KONFLIK SOSIAL dalam Masyarakat
(Sumber: Ali, NUR. Modul Bahan Ajar Sosiologi Untuk Sekolah Mengengah Atas – Madrasah Aliyah Kelas XI IPS Semester 1. Ponorogo: MGMP Gandini)
A. Konflik dalam Masyarakat
I. Pengertian dan Pandangan Tentang Konflik
a Pengertian Konflik, Istilah Konflik dari bahasa Latin (Conflictus) yang artinya saling berbenturan, bertentangan, berlawanan, ketidak serasian saat individu atau kelompok berusaha untuk memenuhi tujuan dengan cara sendiri. Menurut Robert M. Z. Lawang, konflik adalah perjuangan untuk memperoleh nilai, status, kekuasaan, dimana tujuan dari mereka yang berkonflik tidak hanya untuk memperoleh keuntungan, tetapi juga untuk menundukkan saingannya. Menurut James W. Vander Zanden, konflik adalah suatu pertentangan mengenai nilai atau tuntutan hak atas kekayaan, kekuasaan, status atau wilayah tempat pihak yang saling berhadapan dan bertujuan untuk menetralkan, merugikan atau menyisihkan lawan mereka. Menurut Soerjono Soekanto, konflik adalah proses social orang perorangan atau kelompok manusia berusaha untuk memenuhi tujuannya dengan jalan menantang pihak lawannya yang disertai dengan ancaman atau kekerasan.
b Pandangan Tentang Konflik
1. Pandangan tradisional, menganggap konflik bersifat negative, dianggap sebagai sumber malapetaka bagi manusia. Oleh karena itu, konflik tidak boleh dibiarkan secara berlarut-larut agar terjadi disharmonisasi social.
2. Pandangan netral, menganggap konflik sebagai proses social yang mempunyai nilai social, alasannya konflik merupakan cirri khas dari tingkah laku manusia yang hidup sebagai “built in element” dimana konflik berasal dari perbedaan individu dan kelompok.
3. Pandangan Modern, bahwa konflik itu bersifat positif, alasannya dengan adanya konflik dalam masyarakat atau kelompok akan terjadi dinamika social dalam kehidupan sehingga akan member makna kepada setiap individu atau kelompok untuk berintropeksi diri.
II. Sebab-sebab dan teori terjadinya konflik
a Sebab-sebab terjadinya konflik: pertama, terjadinya perbedaan kepribadian; kedua, perbedaan pendirian antar individu; ketiga, perbedaan kepentingan antar individu atau kelompok; keempat, perubahan social yang cepat.
b Teori tentang Konflik,
1. Teori Karl Mark, melihat masyarakat sebagai sebuah proses perkembangan yang akan mengakhiri konflik dengan konflik, cirinya adalah perjuangan kelas dan revolusi, dengan adanya kapitalisme, timbullah konflik antara kelompok borjuis (pemilik alat-alat produksi) dengan kaum buruh (kaum proletar) yang nantinya di akhiri melalui pemberontakan (revolusi) perjuangan kelas yang dimenangkan kaum proletar yang akan menciptakan masyarakat tanpa kelas dan tanpa Negara;
2. Teori Ralf Dahrendorf, perubahan social dalam masyarakat tidak selalu disebabkan oleh konflik social, konflik social tidak mengalami perubahan revolusi dan tidak menghasilkan revolusi, masyarakat terdiri dari kelompok social yang didasarkan kekuasaan dan wewenang, konflik terjadi apabila kelompok social yang satu mendominasi yang lainnya baik melalui revolusi atau tanpa revolusi yang akan menghasilkan perubahan social dalam masyarakat;
3. teori Max Weber, masyarakat terdiri atas kelompok social yang saling berhubungan, dan hubungan tersebut sangat bermakna bagi mereka (kelompok) yang mengambil bagian di dalamnya, hubungan social bercirikan adanya dominasi dan control imperative (berkuasa atau memerintah untuk mengontrol pihak lain). Konflik merupakan bentuk hubungan social antara kelompok satu dengan kelompok lainnya yang sengaja diarahkan untuk menyerang atau melawan kelompok lainnya. Setelah berhasi melakukan serangan, kemudian melaksanakan kekuasaan sehingga tercapai puncak dominasi atau control imperative dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.
4. Teori Lewis Coser, konflik adalah bentuk interaksi social yang bersifat positif, alasannya: Pertama, konflik dapat membantu menghidupkan kembali norma social atau sebaliknya dapat menimbulkan norma social baru; Kedua, konflik merupakan alat untuk menyesuaikan norma dengan keadaan dan kondisi baru atau perkembangan masyarakat; Ketiga, konflik dapat menimbulkan peningkatan dalam adaptasi hubungan social antar kelompok-kelompok tertentu. Ia berpendapat “conflict binds antagonists” artinya, meskipun kelompok yang ada dalam masyarakat mempunyai kepentingan berbeda bahkan mungkin bertentangan namun melalui konflik mereka bisa bersatu jika dihadapkan pada musuh atau lawan bersama.
III. Tipe-tipe dan Jenis-jenis konflik
a Tipe-tipe konflik
1. Konflik Intrapersonal (Konflik Diri),yaitu konflik yang terjadi dalam emosi individu. Konflik ini disebabkan oleh:
i. Adanya kelebihan beban (masalah) akibat status yang dimiliki individu
ii. Adanya ketidaksesuaian antara peranan dengan status yang dimilikinya
Menurut Kurt Lewin, ada tiga macam yakni:
i. Konflik positif-positif, yaitu konflik yang terjadi apabila seorang individu menghadapi dua keinginan atau tujuan yang sama-sama menarik tetapi harus dipilih satu diantaranya. Contohnya: Kenthus memilih bekerja atau berkuliah, padahal keduanya merupakan keingingan Kenthus.
ii. Konflik negative-negatif, yaitu konflik yang terjadi pada individu menghadapi dua keinginan yang tidak menarik namun harus memilih salah satunya. Contohnya: Kenthus harus memilih menjadi Kelas Sains atau Kelas Sosial, padahal Kenthus berkeinginan masuk kelas Bahasa.
iii. Konflik negative-positif, yaitu konflik yang terjadi apabila seorang individu menghadapi dua keingingan , yang salah satunya ada yang menarik tetapi yang lainnya menyusahkan. Contohnya: Kenthus harus memilih jadi cheerleader atau ketua pramuka, padahal Khentus menyukai menjadi ketua pramuka daripada cheerleader.
2. Konflik Intrapersonal (Konflik Pribadi), yaitu konflik yang terjadi antara seseorang dengan satu orang atau lebih, berhubungan dengan tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan dasar psikologis seseorang seperti: untuk dihargai dan diperlakukan sebagai manusia; untuk memegang kendali; untuk bersifat konsisten; untuk memiliki harga diri. Konflik antar individu bersifat substantive (menyangkut perbedaan gagasan, kepentingan, tujuan) dan emosional (menyangkut perbedaan selera, perasaan suka maupun tidak suka).
