies, the most important one is the strategy which comes from themselves. It is possible for students to use their interlanguage in delivering message and making people more understand what they are talking about. Ellis (1986 : 8) argues that second language acquisition is similar to first language acquisition depending on the strategies that learners use. In addition, Hadley (2001 : 7) asserts that effective strategies to employ in communication are guessing, and using gestures.
Based on theories and findings stated, the writer will observe kinds of difficulties which are encountered by SMAN 8 X's students and types of strategies they employ to solve their speaking difficulties. Since the most important thing in solving problem is by knowing the problem and finding the solution, this research is not only aimed to observe the students' speaking difficulties, but also reveal their strategies in solving speaking English difficulties. Hopefully, this research can help solving speaking problems which are faced by many Indonesian students.

1.2 Statement of Problems
Research problem of the study is formulated in the following questions :
1.2.1 What kinds of difficulties that the students face in speaking English ?
1.2.2 What kinds of strategies that the students use to help them solving their difficulties in speaking English ?
1.2.3 Are the strategies effective in helping the students to solve their difficulties in speaking English ?

1.3 Aims of the Study
The aims to achieve in this study are :
1.3.1 To find out the students' difficulties in speaking English
1.3.2 To find out the students' strategies in solving speaking English difficulties
1.3.3 To see whether or not the strategies are effective in helping the students to solve their speaking English difficulties

1.4 Significance of the Study
The results of this study are expected to :
1.4.1 Present the view of students' difficulties and strategies in speaking English
1.4.2 Help solving problems of the lack of speaking skill owned by Senior High School students

1.5 Scope of the Study
This study is limited to two primary points. The first is difficulties that the students encounter while having speaking test, and the second is strategies that the students use to solve the problems. Other aspects besides the main points are not investigated or discussed further.

1.6 Organization of the Paper
The paper is presented in the following paper organization :
Chapter I Introduction
This chapter presents the background of this research, statements of the problems, aims and significance of the research, preview of research methodology, and organization of the paper.
Chapter II Theoretical Foundation
This chapter cites related theories as the basis of the analysis.
Chapter III Research Methodology
This chapter consists of research questions, research design, participants of the research, data collection, and data analysis procedures.
Chapter IV Findings and Discussion
This chapter discusses results and findings of the research and investigated them to answer the formulated research questions.
Chapter V Conclusion and Suggestion
This chapter presents conclusions of the research and some suggestions for English students and teacher, and further research.

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