3. Konflik Kelompok
a Konflik dalam kelompok, yaitu konflik antar individu dalam kelompok, biasanya terjadi karena terdapat perbedaan dalam hal tujuan, nilai, motivasi, dan minat untuk menjadi anggota kelompok.
b Konflik antar kelompok (organisasi), yaitu konflik yang terjadi antar dua kelompok atau lebih terjadi karena terdapat perbedaan tujuan, nilai, norma, kebudayaan , kepentingan social ekonomis masyarakat.
b Jenis Konflik, menurut Kurt Lewin, membagi atas dua yakni:
1. Konflik mengenai isinya (contect conflict), yaitu konflik yang menyangkut objek, kejadian ataupun orang lain yang biasanya berada di luar pihak-pihak yang berkonflik.
2. Konflik mengenai hubungan antar dua pihak (relationship conflict), konflik yang menyangkut hubungan antara dua pihak atau lebih khususnya dalam menentukan siapa yang harus berperan, menentukan dan yang berhak mengatur.
George Simmel membagi konflik menjadi 3 jenis, sebagai berikut:
1. Perang, yaitu pertempuran atau permusuhan antara dua paskuan atau lebih menggunakan senjata atau tidak menggunakan senjata. Perang berbentuk antara lain: Perang dingin, perang terbatas, perang terbuka, perang total, perang tanding, perang saudara, perang harga, perang pena, perang colonial, perang gerilya, perang ekonomi.
2. Sengketa yuridis, yaitu konflik yang berhubungan dengan pelanggaran hokum baik bersifat pidana maupun perdata.
3. Konflik ideologis, yaitu konflik yang berhubungan dengan pertentangan system nila. Missal pancasila, liberal, komunis, islam, dan sebagainya.
Kusnadi mengklasifikasikan konflik menjadi 10 jenis, sebagai berikut:
1. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan tujuan organisasi, dibedakan menjadi:
a Konflik fungsional, yaitu konflik yang mendukung tercapainya tujuan organisasi dan bersifat konstruktif, menimbulkan keuntungan: meningkatkan inisiatif dan kreatifitas individu atau kelompok; intensitas usaha semakin meningkat; ikatan persatuan semakin kuat; surutnya ketegangan pribadi atau kelompok.
b Konflik disfungsional,yaitu konflik yang menghambat tujuan organisasi dan bersifat deskruktif, menimbulkan kerugian sebagai berikut: terhadi perasaan cemas, tegang (stress), mencekam; terjadi komunikasi yang menyusut; terjadi persaingan tidak sehat; adanya perhatian yang semakin menyusut terhadap tujuan bersama; terjadi ledakan konflik yang hebat sampai muncul tindak kekerasan.
2. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan sifat dari perilaku, dibedakan menjadi:
a Konflik terbuka, yaitu konflik yang diketahui oleh semua pihak dalam organisasi atau seluruh masyarakat dalam suatu bangsa;
b Konflik tertutup, yaitu konflik yang hanya diketahui oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat saja sehingga pihak luar tidak mengetahui jika terjadi konflik.
3. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan waktu, dibedakan menjadi:
a Konflik sesaat (spontan), yaitu konflik yang bersifat sementara dan biasanya diawali karena kesalahpahaman yang tidak berarti.
b Konflik yang berkelanjutan, yaitu konflik yang lama dan sulit diselesaikan meskipun ada penyelesaian tetapi masih melalui tahapan yang rumit bahkan meskipun diselesaikan kadang muncul konflik baru yang merupakan kelanjutan dari konflik sebelumnya.
4. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan pengendalian konflik, dibagi menjadi:
a Konflik terkendali, yaitu konflik dimana pihak yang berkonflik mampu mengendalikan konflik sehingga konflik bisa selesai dan tidak meluas.
b Konflik tidak terkendali, yaitu konflik dimana pihak yang berkonflik tidak mampu mengendalikan konflik sehingga konflik tidak bisa selesai dan semakin meluas.
5. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan posisi pelaku konflik, dibagi menjadi:
a Konflik vertical, yaitu konflik antar individu atau kelompok yang tidak sederajat
b Konflik horizontal, yaitu konflik antar individu atau kelompok yang sederajat
c Konflik diagonal, yaitu konflik antar bagian dalam suatu kelompok atau organisasi.
6. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai, dibagi menjadi:
a Konflik pendekatan-pendekatan, yaitu konflik yang terjadi karena adanya perbedaan teknis dalam mencapai tujuan.
b Konflik pendekatan-penghindaran, yaitu konflik yang terjadi karena adanya persepsi yang berseberangan dalam mencapai tujuan.
c Konflik penghindaran-penghindaran, yaitu konflik yang sama sekali bukan untuk mencapai tujuan tapi ingin merubah tujuan itu sendiri yang mengarah pada hancurnya tatanan dan bubarnya organisasi
7. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan kosentrasi aktivitas manusia, dibagi menjadi:
a Konflik ekonomi (dipicu oleh kepentingan ekonomi)
b Konflik politik (dipicu oleh kepentingan politik)
c Konflik budaya (dipicu oleh kepentingan budaya)
d Konflik pertahanan (dipicu oleh kepentingan militer)
e Konflik agama (dipicu oleh kepentingan agama)
8. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan sistematika konflik, dibagi menjadi:
a Konflik sistematis, yaitu konflik yang direncanakan dan deprogram secara sistematis, ada yang mengkomando serta mempunyai tujuan tertentu yang ditargetkan.
b Konflik non sistematis, yaitu konflik yang bersifat acak dan spontanitas tanpa dikomando dan memiliki tujuan yang sama.
9. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan struktur organisasi, dibagi menjadi:
a Konflik Hirarki, yaitu konflik antar berbagai tingkatan dalam suatu organisasi, misalnya: konflik antar Presiden Direktur dan Dewan Komisaris.
b Konflik Lini Staf, yaitu konflik yang terjadi antara lini dan staf dalam suatu organisasi, misalnya: kepala bagian keuangan yang tidak memiliki garis komando memerintah kepada staf Tata Usaha sehingga terjadi konflik.
c Konflik Formal-Internal,yaitu konflik yang terjadi antara pegawai tetap dengan pegawai tidak tetap (honorer) dalam organisasi.
10. Konflik dalam hubungannya dengan pelaku (subjek), dibagi menjadi:
a Konflik dalam diri sendiri
b Konflik antara pribadi
c Konflik dalam kelompok
d Konflik antar kelompok
e Konflik dalam organisasi
f Konflik antar organisasi
Lewis Coser membedakan konflik menjadi dua, yaitu:
a Konflik realistis, yaitu konflik dengan tujuan yang rasional dan konflik terjadi karena berhubungan atau sebagai sarana mencapai tujuan
b Konflik tidak realistis, yaitu konflik yang terkait dengan proses yang tidak rasional dan emosional, dan dianggap sebagai tujuan itu sendiri.
Macam-macam konflik dalam bentuk khusus
a Konflik antar generasi
b Konflik rasial
c Konflik kelas social
d Konflik politik
e Konflik internasional
IV. Manajemen Penyelesaian Konflik
a Menurut Niniek dan Yusniati
1. Cara yang produktif
i. Withdrawal (menunggu situasi), artinya menunggu sambil berusaha memahami situasi, setelah kiranya mampu dan yakin dapat berhasil baru melangkah untuk mengatasinya
ii. Assertif (sikap tegas), artinya berusaha mengatasi secara tegas denga cara yang baik, berusaha membina hubungan baik dengan pihak lain dengan ditandai kemauan baik untuk saling mengerti dan memahami alas an, pertimbangan, dan kepentigan pihak lain.
iii. Adjusting (penyesuaian diri), artinya berusaha menyesuaikan diri dengan pihak lain yang menjadi lawannya dalam batas tertentu, misalnya menyetujui syarat yang diminta pihak lain sampai batas tertentu.
2. Cara yang tidak produktif
i. Avoidance (menolak adanya konflik), artinya berusaha untuk tidak terlibat langsung dalam konflik, misalnya dapat dilakukan dengan cara menghindarkan diri dari pihak lain yang sedang konflik dengannya.
ii. Force (menggunakan kekuatan), artinya penyelesaian konflik melalui kekuatan fisik, ancaman, terror, intimidasi.
iii. Mengabaikan adanya konflik, artinya menganggap konflik yang ada tidak terlalu penting, tidak perlu dipikir secara serius, biarlah konflik hilang dengan sendirinya.
iv. Blame (menyalahkan pihak lain), artinya mengatasi konflik dengan cara menyalahkan pihak lain tanpa mengetahui penyebabnya, bahkan menyalahkan pihak ketiga sebagai kambing hitam.
v. Silencers (bersikap supaya orang lain diam), artinya penyelesaian konflik yang dilakukan dengan berbuat sesuatu yang membuat orang lain diam atau tidak melayaninya. Misalnya dengan menangis di depan lawan, memungkinkan masalah pribadi pihak lawan sehingga pihak lawan berdiam diri atau menghindar karena merasa malu.
b Menurut Thomas Santosa
1. Assertivenes (tingkat assertif), yaitu tingkat ketegasan dari setiap pihak dalam memperjuangkan keinginannya.
2. Cooperativeness (tingkat kerjasama), yaitu kemauan untuk bekerja sama dari pihak dalam upaya mencapai kondisi yang paling memuaskan.
Dua dimensi menurut Thomas Santosa kemudian dijabarkan ke dalam lima metode yakni:
1. Kompetisi atau komando Otoritatif, dalam hal ini tingkat ketegasan tinggi tetapi tingkat kerjasama rendah. Dicirikan:
i. Bekerja sama dengan cara menentang keinginan pihak lain
ii. Berjuang untuk mendominasi dalam situasi “menang atau kalah”
iii. Menggunakan berbagai cara, baik dalam bentuk pemaksaan atau penggunaan kekuatan agar trampil sebagai pemenang
Metode Kompetisi digunakan untuk memecahkan konflik, apabila:
i. Kondisi sangat mendesak, darurat, dan gawat
ii. Dibutuhkan adanya sedikit tekanan terhadap pihak lain yang berkonflik
iii. Konflik sangat berpengaruh pada kelanjutan organisasi.
2. Menghindar, tingkat ketegasan maupun tingkat kerjasama berada pada titik rendah, cirinya salah satu pihak atau kedua pihak menarik diri dari situasi konflik. Metode menghindar untuk memecahkan konflik apabila
i. Masalah dan konflik yang dihadapi sangat sepele atau sederhana, sementara masih banyak yang lebih penting untuk ditangani
ii. Tidak ada manfaat yang diperoleh jika konflik diselesaikan
iii. Ingin memberikan kesempatan pada pada pihak lain untuk “tenang dan dingin” sehingga diperoleh presepektif yang lebih lanjut.
iv. Jika pihak lain dianggap lebih baik daripada kita
v. Konflik berasal dari gejala permasalahan lain.
3. Kolaborasi atau Pemecahan Masalah, tingkat ketegasan dan tingkat kerjasama sama-sama tinggi, dicirikan kedua belah pihak bekerjasama melalui perbedaan yang ada, mencari, dan memecahkan masalah sehingga kedua pihak mencapai keuntungan sesuai yang diharapkan. Metode kolaborasi digunakan untuk memecahkan konflik apabila:
i. Kedua pihak memiliki pendapat yang sangat baik dan jika digabungkan bisa didapatkan solusi yang integrative
ii. Tujuan konflik yang dihadapi untuk belajar dari pihak lain
iii. Ingin mendapatkan nilai positif dari pihak lain
iv. Ingin memperoleh komitmen dari pihak lain dengan jalan melakukan consensus
4. Akomodasi atau Meratakan, tingkatan ketegasan sangat rendah tetapi kerjasama sangat tinggi, dicirikan membiarkan keinginan pihak lain lebih menonjol dan meratakan perbedaan guna mempertahankan keharmonisan. Metode akomodasi digunakan untuk memecahkan konflik apabila:
i. Pihak sendiri merasa bersalah dan perlu memperbaiki kesalahannya
ii. Masih membutuhkan kerjasama dengan pihak lain
iii. Keselarasan dan stabilitas menjadi ukuran yang terpenting pada saat itu
iv. Memberikan kesempatan kepada pihak lain untuk belajar dari kesalahan yang dilakukannya.
5. Kompromi, tingkat ketegasan dan tingkat kerjasama seimbang, situasi ini dicirikan:
i. Bekerja sama menuju pemuasan semua pihak
ii. Mengupayakan tawar- menawar untuk mencapai pemecahan yang diterima semua pihak
iii. Semua pihak tidak ada yang menang dan tidak ada yang kalah.
Metode kompromi digunakan untuk memecahkan konflik apabila:
i. Peluang untuk menang atau kalah sasma-sama imbang
ii. Tujuan penyelesaian konflik adalah segalanya
iii. Untuk mencapai penyelesaian yang bersifat sementara
iv. Untuk mendapatkan solusi yang memuaskan semua pihak dalam waktu dan kondisi yang sangat mendesak
v. Jika metode kolaborasi dan kompetisi tidak berhasil menyelesaikan konflik
Konflik juga dapat diselesaikan melalui bantuan sebagai berikut:
i. Arbitrasi (arbitration), yaitu pemecahan konflik mealui pihak ketiga yang dipilih oleh kedua belah pihak, pihak ketiga bisa membuat keputusan atau ketentuan ada.
ii. Mediasi (mediation), yaitu pemecahan konflik melalui pihak ketiga tetapi pihak ketiga hanya berfungsi sebagai penasehat saja.
iii. Peradilan (adjudication), yaitu menyelesaikan konflik melalui lembaga pengadilan yang keputusannya mengikat semua pihak
V. Hasil-hasil dan Dampak Konflik
a Hasil konflik:
i. Konflik Kalah-Kalah, Kedua belah pihak tidak mencapai tujuan yang sebenarnya dan alas an atau factor penyebab konflik tidak mengalami perubahan.
ii. Konflik kalah-menang, salah satu pihak mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan dengan mengorbankan pihak lain.
iii. Konflik menang-menang, semua pihak yang terlibat sama-sama diuntungkan.
b Dampak positif konflik dan dampak negative konflik
i. Dampak positif konflik antara lain: menimbulkan solidaritas kelompok, sebagai alat perubahn social, memperjelas identitas anggota kelompok, tanda adanya dinamika masyarakat, lahirnya lembaga pengamanan.
ii. Dampak negative konflik antara lain:retaknya persatuan kelompok, terjadinya perubahan kepribadian individu, hancurnya harta benda dan jatuhnya korban manusia, dominasi dan takluk pada salah satu pihak.
B. Kekerasan dalam Masyarakat
I. Pengertian dan teori kekerasan. Menurut Soerjono Soekanto, kekerasan adalah pengguanaan kekuatan secara fisik secara paksa terhadap orang maupun benda. Menurut W. J. S. Poerwodarminto, kekerasan adalah perbuatan seseorang atau kelompok orang yang menyebabkan cidera atau matinya orang lain atau menyebabkan kerusakan atas barang orang lain. Teori Faktor Individu, afresifitas pelaku seseorang dapat menyebabkan timbulnya kekerasan baik dilakukan secara individu atau orang lain, baik secara spontan maupun direncanakan, teori factor kelompok, setiap individu atau kelompok cenderung mengedepankan identitas kelompoknya sehingga terjadi benturan antar identitas diri (kelompok) tersebut dapat menyulut terjadinya konflik dan kekerasan. Teori Dinamika Kelompok, timbulnya kekerasan karena terjadi perubahan social yang sangat cepat dalam kelompok masyarakat sehinnga menimbulkan kegoncangan keseimbangan system yang ada pada akhirnya dapat menimbulkan kekerasan.
II. Jenis-jenis kekerasan
a Ditinjau dari pihak yang melakukan, dibagi menjadi:
i. Kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh individu terhadap individu lain.
ii. Kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh individu terhadap kelompok orang
iii. Kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok terhadap individu
iv. Kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok terhadap kelompok lainnya.
b Ditinjau dari jumlah pelakunya, dibagi menjadi:
i. Kekerasan individu (personal violence), kekerasan yang bisa dilakukan oleh individu terhadap dirinya sendiri atau terhadap orang lain.
ii. Kekerasan kolektif (collective violence), yaitu kekerasan yang bisa dilakukan oleh segerombolan orang terhadap seseorang atau kelompok orang.
c Ditinjau dari pelaku kekerasan, terbagi atas:
i. Kekerasan terbuka, yaitu kekerasan yang dilakukan secara langsung, misalnya: perkelahian.
ii. Kekerasan tertutup, yaitu kekerasan yang dilakukan secara sembunyi-sembunyi, misalnya: mengancam dan intimidasi
iii. Kekerasan agresif, yaitu kekerasan yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu, misalnya: mencopet barang milik orang lain.
iv. Kekerasan defensive, yaitu kekerasan yang dilakukan untuk melindungi diri.
d Ditinjau dari keterlibatan pelaku, terbagi atas:
i. Kekerasan langsung (Direct violence), yaitu tindak kekerasan dimana pelaku ikut terjun langsung melakukan tindak kekerasan kepada pihak lain.
ii. Kekerasan tidak langsung (Inderect Violence), yaitu tindak kekerasan dimana pelaku tidak terjun langsung melakukan tindak kekerasan tetapi ia melihat dan membiarkan tindak kekerasan yang terjadi.
e Ditinjau dari pencabutan hak individu atau kelompok, terbagi atas:
i. Kekerasan represif, yaitu kekerasan yang berkaitan dengan pencabutan hak dasar manusia, seperti hak sipil (kebebasan beragama, dan sebagainya) dan hak social (kebebasan bergaul),
ii. Kekerasan alienatif, yaitu kekerasan yang berhubungan dengan pencabutan hak paling vital (hak untuk hidup), misalnya perkembangan emosional, budaya dan intelektual, misalnya pembasmian etnis tertentu, pembodohan masyarakat tertentu, dan lain-lain.
Social Conflict in Society(Source: Ali, NUR. Modul Bahan Ajar Sosiologi Untuk Sekolah Mengengah Atas – Madrasah Aliyah Kelas XI IPS Semester 1. Ponorogo: MGMP Gandini) A. Conflict in SocietyI. Understanding and views About Conflict a Definition of Conflict, Conflict from the Latin term (Conflictus) which means that conflicting, contradictory, contrary, non serasian when individuals or groups seeking to meet the goal by itself.According to Robert M. Z. Lawang, the conflict is the struggle to obtain the value, status, power, where the purpose of those in conflict not only to make profits, but also to beat his rival. According to James W. Vander Zanden, conflict is a disagreement about the value or claim the right to wealth, power, status or region where the parties face each other and aim to neutralize, or harm their opponents aside. According Soerjono Soekanto, conflict is a social process of individual or groups of people trying to meet the goal by challenging the other side is accompanied by threats or violence.
b Views About Conflict1. The traditional view, considers the conflict is negative, is considered as a source of harm to humans. Therefore, the conflict should not be allowed to drag on for social disharmony occurs.2. Neutral view, regard the conflict as a social process that has social value, the reason the conflict is the hallmark of a living human behavior as a "built-in element" where the conflict comes from individual and group differences.3. Modern view, that the conflict is positive, the reason is the presence of conflict in society or social group dynamics will occur in the meaning of life, so will the member to any individual or group for introspecting themselves.
II. The causes and theories of conflicta.The causes of a conflict: first, the differences in personality, secondly, the establishment of inter-individual differences; third, differences of interests between individuals or groups; fourth, rapid social change.b Theory of Conflict, 1. The theory of Karl Mark, saw the community as a developmental process that will end the conflict by the conflict, character is the class struggle and revolution, in the presence of capitalism, there arose a conflict between the bourgeoisie (owners of the means of production) with the workers (proletariat) which later on end through rebellion (revolution) that won the class struggle of the proletariat that would create a society without classes and without the State; 2. Ralf Dahrendorf theory, social change in society is not always caused by social conflict, social conflict and revolution does not change does not result in a revolution, society consists of social groups based power and authority, conflict occurs when one social group to dominate another either through revolution or without a revolution that will produce social change in society; 3. Max Weber's theory, society consists of social groups that are interconnected, and that relationship is very meaningful to them (the group) who took part in it, social relations characterized by domination and control imperative (rule or rule to control the other party). Conflict is a form of social relationship between the one with the other groups to attack or deliberately directed against other groups. Having been able to attack, and then implement in order to reach the peak power of domination or control imperative in public life. 4. Lewis Coser theory, conflict is a form of social interaction that is positive, the reasons: First, conflict can help revive the social norms, or conversely may lead to new social norms; Second, conflict is a tool to adjust the norm with new circumstances and conditions or the development of society; Third , conflict can lead to an increase in the adaptation of social relationships among certain groups. He argues "binds antagonists conflict" means, although there are groups in society have different interests may conflict, but even they can be united through conflict when confronted with an enemy or opponent.
III. Types and types of conflicta Types of conflict1. Intrapersonal Conflict (Conflict Self), that is the conflicts in the individual emotions. This conflict is caused by:i. The excess burden (problems) due to the status of the individualii. Discrepancies between the status of its roleAccording to Kurt Lewin, there are three types namely:i. Positive-positive conflicts, ie conflicts that occur when an individual faces two desires or goals that are equally attractive but must choose one of them. For example: Kenthus choose to work or college, but both are Kenthus desire.ii. Negative-negative conflicts, ie conflicts that occur in individuals who do not wish to face two interesting but must choose one of them. For example: Kenthus must choose a Class or Classes of Social Sciences, but willing to go to class Kenthus language.iii. Negative-positive conflicts, ie conflicts that occur when an individual faces two desires, one of which there are other interesting but troublesome. For example: Kenthus must choose to be a cheerleader or a scout leader, but Khentus like a cheerleader than a scout leader. 2. Intrapersonal Conflict (Personal Conflict), namely the conflict between a person with one or more persons, related to non-fulfillment of one's basic psychological needs such as: to be respected and treated as human beings; to be in control; to be consistent; to have self-esteem. Conflicts between individuals are substantive (involving different ideas, interests, goals) and emotional (with a difference of taste, feeling like or not like).
3. The conflicta conflict within the group, a. namely the conflict between individuals within group, usually occurs because there is a difference in terms of goals, values, motivation, and interest to become members of the group.b Conflict between groups (organizations), that is the conflicts between two or more groups because there are different goals, values, norms, cultural, economic social interests of society.b type of conflict, according to Kurt Lewin, split into two namely:1. Conflict over the contents (contents conflict), the conflict involving objects, events or other people who normally reside outside of the parties to the conflict.2. Conflicts of a relationship between two parties (relationship conflict), conflicts concerning the relationship between two or more parties, especially in deciding who to play, the right to determine and regulate.George Simmel divide the conflict into three types, as follows:1. War, the battle or hostility between two or more paskuan not use weapons or weapons. Form of war, among others: Cold War, limited war, open war, total war, proxy war, civil war, the price war, war pens, colonial wars, guerrilla warfare, economic warfare.2. Legal disputes, the conflict-related violations of law both civil and criminal nature.3. Ideological conflict, that conflict-related conflict indigo system.Pancasila eg, liberal, communist, Islamic, and so forth.Kusnadi classify conflicts into 10 types, as follows:1. Conflict in relation to the objectives of the organization, divided into:a functional conflict, the conflict that support the achievement of organizational goals and be constructive, leading to gains: increased initiative and creativity of individuals or groups; intensity of effort is increasing; stronger bond of union; decline of personal or group tensions.b dysfunctional conflict, namely conflicts that hinder the organization's objectives and are deskruktif, causing losses as follows: place a feelings of anxiety, tension (stress), gripping; going communications are shrinking; happen unfair competition; the attention of an increasingly shrinking towards a common goal; occurThe great explosion of conflict to arise violence.
2. Conflict in relation to the nature of the behavior, can be divided into:a conflict is open, the conflict is known by all parties in the organization or the whole community in a nation;Conflict b closed, the conflict is only known by the parties involved so that outsiders just do not know if there is conflict.
3. Conflict in relation to time, be divided into:a conflict for a moment (spontaneous), the conflicts are temporary and usually starts because of a misunderstanding that is nothing.b ongoing conflict, the conflict is long and difficult to resolve despite the settlement, but still with an elaborate stage completed even though that sometimes appear in a new conflict is a continuation of previous conflicts.
4. Conflict in relation to controlling conflict, divided into:a conflict under control, the conflict where the conflicting parties are able to control the conflict so that conflict can be completed and not widespread.b Conflict of control, namely the conflict where the conflicting parties are not able to control the conflict so that conflict can not be completed and more widespread.
5. Conflict in relation to the position of conflict actors, divided into:a vertical conflict, namely conflicts between individuals or groups are not equalb horizontal conflicts, ie conflicts between individuals or groups are equalc Conflict diagonal, namely the conflict between the inside of a group or organization.
6. Conflict in relation to the objectives, divided into:a conflict approaches, namely the conflict that occurred because of technical differences in achieving its objectives.b Conflict-avoidance approach, namely the conflict because of the perception in the opposite goal.c-avoidance conflict avoidance, conflict is by no means to an end but want to change the goal itself that leads to the dissolution of the collapse of order and organization
7. Conflict in relation to the concentration of human activities, divided into:a conflict economy (driven by economic interests)b The political conflict (fueled by political interests)c conflict culture (fueled by cultural interests)d conflict defense (triggered by military necessity)e Conflict religion (driven by the interests of religion)
8. Conflict in relation to the systematics of conflict, divided into:a systematic conflict, that conflict is systematically planned and programmed, there is command and have targeted a particular objective.b non-systematic conflict, that conflict is random and spontaneous without command and have the same goal.
9. Conflict in relation to organizational structure, divided into:a The hierarchy of a conflict, the conflict between the various levels within an organization, for example: the conflict between the President and Board of Commissioners.b Conflict line staff, namely the conflict between line and staff within an organization, such as chief financial officer who does not have a command line command to the Administrative staff resulting in conflict.c Formal-Internal Conflict, namely the conflict between the employee remained with the non-permanent staff (honorary) in the organization.
10. Conflict in relation to the actor (subject), divided into:a conflict within yourselfb The conflict between personalc Conflict in group d conflict between groupse conflict in organizationsf Conflict between organizationsLewis Coser distinguish the conflict into two, namely:a realistic conflict, that conflict with the goal of a rational and conflict occur through contact or as a means to an endb The conflict is realistic, that is the conflicts associated with the irrational and emotional, and regarded as an end in itself.Various kinds of conflicts in the form of speciala conflict between generationsb Racial Conflictc Conflict social classd Political Conflicte International ConflictIV. Management of Conflict Resolutiona According to a Niniek and Yusniati. A productive wayi. Withdrawal (waiting for the situation), it means waiting, trying to understand the situation, after presumably capable and confident of successful new step to resolveii. Assertif (assertiveness), that is trying to address explicitly the premises a good way, trying to establish good relations with other parties with a marked willingness to understand each other better and understand the reasons, considerations, and kepentigan others.iii. Adjusting (adjustment), it means trying to adjust to the other parties into his opponent in a certain limit, for example, agree to the terms demanded others to some extent.
2. Unproductive wayi. Avoidance (rejecting the existence of conflict), it means trying not to be directly involved in the conflict, for example, can be done by way of escape from the other party in conflict with it.ii. Force (using force), meaning that the resolution of conflicts through physical force, threat, terror, intimidation.iii. Ignore the conflict, that conflict is not considered very important, do not need to think seriously, let the conflict go away.iv. Blame (blame others), means to resolve conflicts in a way to blame others without knowing the cause, even blame a third party as a scapegoat.v. Silencers (to be quiet so other people), means of conflict resolution is done by doing something that makes others silent or not to serve him. For example, by crying in front of the opponent, allowing personal problems to the opposition parties opposed to silence or to avoid embarrassment.
b According to Thomas Santosa1. Assertivenes (assertif level), the level of firmness of each side in a fight for his desire.2. Cooperativeness (the level of cooperation), the willingness of the parties to cooperate in efforts to achieve the most satisfactory condition.Two dimensions according to Thomas Santosa then translated into the five methods are:1. Authoritative command competition or, in this case a high level of specificity but low levels of cooperation. Characterized by:i. Working together in a way against the wishes of other partiesii. Struggle to dominate the situation "win or lose"iii. Using a variety of ways, either in the form of coercion or the use of force so skilled as a winnerCompetition methods used to solve the conflict, if:i. Condition is very urgent, emergency, and emergencyii. It takes a little pressure on other parties to the conflictiii. The conflict is very influential in the continuation of the organization.2. Avoidance, assertiveness and the level of cooperation is at a low point, typically one party or both parties to withdraw from conflict situations. Avoidance methods to resolve conflicts wheni. Problems and conflicts faced by a very trivial or simple, while there is still much more important to be handledii. There are no benefits if the conflict is resolvediii. Want to give an opportunity to the other party for "calm and cool" in order to obtain further presepektif.iv. If the other party is considered better than usv. The conflict comes from the symptoms of other problems.
3. Collaboration or problem solving, the specificity and level of cooperation are equally high, characterized the two sides work through the differences, find, and solve the problem so that both parties achieve profitability as expected. Collaboration methods used to solve the conflict if:i. Both sides have a very good opinion, and if combined integrative solution can be obtainedii. Goal conflicts faced to learn from othersiii. Want to get a positive value of the other partyiv. Want to gain commitment from others by doing consensus
4. Accommodation or Flatten, very low levels of assertiveness, but cooperation is very high, characterized by a desire to let others stand out and flatten the differences in order to maintain harmony.The method used to solve conflicts accommodation if:i. Parties themselves feel guilty and need to correct his mistakesii. Still requires cooperation with other partiesiii. Harmony and stability become an important measure as itiv. Provide an opportunity for others to learn from the mistakes he did.
5. Compromise, the level of rigor and balanced level of cooperation, the situation is characterized by:i. Work together towards the satisfaction of all partiesii. Seeking a bargain to reach a solution acceptable to all parties whoiii. All parties nobody wins and nobody loses.Compromise method used to solve the conflict if:i. Chance to win or lose together draw sameii. The purpose of conflict resolution is everythingiii. To reach tentative settlementiv. To obtain a solution that satisfies all parties within and under very urgentv. If the method of collaboration and competition are not successfully resolve the conflict
Conflict can also be solved through the help of the following:i. Arbitration (arbitration), the resolution of conflict trough third party chosen by both parties, third parties could make a decision or conditions exist.ii. Mediation (mediation), the resolution of conflict through a third party but a third party only serves as an advisor only.iii. Judicial (adjudication), the courts resolve the conflict through a decision binding on all parties
V. The results and Conflict Impacta result of conflict:i. Lose-lose conflict, both parties do not reach their true purpose and reason or factor causing conflict has not changed.ii. Zero-sum conflict, one of the parties to achieve the desired objectives at the expense of others.iii. Win-win conflict, all parties involved are equally benefited.b The positive impact of conflict and the negative impact of conflicti. The positive impact of conflict include: create group solidarity, as a means of social perubahn, clarifying the identity of group members, a sign of a dynamic society, the birth of the security agencies.ii. Negative impact of conflict include: the breakdown of the unity of the group, individual personality changes, destruction of property and human casualties, dominance and submission in one of the parties.
B. Violence in SocietyI. Understanding and theory of violence. According Soerjono Soekanto, violence is pengguanaan physical force by force against the person or object. According to W. J. S. Poerwodarminto, violence is the act of a person or group of persons who cause injury or death of another person or cause damage to the goods of others.Theory of individual factors, actors afresifitas someone can give rise to violence, whether done individually or anyone else, either spontaneously or planned, the factor group theory, any individual or group identity tend to promote the group so that a clash between self-identity (group) that can trigger the occurrence of conflict and violence. Group dynamics theory, the emergence of violence due to social changes occur very rapidly in communities sehinnga cause tossing balance the existing system can eventually lead to violence.II. The types of violencea Judging from a party that does, is divided into:i. Violence perpetrated by individuals against other individuals.ii. Violence perpetrated by individuals against groups of peopleiii. Violence perpetrated by groups of individualsiv. Violence by groups against other groups.b Evaluated from the perpetrator, is divided into:i. Violent individual (personal violence), violence can be done by an individual against himself or to others.ii. Collective violence (collective violence), that violence can be done by a bunch of people against a person or group of people.c Evaluated from violent offenders, consisting of:i. Open violence, the violence is carried out directly, for example: a fight.ii. Violence is closed, the violence perpetrated in secret, for example: threatening and intimidationiii. Aggressive violence, the violence done to get something, for example: pilfer the property of others.iv. Defensive violence, the violence done to protect themselves.d Evaluated from the involvement of actors, consisting of:i. Direct violence (direct violence), that acts of violence where the perpetrator participated directly commit acts of violence to others.ii. Indirect violence (Inderect Violence), that acts of violence where the perpetrator does not go directly to violence, but he saw and abetting the violence.e Evaluated from extraction rights of individuals or groups, consisting of:i. Repressive violence, the violence associated with the removal of basic human rights such as civil rights (freedom of religion, etc.) and social rights (the freedom to get along),ii. Alienatif violence, the violence associated with the repeal of the most vital rights (right to life), for example the development of emotional, cultural and intellectual, such as certain ethnic extermination, duping certain people, and others.
b Views About Conflict1. The traditional view, considers the conflict is negative, is considered as a source of harm to humans. Therefore, the conflict should not be allowed to drag on for social disharmony occurs.2. Neutral view, regard the conflict as a social process that has social value, the reason the conflict is the hallmark of a living human behavior as a "built-in element" where the conflict comes from individual and group differences.3. Modern view, that the conflict is positive, the reason is the presence of conflict in society or social group dynamics will occur in the meaning of life, so will the member to any individual or group for introspecting themselves.
II. The causes and theories of conflicta.The causes of a conflict: first, the differences in personality, secondly, the establishment of inter-individual differences; third, differences of interests between individuals or groups; fourth, rapid social change.b Theory of Conflict, 1. The theory of Karl Mark, saw the community as a developmental process that will end the conflict by the conflict, character is the class struggle and revolution, in the presence of capitalism, there arose a conflict between the bourgeoisie (owners of the means of production) with the workers (proletariat) which later on end through rebellion (revolution) that won the class struggle of the proletariat that would create a society without classes and without the State; 2. Ralf Dahrendorf theory, social change in society is not always caused by social conflict, social conflict and revolution does not change does not result in a revolution, society consists of social groups based power and authority, conflict occurs when one social group to dominate another either through revolution or without a revolution that will produce social change in society; 3. Max Weber's theory, society consists of social groups that are interconnected, and that relationship is very meaningful to them (the group) who took part in it, social relations characterized by domination and control imperative (rule or rule to control the other party). Conflict is a form of social relationship between the one with the other groups to attack or deliberately directed against other groups. Having been able to attack, and then implement in order to reach the peak power of domination or control imperative in public life. 4. Lewis Coser theory, conflict is a form of social interaction that is positive, the reasons: First, conflict can help revive the social norms, or conversely may lead to new social norms; Second, conflict is a tool to adjust the norm with new circumstances and conditions or the development of society; Third , conflict can lead to an increase in the adaptation of social relationships among certain groups. He argues "binds antagonists conflict" means, although there are groups in society have different interests may conflict, but even they can be united through conflict when confronted with an enemy or opponent.
III. Types and types of conflicta Types of conflict1. Intrapersonal Conflict (Conflict Self), that is the conflicts in the individual emotions. This conflict is caused by:i. The excess burden (problems) due to the status of the individualii. Discrepancies between the status of its roleAccording to Kurt Lewin, there are three types namely:i. Positive-positive conflicts, ie conflicts that occur when an individual faces two desires or goals that are equally attractive but must choose one of them. For example: Kenthus choose to work or college, but both are Kenthus desire.ii. Negative-negative conflicts, ie conflicts that occur in individuals who do not wish to face two interesting but must choose one of them. For example: Kenthus must choose a Class or Classes of Social Sciences, but willing to go to class Kenthus language.iii. Negative-positive conflicts, ie conflicts that occur when an individual faces two desires, one of which there are other interesting but troublesome. For example: Kenthus must choose to be a cheerleader or a scout leader, but Khentus like a cheerleader than a scout leader. 2. Intrapersonal Conflict (Personal Conflict), namely the conflict between a person with one or more persons, related to non-fulfillment of one's basic psychological needs such as: to be respected and treated as human beings; to be in control; to be consistent; to have self-esteem. Conflicts between individuals are substantive (involving different ideas, interests, goals) and emotional (with a difference of taste, feeling like or not like).
3. The conflicta conflict within the group, a. namely the conflict between individuals within group, usually occurs because there is a difference in terms of goals, values, motivation, and interest to become members of the group.b Conflict between groups (organizations), that is the conflicts between two or more groups because there are different goals, values, norms, cultural, economic social interests of society.b type of conflict, according to Kurt Lewin, split into two namely:1. Conflict over the contents (contents conflict), the conflict involving objects, events or other people who normally reside outside of the parties to the conflict.2. Conflicts of a relationship between two parties (relationship conflict), conflicts concerning the relationship between two or more parties, especially in deciding who to play, the right to determine and regulate.George Simmel divide the conflict into three types, as follows:1. War, the battle or hostility between two or more paskuan not use weapons or weapons. Form of war, among others: Cold War, limited war, open war, total war, proxy war, civil war, the price war, war pens, colonial wars, guerrilla warfare, economic warfare.2. Legal disputes, the conflict-related violations of law both civil and criminal nature.3. Ideological conflict, that conflict-related conflict indigo system.Pancasila eg, liberal, communist, Islamic, and so forth.Kusnadi classify conflicts into 10 types, as follows:1. Conflict in relation to the objectives of the organization, divided into:a functional conflict, the conflict that support the achievement of organizational goals and be constructive, leading to gains: increased initiative and creativity of individuals or groups; intensity of effort is increasing; stronger bond of union; decline of personal or group tensions.b dysfunctional conflict, namely conflicts that hinder the organization's objectives and are deskruktif, causing losses as follows: place a feelings of anxiety, tension (stress), gripping; going communications are shrinking; happen unfair competition; the attention of an increasingly shrinking towards a common goal; occurThe great explosion of conflict to arise violence.
2. Conflict in relation to the nature of the behavior, can be divided into:a conflict is open, the conflict is known by all parties in the organization or the whole community in a nation;Conflict b closed, the conflict is only known by the parties involved so that outsiders just do not know if there is conflict.
3. Conflict in relation to time, be divided into:a conflict for a moment (spontaneous), the conflicts are temporary and usually starts because of a misunderstanding that is nothing.b ongoing conflict, the conflict is long and difficult to resolve despite the settlement, but still with an elaborate stage completed even though that sometimes appear in a new conflict is a continuation of previous conflicts.
4. Conflict in relation to controlling conflict, divided into:a conflict under control, the conflict where the conflicting parties are able to control the conflict so that conflict can be completed and not widespread.b Conflict of control, namely the conflict where the conflicting parties are not able to control the conflict so that conflict can not be completed and more widespread.
5. Conflict in relation to the position of conflict actors, divided into:a vertical conflict, namely conflicts between individuals or groups are not equalb horizontal conflicts, ie conflicts between individuals or groups are equalc Conflict diagonal, namely the conflict between the inside of a group or organization.
6. Conflict in relation to the objectives, divided into:a conflict approaches, namely the conflict that occurred because of technical differences in achieving its objectives.b Conflict-avoidance approach, namely the conflict because of the perception in the opposite goal.c-avoidance conflict avoidance, conflict is by no means to an end but want to change the goal itself that leads to the dissolution of the collapse of order and organization
7. Conflict in relation to the concentration of human activities, divided into:a conflict economy (driven by economic interests)b The political conflict (fueled by political interests)c conflict culture (fueled by cultural interests)d conflict defense (triggered by military necessity)e Conflict religion (driven by the interests of religion)
8. Conflict in relation to the systematics of conflict, divided into:a systematic conflict, that conflict is systematically planned and programmed, there is command and have targeted a particular objective.b non-systematic conflict, that conflict is random and spontaneous without command and have the same goal.
9. Conflict in relation to organizational structure, divided into:a The hierarchy of a conflict, the conflict between the various levels within an organization, for example: the conflict between the President and Board of Commissioners.b Conflict line staff, namely the conflict between line and staff within an organization, such as chief financial officer who does not have a command line command to the Administrative staff resulting in conflict.c Formal-Internal Conflict, namely the conflict between the employee remained with the non-permanent staff (honorary) in the organization.
10. Conflict in relation to the actor (subject), divided into:a conflict within yourselfb The conflict between personalc Conflict in group d conflict between groupse conflict in organizationsf Conflict between organizationsLewis Coser distinguish the conflict into two, namely:a realistic conflict, that conflict with the goal of a rational and conflict occur through contact or as a means to an endb The conflict is realistic, that is the conflicts associated with the irrational and emotional, and regarded as an end in itself.Various kinds of conflicts in the form of speciala conflict between generationsb Racial Conflictc Conflict social classd Political Conflicte International ConflictIV. Management of Conflict Resolutiona According to a Niniek and Yusniati. A productive wayi. Withdrawal (waiting for the situation), it means waiting, trying to understand the situation, after presumably capable and confident of successful new step to resolveii. Assertif (assertiveness), that is trying to address explicitly the premises a good way, trying to establish good relations with other parties with a marked willingness to understand each other better and understand the reasons, considerations, and kepentigan others.iii. Adjusting (adjustment), it means trying to adjust to the other parties into his opponent in a certain limit, for example, agree to the terms demanded others to some extent.
2. Unproductive wayi. Avoidance (rejecting the existence of conflict), it means trying not to be directly involved in the conflict, for example, can be done by way of escape from the other party in conflict with it.ii. Force (using force), meaning that the resolution of conflicts through physical force, threat, terror, intimidation.iii. Ignore the conflict, that conflict is not considered very important, do not need to think seriously, let the conflict go away.iv. Blame (blame others), means to resolve conflicts in a way to blame others without knowing the cause, even blame a third party as a scapegoat.v. Silencers (to be quiet so other people), means of conflict resolution is done by doing something that makes others silent or not to serve him. For example, by crying in front of the opponent, allowing personal problems to the opposition parties opposed to silence or to avoid embarrassment.
b According to Thomas Santosa1. Assertivenes (assertif level), the level of firmness of each side in a fight for his desire.2. Cooperativeness (the level of cooperation), the willingness of the parties to cooperate in efforts to achieve the most satisfactory condition.Two dimensions according to Thomas Santosa then translated into the five methods are:1. Authoritative command competition or, in this case a high level of specificity but low levels of cooperation. Characterized by:i. Working together in a way against the wishes of other partiesii. Struggle to dominate the situation "win or lose"iii. Using a variety of ways, either in the form of coercion or the use of force so skilled as a winnerCompetition methods used to solve the conflict, if:i. Condition is very urgent, emergency, and emergencyii. It takes a little pressure on other parties to the conflictiii. The conflict is very influential in the continuation of the organization.2. Avoidance, assertiveness and the level of cooperation is at a low point, typically one party or both parties to withdraw from conflict situations. Avoidance methods to resolve conflicts wheni. Problems and conflicts faced by a very trivial or simple, while there is still much more important to be handledii. There are no benefits if the conflict is resolvediii. Want to give an opportunity to the other party for "calm and cool" in order to obtain further presepektif.iv. If the other party is considered better than usv. The conflict comes from the symptoms of other problems.
3. Collaboration or problem solving, the specificity and level of cooperation are equally high, characterized the two sides work through the differences, find, and solve the problem so that both parties achieve profitability as expected. Collaboration methods used to solve the conflict if:i. Both sides have a very good opinion, and if combined integrative solution can be obtainedii. Goal conflicts faced to learn from othersiii. Want to get a positive value of the other partyiv. Want to gain commitment from others by doing consensus
4. Accommodation or Flatten, very low levels of assertiveness, but cooperation is very high, characterized by a desire to let others stand out and flatten the differences in order to maintain harmony.The method used to solve conflicts accommodation if:i. Parties themselves feel guilty and need to correct his mistakesii. Still requires cooperation with other partiesiii. Harmony and stability become an important measure as itiv. Provide an opportunity for others to learn from the mistakes he did.
5. Compromise, the level of rigor and balanced level of cooperation, the situation is characterized by:i. Work together towards the satisfaction of all partiesii. Seeking a bargain to reach a solution acceptable to all parties whoiii. All parties nobody wins and nobody loses.Compromise method used to solve the conflict if:i. Chance to win or lose together draw sameii. The purpose of conflict resolution is everythingiii. To reach tentative settlementiv. To obtain a solution that satisfies all parties within and under very urgentv. If the method of collaboration and competition are not successfully resolve the conflict
Conflict can also be solved through the help of the following:i. Arbitration (arbitration), the resolution of conflict trough third party chosen by both parties, third parties could make a decision or conditions exist.ii. Mediation (mediation), the resolution of conflict through a third party but a third party only serves as an advisor only.iii. Judicial (adjudication), the courts resolve the conflict through a decision binding on all parties
V. The results and Conflict Impacta result of conflict:i. Lose-lose conflict, both parties do not reach their true purpose and reason or factor causing conflict has not changed.ii. Zero-sum conflict, one of the parties to achieve the desired objectives at the expense of others.iii. Win-win conflict, all parties involved are equally benefited.b The positive impact of conflict and the negative impact of conflicti. The positive impact of conflict include: create group solidarity, as a means of social perubahn, clarifying the identity of group members, a sign of a dynamic society, the birth of the security agencies.ii. Negative impact of conflict include: the breakdown of the unity of the group, individual personality changes, destruction of property and human casualties, dominance and submission in one of the parties.
B. Violence in SocietyI. Understanding and theory of violence. According Soerjono Soekanto, violence is pengguanaan physical force by force against the person or object. According to W. J. S. Poerwodarminto, violence is the act of a person or group of persons who cause injury or death of another person or cause damage to the goods of others.Theory of individual factors, actors afresifitas someone can give rise to violence, whether done individually or anyone else, either spontaneously or planned, the factor group theory, any individual or group identity tend to promote the group so that a clash between self-identity (group) that can trigger the occurrence of conflict and violence. Group dynamics theory, the emergence of violence due to social changes occur very rapidly in communities sehinnga cause tossing balance the existing system can eventually lead to violence.II. The types of violencea Judging from a party that does, is divided into:i. Violence perpetrated by individuals against other individuals.ii. Violence perpetrated by individuals against groups of peopleiii. Violence perpetrated by groups of individualsiv. Violence by groups against other groups.b Evaluated from the perpetrator, is divided into:i. Violent individual (personal violence), violence can be done by an individual against himself or to others.ii. Collective violence (collective violence), that violence can be done by a bunch of people against a person or group of people.c Evaluated from violent offenders, consisting of:i. Open violence, the violence is carried out directly, for example: a fight.ii. Violence is closed, the violence perpetrated in secret, for example: threatening and intimidationiii. Aggressive violence, the violence done to get something, for example: pilfer the property of others.iv. Defensive violence, the violence done to protect themselves.d Evaluated from the involvement of actors, consisting of:i. Direct violence (direct violence), that acts of violence where the perpetrator participated directly commit acts of violence to others.ii. Indirect violence (Inderect Violence), that acts of violence where the perpetrator does not go directly to violence, but he saw and abetting the violence.e Evaluated from extraction rights of individuals or groups, consisting of:i. Repressive violence, the violence associated with the removal of basic human rights such as civil rights (freedom of religion, etc.) and social rights (the freedom to get along),ii. Alienatif violence, the violence associated with the repeal of the most vital rights (right to life), for example the development of emotional, cultural and intellectual, such as certain ethnic extermination, duping certain people, and others.
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